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SAES Members
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Everything posted by Sou

  1. of all the other topics you could start...
  2. I have a shitload of favorite movies, but here are some of my absolute favorite; Troy - Kingdom of Heaven - Braveheart - Outlaw King - Saving Private Ryan - Fury - Enemy at the Gates - Valkyrie Recommended for history and war geeks like myself.
  3. ^[] Date: 25.12.2018 Story: I finished my work at the garage and was about to leave when I received a call from a friend asking if he can drop by and get a repair for his cars damaged tire. Luckily for him, I owed him many favors, and hence I couldnt refuse to help. So I stayed and waited for him. When he arrived, I welcomed him, and then I had him park the car in place for me to take a look at the tire. It was no big deal, as I quickly replaced it with a new one. And so, in payment of my debts, I offered that service for free. We then shook hands and he went on his way. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hMcIveW
  4. ^[] ^[Tow & Repair Service] ^[Date: 24.12.2018] Story: It was nearly 8 PM, I was on the way home after doing extra hours at the garage, and I happened to drive past an old man who was on the side of the road. Smoke was coming out of the hood, and the man seemed confused about what to do. ^[] I decided to offer help, so I quickly made a U-turn and pulled over in front of him. After a little talk and taking a look under the hood, it turned out the engine got overheated and only needed cooling. I assured the old man that I'll deal with it back at ALT's garage and that he can retrieve his car in the morning. ^[] Soon after, I towed it all the way to the garage where I handled the situation appropriately.
  5. ^[] ^[Refilling Gas Stations across San Andreas - 23.12.2018] Screenshots: Click here
  6. ^[] ^[Refilling Gas Stations across San Andreas - 13.12.2018] Screenshots: Click here
  7. ^[] ^[Refilling Gas Stations across San Andreas - 01.12.2018] Screenshots: Click here
  8. ^[] ^[Refilling Gas Stations across San Andreas - 18.11.2018] Screenshots: Click here
  9. New Discord server for Secret Service, everyone is welcome! https://discord.gg/AM7aPSR
  10. Your ingame username: thedamnboss Your ingame alias: Sou Your real name: Mohamed Your year of birth: 2002 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Language skills: I speak three languages. Arabic, which is my mother tongue; English, at a very decent level; and French, not so fluently but I can manage myself pretty well. English Proficiency: Very proficient. How long you have been playing: I have been playing since January of 2016, making it almost three years. Your strengths: I am mature and respectful towards everyone. I understand when I'm required to get serious and when I'm allowed to joke around. I always seek to accomplish any tasks to the best of my abilities, no matter how long it may take. That's pretty much all there is. Your weaknesses: Sometimes I can put up with people that purposely tend to annoy me and get on my nerves, and other times I can be so quick-tempered that I can't stand a soul. It mostly depends on what I'm going through that day. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): CS Teamspeak Installed: Yes Discord Installed: Yes Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes, but I wouldn't say all the time. I mostly only interfere when I am called or needed. Reason for application: I figured I might try my chances and see if I can step up my game. I've also been so fed up with the unavailability of admins at times when an admin is most needed, as well as the slow processing of reports... sometimes. Unique qualities you can offer: Activity, maturity, patience, fairness, and efficiency; all together. Server Memberships: I'm an active member of SWAT, Desert Eagles, Military-Civilian Components as a unit leader, Homeland Security, Secret Service, San Andreas Interceptors, San Andreas Fire Department and raceTECH. Additional information: I cannot think of any - necessary - additional information, but I'm willing to answer any questions, should there be any. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I was admin-jailed once for helping a criminal escape from cops (with me being a cop); at least that is the one punishment I can remember, in addition to a couple of mutes for not speaking English on the main chat. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned twice; The first ban was in May 2016, because of multi-accounting. The second ban was in May 2017, because I was suspected of helping someone evade his ban. Are you a muslim?: Yes, I am.
  11. Happy birthday SAES! Glad to have been a small part of this journey =)
  12. ^[] ^[Refilling Gas Stations across San Andreas] Screenshots: Click here
  13. You're trying so hard to give cops a hard time that it's become ridiculous, lmao.
  14. Best of luck to all candidates!
  15. Congratulations on your promotion! Keep up the good work, carry on, and make Faker proud. =)
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Happy birthday Tamir! All the best <3
  18. Sold to @Mr-A, please meet me in-game as soon as you can! Can be locked and archived.
  19. Yet another reminder. This will remain open for bids over the next two days, then I'm wrapping up the sale.
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