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NRG aka Caligula

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Posts posted by NRG aka Caligula

  1. alt text
    RolePlay Number: <11>
    Participants: SAi
    RolePlay Story: I was driving around Las Venturas and i got an idea about checking new property for me. I started searching and i got a phone from President of GMC about checking one for Gladiators MC too. I wanted to find them in a village. Because of we can not continue our illegal jobs in cities. I was driving to Bone County. 2 SAi vehicles opened sirens and wanted to pull me over. I parked my green Sabre and they told me hands up to roof of the Sabre. I did whatever they say. They asked me "Are you part of a club? Cause you seem like a biker." I said them "Yes" and they asked me lot's of private things. I lied them about our club. I told them "We are the club for bike lovers. We hate illegal things." They didn't understand my lie. They left me alone. I contiuned and found a property. I bought it for Gladiators MC... G.F.F.G!
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/u4MMqeI

  2. ~[Hello there! I am NRG. I am one of LWS wannabe/applicant. I will post to here my events. I was looking for LWS's always. And i saw that lot's of LWS members are inactive or useless. I got an idea about applying to LWS. For making LWS active and helping to Gang/Squad/Group... I hope that you can understand.]~(black)

    ~[Event Form:]~(black,green,black)
    #Number of events
    Event Type:
    Event Prize(s):
    LWS Member:

    ~[Total Events:]~(black,green,black) 4

  3. alt text
    RolePlay Number: 7
    Participants: Radio,Genetrix,[Sup78].
    RolePlay Story: We were on roadtrip and i see something wrong on our vehicles. I was second on roadtrip and i said to genetrix "Hey Gene! I can not continue" Gene looked to me and he asked me why i can not continue. I told him my freeway is damned. So we got an idea about checking out our vehicles. I called for a mechanic. Mechanic came to the base of gladiators mc after 1-2 hours. We talked about some idiots trying to annoy us within 1-2 hours. I shaked with Mr.Mechanic and talked about money. We started the check out for vehicles after being sure about money. We started with wayfarer of gmc. The mechanic checked its back wheel cause of there is a nail. The mechanic changed the wheel. The mechanic saw a thing in bag of wayfarer. There's only 3 spacers. There should be 4 spacers. The mechanic got a spacer from his pocket and repaired bag of wayfarer. After the wayfarer of gmc, we went to freeway. The mechanic directly saw the wrong thing on freeway. Steering wheel of freeway was loosen up. And the mechanic repaired the steering wheel of the freeway. After the freeway we went to sabre. Our sabre was already crashed. The mechanic repaired right and left doors. The engine got damaged cause of we were trying to throw beers into to the car... even in hood. Hood got damaged too. But it was funny for real. The mechanic repaired sabre's engine with hood too. I paid the money to the mechanic. And we thank him for doing his job as perfectly. After everything we went to bar. BEERS FROM ME!!!!
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M5cscIC

  4. @Hax said in Gladiators MC:

    Personal Informations (I):
    Name: Hax.
    Acc-name: rajanpro
    Age: 13

    We are still unsure about you... You are ~[pending]~(orange). Hang with GMC members and let us have an idea. Good Luck!

    @striker said in Gladiators MC:

    Personal Informations (I):
    Name: Houssem
    Acc-name: houssem
    Age: 17

    Thank you for your interests but i think you are not enought to fit us. You are ~[denied]~(red). Feel free to re-apply after 48 hours if you still interest on GMC.

  5. alt text
    Attenders: [TST]Max[PFC] , [TST]L!on[R]

    Story: I got rank up so i got lot's of responsibility, like checkouts,trainings and something like that. I was thinking about going to patrol with Private First Class of TST Max. I saw that our cars needs a check out. I called mechanic for it. Mr.L!on came to base of The Strike Team. The mechanic (Mr.L!on) came to garage of our base. We talked a lot about everything in San Andreas and we started around after one hour. We started with our TST Rancher. Mr.L!on checked engine of TST Rancher. After the rancher we went to TST Car -fast one-. We see that it's wheel has a blank cause of a glass. Mr.L!on found the glass and changed the wheel. We went to Enforcer after TST Car. Mr.L!on checked its engine cause of it is heavy vehicle and generally our enforcer is distorting. After enforcer we went to S.W.A.T vehicle. We saw that it is damaged about throwing water. Mr.L!on repaired it. After the S.W.A.T vehicle we went to TTRU Rancher. It's sirens were distroted. Mr.L!on repaired sirens of the TTRU Rancher. We went to the last car -Sultan- after TTRU Rancher. Our sultan was useless cause of damaged from bumber. Mr.L!on repaired bumber and we went to interior of base of The Strike Team and i paid the mechanic ~[7800$]~(green).

    alt text

  6. Hello @SAES-HQ I need emergency help. I forget my ingame password. I tried everything (clicked forgot password) I changed but nothing happened. I think my e mail is wrong. I need to learn my e mail. Please help me.
    Username: eagle767

    Chief of Staff of TST

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