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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. The person setting up the forum should be able to do this at the same time for you. We cannot automate this unless we enable people to create their own groups again, but as last week proved, people cant be trusted to do it.
  2. Would be easier if people didnt have group names like a mile long :P
  3. Yes, it will have to be moved over.
  4. Hello, This is to inform everyone that we intend to move to this forum software on 1st June 2018. Unfortunately due to technical issues, we will unable to migrate your data from the current forum, which will be made into an 'archive' site, so you can still access the data as 'read-only'. You will also need to create a new user here too. If you have a 'gang/group' forum, please ask an admin to create it on here (http://saesrpg.uk/) and you can move your 'topics' over. Please use the 'reply' button rather than quick reply, if you wish to style your post (unless you know markdown syntax). During now and the 1st of June, you may have issues with this site, this is just because we are working in the background adding additional features and theme changes. Please post any concerns or information regarding this here: http://saesrpg.uk/category/4/comments-feedback Please note that the old site and data can still be found here: http://archive.saesrpg.uk
  5. This section is dedicated to 'gangs' or 'crews' on the server.
  6. This section is for groups or organisations which do not fall within 'gangs' or 'policing'
  7. @toreno it will be setup like the old forums, but layout just needs to be sorted, unfortunately back-end is being worked on before front-end, perhaps @vinnie or @Tombaa can assist
  8. Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into the issues above, but if I forget, just poke me.
  9. Cannot see why it's doing this, I will look into it soon. Forum uploads are disabled, but its enabled for profile pictures and covers.
  10. @kipt If you are part of a group, you can change your title in your profile settings
  11. @Angelo I've disabled auto forum creation and it will now be upto GM to add them
  12. @Angelo I could force it perhaps that people can only create one group or disable forum creation, i was trying to save people time, but if gang managers can deal with it, if you wish
  13. We no longer allow for you to upload images to our site, this is to keep our content size down. You can use an external service such as imgur, if you create an account, you will be able to manage all your images. If you wish to post images on the forum, you can click reply and use the image button or if in the quick reply window, you can use the following syntax: ![alt text](image url) for example: ![meat](http://meat.com/meat.png)
  14. You shouldn't rely on uploading your content to the forum tbh, most people use imgur etc. This is why the old forum has over 200gb of user content, something we dont really want to happen again
  15. Https will be sorted on the finished forum. Thanks for the freeback
  16. We will recreate all the forums including private ones but atm we don't have a way of moving content unless someone wants to write us a converter for ipb4.
  17. I wouldn't worry about content as I've seen this software handle 25 million posts with ease. Thanks for the feedback tho, i will try to fix stuff as I go along
  18. @nirjhor, he has shown me the light!
  19. @hetlanduit36 please lick my ass :(
  20. Eww dirty forgien languages!
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