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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by ZeKinG
Thank you for cooperation sir !
Hello ZekinG, thank you for donation, Reward monney done, and added the differents cars.
Thank you for donation sir ! Reward Money is done, added on the donator group too.
This is an automated post TXN ID: 12W67410JV631182E Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
Placed a Dammaged Glendale at OC Base ( garage ) locked for evgenei901,jaycee2015 and owned by evgenei901 (YOU)
SAPA Training - Bank Rob situation https://imgur.com/a/rJ38FpY
@Daryl Can you confirm that please ? ( i checked /donations, no donations found ) Added a Dodo at SF Airport here as requested locked to "oussama88, siraminor18, Warrior213, hiredkiller" and owned by "Oussama88" (you).
SAFP|Seals|PO request to be added to donator spawn
ZeKinG replied to sael-s's topic in Reward Change Archive
Sorted - added on donator spawn -
Removed one admiral and one Sentinal at LV Center ( near Clown Poket hotel ) owned by "mistercarlos" (you). Removed a shamal at LV Airport owned by "mistercarlos" (you). And request at SAHA to removed the Icon Added 2 Startum at SAFP Base here as requested locked to "mistercarlos" and owned by "mistercarlos" (you). Added a Buffalo at SAFP base here as requested locked to "mistercarlos" and owned by "mistercarlos" (you).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY TUTTY ! :birthday: @Tut-Greco @SAPA-Instructors @SAPA @SAPD-PC-Qualified-Officers @SAPD-PC-Qualified-Testers @Government-Oversight-Committee @SAES-HQ @SAES-Member @SAES-Developer @SAES-Inactive-Retired @SAES-Community-Staff @SAES-News-Agnecy @San-Andreas-Fire-Department @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements @Central-Intelligence-Agency @Radio-SA @President-of-the-United-States and all :tongue:
hello ! Sims 4 is for free on origin rn if you're interested :smiley: https://www.origin.com/deu/en-us/store/the-sims/the-sims-4/offer-selection GRID 2 is free https://store.steampowered.com/app/44350/GRID_2/ And Guacamelee again https://store.steampowered.com/app/275390/Guacamelee_Super_Turbo_Championship_Edition/ Thanks to @kenny
@Frisout San Andreas FilmWorks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F8u0pTog5Q&feature=youtu.be hihi
~[Operation Number]~(maroon,sienna): 2 ~[Operation Title]~(maroon,sienna,sienna,sienna): Where is Daniel ? ~[For Which Forces]~(maroon,sienna): Mountain Rescue Forces ~[Participants:]~(maroon,sienna) @TheClaw @DarkSideR @Ntruder @Riley @Griffin @ZeKinG And special thanks for SAM @JohnnyEnglish ~[Operation Story:]~(maroon,sienna) A familly in San Fierro calls us cause their soon, Daniel was missing for 6 hours now, they tried to call him on his phone but he didn't answers. So they called emergency units to research him. They told us some informations : Name,Age, size, clothing and he was driving a QuadBike in Mount Chilliad as every week end. After 2hours on patrol on Mount Chilliad, one group found him, then we start first aid , luckily, a SAM' helicopter was operating right next to us so we call him to transport the young boy to hospital. ~[Screenshot(s):]~(maroon,sienna) https://imgur.com/a/k61QGnC
Wazzzza ! Thank you all. Im 26 so old
Get better bro :-*
^[] ^[San Andreas Police Academy Roster] ^[] ^[Supervisory HQ Management (Spawn 3)] ^[] ~[^[Chief (L)]~(orange)] ^[SAES>Tut [A]] ~[^[Deputy Chief (vL)]~(orange)] ^[SAES>ZeKinG [A]] ~[^[Assistant Chief (HQfc)]~(orange)] ^[<Vacant>] ~[^[Head Quarters (HQ)]~(orange)] ^[SAES>Royalty] ^[SAPA|Leblanc|HQ] ^[SAPA|Buddler|HQ] ^[SAPA|iTsMe|HQ] ^[] ^[Senior Instructors (Spawn 2)] ^[] ~[^[Colonel (COL)]~(orange)] ^[<Vacant>] ~[^[Major (MAJ)]~(orange)] ^[<Vacant>] ~[^[Captain (CPT)]~(orange)] ^[<Vacant>] ^[] ^[Instructors (Spawn 2)] ^[] ~[^[Lieutenant (LT)]~(orange)] ^[SAPA|Qweezy|LT [A]] ^[SAPA|Herrjorss|LT [A]] ^[SAPA|Suki Blyat|LT [A]] ~[^[Sergeant (SGT)]~(orange)] ^[SAPA|Dyam|SGT [A]] ^[SAPA|Shadro|SGT* [A]] ~[^[Corporal (CPL)]~(orange)] ^[SAPA|Reacher|CPL] ^[SAPA|Matthews|*CPL] ^[] ^[Cadets (Spawn 1)] ~[^[Private (PVT)]~(orange)] ^[SAPA|Dudi|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Malteser|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Mrphrost|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Bidrift|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Hope|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Martin|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Predator|Pvt [A]] ^[SAPA|Richard|Pvt [A]] ~[^[Cadet (CDT)]~(orange)] ^[we'll tell you another time] ^[] ~[^[Inactive member's list]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Shah|MAJ ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Gheri|HQ ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|REED|CFC ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Younes|CPT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Bas260|CPT* ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Suki|LT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Skyliner|LT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Wolkodav|SFC*] ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Ronnie|SGT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Alper|CPL ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|Flusha|CPL ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|WorldEdit|PVT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|SAPA|xSkillzZ|PVT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|SAPA|Corla|PVT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[SAPA|SAPA|Vektor|PVT ~[[IA]]~(red)] ^[] ^[Special Ranks] ^[] ^[~[Honorary]~(navy)] ~[SAES|Angelo]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Distinguished Service / Retired Chief ~[SAES|Maryondo]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Distinguished Service / Retired Chief ~[SAPA|Wes]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Distinguished Service / Retired Chief ~[SAES|Royalty [L]]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired Chief ~[SAPA|Jonas133|vL]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Distinguished Service / Retired Vice ~[SAPA|Harris|F]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Distinguished Service / SAPA Founder ~[SAPA|Amp|HQ]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired HQ ~[SAPA|Tony|HQ]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired HQ ~[SAPA|Tut|HQ]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired HQ ~[SAPA|Hesha|HQ]~(navy) - Meritorious Conduct / Years of Service / Retired HQ ^[]
[ APPLICATIONS ] Kicked or left sapa? - Reapply here
ZeKinG replied to ZeKinG's topic in SAPA Application Section
This is for the Case you were kicked from sapa or left and want to be back in. Fill out this form. -=(red)ALL FIELDS ARE NECESSARY, IF YOU FORGET TO FILL IN ONE OF THEM YOU WILL BE DENIED.=- ==================================================================== **Name**: **Username**: **Rank before kick/leave**: **Do you have PC**: **How long have you been in sapa**: **Who kicked you**: **Date of kick/leave**: **Reason for kick/leave**: **What happened from your side/why did you leave?** : **Why do you want back in?** : **What have you learned from this?** : **Who do you want to apologize to?** : **Why should we give you a second chance**?: ==================================================================== Rule - People who are allowed to answer re-applications : -> SGT are allowed to answer Cadets reapplication -> LT and higher are allowed to answer instructors reapplication Rule - after joining ranks : Ex-Cadet [none-PC] ==> Joins back as a 4 stars cadet. Ex-Cadet [PC] ==> Joins back as a full Cadet if still have PC, if not, 4 stars cadet. Ex-Private or PFC ==> Same rank. Ex-Sergeant up to Ex-CPT ==> Decided by a CPT+ following the rule said above. ex-MAJ + ==> Decided following to an HQ discussion and/or Chief/Vice Chief approval. The Chief has the ultimate call. Note 1 : ~[If you apply on this topic while you've never been SAPA before, you will be blacklisted from SAPA.]~(#ff6f00) Note 2 : PC dimplomats obtained from external testing are not recognized by SAPA as you didn't go through the whole training process, unless the person left SAPA as a full cadet and just before getting his PC. Note 3 : The Chief and the Vice Chief have full authority over these decisions, that means they don't have to stick with those rules, and any decision made by them is final.