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QRF - Quick Reaction Force

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-=(sienna)QRF- Quick Reaction Force=-
< -=(blue)To teach, learn first=->
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In military science nomenclature, a quick reaction force (QRF), also known as a quick reactionary force, is an armed military unit capable of rapidly responding to developing situations, typically to assist allied units in need of such assistance. They are to have equipment ready to respond to any type of emergency, typically within ten minutes or less but that is based on unit standard operating procedures (SOPs). Army cavalry units are frequently postured as quick reaction forces, with a main mission of security and reconnaissance. They are generally platoon-sized in the U.S. military's combat arms.The QRF is a modern military reserve and belongs directly to the commander of the unit it is created from. Depending on the unit size and protocols, the commander may be the only person authorized to control the QRF, or he may delegate this responsibility to one or more additional people. QRFs are commonly found in maneuver battalion-level task forces and above, in addition to many operating bases having their own dedicated QRF to react to threats on or immediately around the base.

The readiness level of the QRF is based on unit SOPs. Since maintaining a split-second level of readiness is draining on equipment, fuel and personnel, the QRF is postured based on the likelihood of being called up. During high-intensity conflicts, the QRF may be forced to maintain that split-second level of readiness, and have all members in their vehicles with the motors running. However, during low-intensity conflict, when deployment is less likely and may be more readily predicted, the command establishes how fast the QRF must be able to react, which can range from trucks and personnel in a central location with the troops rotating out of the trucks to the vehicles simply staged close to a unit area, with all personnel staying close enough for rapid recall. The speed at which a QRF is expected to react is defined by its readiness condition, or REDCON, level.

The mission of a QRF can vary widely, as they are used to respond to any threat the commander chooses to employ them for. A U.S. Army QRF consists of a variable number of trucks, generally a mix of M1151 Up-Armored HMMWVs and, since their introduction, MRAPs. Depending on the mission requirement, additional units can be attached to an organic platoon to expand their capabilities. Examples include attaching explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) teams to a QRF responding to bombs or similar threats, and vehicle recovery assets to a QRF expected to recover damaged trucks.
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QRF has a creative roleplay tactics, but here is a same thing like other squads. We are protecting SA from Criminals, Terrorists, Pirates and like that guilty persons. We never afraid of to use our weapons. We are an armed Squad by SA Military. If you wanna join us, you should be experienced roleplayer and skilled person.

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  • (1) Do not break the server rules (F1)

  • (2) If you are not an PC member, dont worry, just try to behave like them as professional, In this point, you must read the PC rules for gain some experience.

  • (3) Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.

  • (4) Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM!

  • (5) Give a reaction time to the criminal, it must be at least 5 seconds.(you should give the time while you're chasing him in a pursuit)

  • (6) Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him!

  • (7) Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

This is official member list of Quick Reaction Force, it could be updated when somethings change.
Total Members: 9
Total PC Members: 1

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Level 5
Leader ( L )

The Commander of the Squad, he is the founder or the leader of the Squad. The most authorized person in the Squad.

Level 4
Vice Leader ( vL )

Same role with the Leader, he is the right hand of the Leader, he must help stuff for his Leader.
Also he teachs some basic tactics to the Recruits or like that low ranks.

Level 4
HeadQuarter ( HQ )

HQ has to support to the Leader and Vice Leader, he is leading the Squad, You should not rulebreak if HQ is online or he will smash you!

Level 3
Major First Class ( MFC )

If you're proved yourself to us, then you can pass to this rank. This rank for experienced Squad members before passing to HQ. Its very hard to reach here, so you must be professional all time.

Level 3
Major ( MAJ )

That is a hard rank to reach here, if you came here then you're successfull player and officer. You're skilled and professional cop around. You must teach somethings to the Recruits and Privates.

Level 2
Lieutenant ( LT )

This is the rank for persons who has came to here from Sergeant rank, you're higher then a SGT now. But you still must keep working. Like our motto, "To Teach, Learn First"

Level 2
Sergeant ( SGT )

The Sergeant rank for skilled and experienced members in here. You must keep hard working.

Level 1
Private ( PVT )

Welcome to PVT rank, you're Private for now, you must keep hard working like when you're Recruit. You can teach somethings to the Recruits. You should not rulebreaks because you're level 1 and you must not show us bad.

Level 0
Recruit ( R )

You're newbie in the squad, you must keep hard working for promote to new ranks.

