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Everything posted by Shadro

  1. Date: 26/01/2024 Activity: Responding to a 211 call store robbery, plus securing the 207 VIP Participants: Shadro, LaDron, Mixpeko Screenshots: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  2. Participants: @Shadro District: The whole state of San Andreas Shift period: 40 minutes Number of victims saved/healed: 13 healed, 5 saved Screenshots: click here
  3. Property put for public sale as the user failed to obtain it 48 hours after the request had been made.
  4. Sorted.
  5. Dear @KingFeuer , We cannot proceed with this request as the username and address you cited in the request differ from the ones on the screenshot. Please correct the information specified. Best regards, Shadro.
  6. FOX Crew: @Latinoo @Doomm Date and time of the patrol: 27/06/2021 - 9 PM Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Sorted.
  8. Sorted.
  9. gz guys
  10. Happy birthday mate.
  11. Good luck.
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  14. Sorted.
  15. Sorted.
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  17. Sorted.
  18. 48 hours have passed since this request has been made. Hence, property is put for public sale.
  19. Sorted.
  20. Sorted.
  21. Sorted.
  22. Sorted.
  23. Sorted.
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