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Everything posted by Sou

  1. 107.5 points confirmed.
  2. The property belongs to a resident of Ukraine and can't be requested.
  3. Sorted (1/2)
  4. The property is owned by a clan member, request denied.
  5. Sorted
  6. Sorted
  7. Vehicles sorted, custom wrap still to be added Edit: Wrap added @schwaring enjoy
  8. Sorted
  9. Address: SF Bank Shops #1 Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 12th August 2024 Screenshots:
  10. Sorted (2/2)
  11. Vehicle ID: 598 Wrap access: S.W.A.T. (Can be uploaded as gang_swat) Type of wrap: Organization level reward Wrap image: https://imgur.com/7cIDvnu Translations: (if custom wrap) N/A
  12. Sorted (1/2)
  13. Sorted (2/2)
  14. Sorted
  15. Sorted
  16. Didn't include a screenshot of /seen at the time of posting, therefore the request is invalid The following post is the next valid one:
  17. Sorted (1/2)
  18. Didn't include a screenshot at the time of posting, therefore the request is invalid The following post is the next valid one:
  19. Sorted (2/2)
  20. Already requested:
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