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Everything posted by SNome

  1. too early
  2. sorted
  3. @n0vis0ry said in [SAHA] Flint County Farm: 75m winning bid get it sorted in the next 48 hours
  4. it belongs to an admin
  5. it belongs to an admin
  6. it belongs to an admin
  7. sorted
  8. @CHAPO said in [SAHA Auction] House beside LV SR Dropoff: 4.5m Chapo won. Get it sorted in the next 48 hours.
  9. property set on public sale.
  10. property set on public sale.
  11. @Velona said in [SAHA Auction] Tierra Robada Church: 45M velo won. get it sorted in the next 48 hours
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19836/inactive-ls
  13. Nothing so far
  14. @fenter said in Cargrab to criminals: I'm not seeing any reason to disagree with this Suggestion. Yes from me. (If there is anyway to abuse this feature, SAES Developers can fix it, right?) cops used to abuse stopanim on it, which was disabled.
  15. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19775/inactive-tr
  16. it belongs to an admin.
  17. sorted
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