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Squad Motto: " To Teach, Learn First! "

Date of creation: 22 June, 2018

Tag: QRF|Nick|R (for recruits)

Squad Budget: -=(red)24,000,000 Million=-

Squad Level: 0

Recruitment Status: -=(lime)OPEN=-

Founder: Horrible

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Languages Spoken:
Please rate your english skills (1/10):
Tell us about yourself in a line:

How long have you been playing MTA:
How long have you been playing SAES:
How much do you in-game hours:
How much hours can you play per day:
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):

-=(blue)III - RULES AND MISC=-
What is Roleplay:
What is Marker arrest:
What is DeathMatching:
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3:
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7:


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Please rate your english skills (1/10):9
Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother

How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS
How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR
How much do you in-game hours:300
How much hours can you play per day:10
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO

What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character.
What is Marker arrest:
What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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Please rate your english skills (1/10):9
Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother AND I LIKE MY FRIAND AND I HELP PEOPEL AND I AM HAPPY BEC I MAKED APPLY HERE

How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS
How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR
How much do you in-game hours:300
How much hours can you play per day:10
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO

What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character.
What is Marker arrest:
What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES 1 dont dm and dont aressted any one 9stars and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one in disk
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Do not break the server rules F1 AND Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him AND..... WROT DOWN
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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Languages Spoken:English and Turkish
Please rate your english skills (1/10):8
Tell us about yourself in a lin: My name is Emre i am 13 years old. I like drive cars and do RP. I like help people.I like arrest crims.

How long have you been playing MTA:4 months
How long have you been playing SAES:4 months
How much do you in-game hours:130
How much hours can you play per day:6-7-8
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I dont join any gang or squad.
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):No

What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character.
What is Marker arrest:You can press K and claim the any crim and go arrest.
What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES 1 dont dm and dont aressted any one 9stars and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one in disk
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Do not break the server rules F1 AND Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him AND..... WROT DOWN
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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Nickname: Mohammed Hussain Usama Nadeem Ibrahim Abdullah Allah The 47th
Loginname: Mohammed
Age: 25
Gender: Shemale
Nationality: Morocco
Languages Spoken: English, Arabic, Brazilian, Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Japanese, and little portuguese, maybe something else but I cant recall.
Please rate your english skills (1/10): 10
Tell us about yourself in a line: Hello Im Mohammed Hussain Usama Nadeem Ibrahim Abdullah Allah The 47th and Im an ISIS goat herder and I have a sexual fetish with disabled goats.

How long have you been playing MTA: Since its release around January of 2006
How long have you been playing SAES: I started playing on 2009/2010
How much do you in-game hours: 500
How much hours can you play per day: 10
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: I was in [exo-c] back 2010 but I have not been in any other gang until it died.. as I was very loyal, feels like joining the cop side now after so many years inactive.
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): I was once banned 1 hour by SAES>Razvan for calling him a resentful homosexual and impersonating him.

-=(blue)III - RULES AND MISC=-
What is Roleplay: Acting the role you are by using speech, and commands like /me or animations
What is Marker arrest: A rulebreak, arresting players directly when they appear in the marker without giving them a chance to fight back.
What is DeathMatching: Thats what @Hesha usually does, something cuntish. Killing another player without a mere reason for it, like I come to you and just for standing there I dildokill you, oh and yeah of course thats a rulebreak.
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: I read whole F1 panel each day each time I login.
Did you read QRF Squad Rules: I have acknowledged all QRF Squad Rules and I will read them each day also.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: Before attempting to arrest the wanted criminals, use your binds to make a RP situation, if they do contempt the law then arrest them.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Absolutely do not arrest players that are wanted under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: If you actually see it this rule is almost the same as rule 6 but adding the spam part, yeah anyway > Do not spam the binds, but use them when chasing wanted crimnal.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: Something about staying absolutely professional and that Im gonna definitely improve myself here by PC.


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Please rate your english skills (1/10):9
Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother AND I LIKE MY FRIAND AND I HELP PEOPEL AND I AM HAPPY BEC I MAKED APPLY HERE

How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS
How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR
How much do you in-game hours:300
How much hours can you play per day:10
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO

What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character.
What is Marker arrest:
What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES 1 dont dm and dont aressted any one 9stars and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one in disk
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Do not break the server rules F1 AND Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him AND..... WROT DOWN
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM!
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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Nickname: Brian
Loginname: landsharkppppp
Age: 16
Gender: male
Nationality: Hungary
Languages Spoken: Hungary, English
Please rate your english skills (1/10): 7
Tell us about yourself in a line: My name is Brian. I'm 16 years old. I like to play in saesmta. Im good at drifting, and drive maverick.

How long have you been playing MTA: 1year
How long have you been playing SAES: 6months
How much do you in-game hours: 475
How much hours can you play per day: 3hours
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: ICE, SASP.
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): Adminjail, for dm.

What is Roleplay: Acting someone roleplay in game.
What is Marker arrest: This includes markercamping. Arresting players without give him reaction time. Give everyone to change to enter freely.
What is DeathMatching: Killing people for no reason.
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: Yes i did.
Did you read QRF Squad Rules: Yes i did.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: Use RolePlay binds before the arrest.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not arrest people under 5 stars
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: Use binds at all time! Do not spam.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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Please rate your english skills (1/10):9
Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother AND I LIKE MY FRIAND AND I HELP PEOPEL AND I AM HAPPY BEC I MAKED APPLY HERE and i like play in saes mta

How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS
How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR
How much do you in-game hours:300
How much hours can you play per day:10
Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI
Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):for dm

What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character.
What is Marker arrest:
What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm
Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES 1 dont dm and dont aressted any one 9stars and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one in disk
Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Do not break the server rules F1 AND Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him AND..... WROT DOWN
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Use RolePlay binds before the arrest
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars.
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use binds at all time! Do not spam
Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.

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