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This took a while to make. But, it's happening. Lounge proudly presents you the Summer gangwars! There had been numerous changes inside the group therefore a lot of changes and improvements are to be seen. Please bear with me as I explain everything.
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The first change you'll be seeing is the revival of LoungeTV. Now what's LoungeTV again?
LoungeTV is a sub-company of Lounge INC which streams the matches live on twitch, and the commentators bring more fun into the stream. It was disbanded in Late October of last year due to some problems but it's now back again, better than ever.
Another change that you'll be seeing is the change in the team formats. We'll be going with a 4v4 format now. Also you can come as a team of 6, 2 of which will be substitutes who can be exchanged after every match if necessary. But you can't use the same substitute for more than 2 times.
We're going to allow dru- No we're not, but we ARE allowing all weapons to be played with in our matches. Except the weapons that the general public can't get. f.e rpg's and much more.
That's all for the changes and improvements. There're some others aswell but they will make their way in someday later.
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Everything about the gangwars stay the same. All the gangs/squads are invited to it. The prize pool is a huge amount of 100m for the winning team. The current one with the throne is The Outfit. Will they stay the same or will someone overthrow them?
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Registration cost stays the same. 10 millions of ingame currency. Fill out the form below and reply within this topic to be registered.

  • G/S name:
    G/S captain:
    Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?:

    Anything we need to improve?:
    alt text


You should put the money you bet to the Lounge Bank before the last hour match day. For this, be sure you contact one of the Lounge Managers or LoungeTV Members.
You can bet minimum 500.000$ and maximum 25.000.000$
You are not allowed to talk with any of the teams having match which you are betting for. Any type of scams will end up in a ban from all Lounge activities and a report to the SAES Staff.
Do not give your money to Induvidual Shareholders. They are not responsible for Lounge bank.
You can not cancel your bet after its confirmation.
You can neither decrease nor increase your bet after confirming it.
You can not change your team you bet for (after confirmation).
You have 4 days' period to take your bet price. Don't come to us after 4 days for your bid that you won.
Whoever bets maximum money (25m) will now receive a free ticket to the match. The user can also share his ticket with someone else.
Take screenshots when you send the money. Don't cry for your confirmation. And yeah just an advice, take screens... Always!
Do not cry for your money if you lose the bet. Thanks.

You are not allowed to bet on the enemy team at your own match. You are able bet on yourself by the way. The rule descreases the scam risk.
Lounge has rights to stop the match whenever they want to.
Don't even try to sell the game. Any type of scams will end up in a ban from all Lounge activities and a report to the SAES Staff.
Any kind of retardish actions or rage will end up in a disqualification and the game will be count as 3-0 lose.
If the team doesn't show up in time they will have to pay 10.000.000$ penalty and the results will be counted as a direct win for the opponent team.
Golden Round means last round, atacker will still atack and defender will still defend.
Players with ping more than 200 will not be allowed to take part in. However, we are not responsible for ping changes in the middle of the match.
Substitions are allowed after each round end.
You can not invite someone in your g/s/c before the match.
If you are participang in a match before making an agreement with lounge, you will not receive your winner prize after the match. This will continue until you finish the agreement.
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Betting topic will be made after teams had been registered. Until then, practice as much as you can, and goodluck.


G/S name: The Company
G/S captain: Viktor
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: -


G/S name: Underground Empire
G/S captain: Hari
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?:


G/S name: Special Weapons And Tactics [SWAT]
G/S captain: @doom [SWAT]Dom
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes, we do agree with your rules & payment of the registration.
Anything we need to improve?: N/A


G/S name: FOX Operations X
G/S captain: Hassoni
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?:


Registrations will be open for 7 days more. This decision was made because of the coming vacations of Eid-ul-fitr. Those that have already registered or will do so, please contact Ardron ingame for us to recieve the fee.


G/S name: Mongols MC
G/S captain: Sira
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes we do
Anything we need to improve?: In our opinion adding CS to the lounge matches wasn't one of the greatest ideas. CS could be easily abused.


G/S Name: Arms Assasins
G/S Captain: @Bartman
Do you agree with your rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Do we have any other option if we wish to participate?
Anything we need to improve?: Add more hoes


G/S name: The Outfit
G/S captain: Fnabbe
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: Make it 3v3 and please no combat shotgun.


G/S name: OverdoseCrime
G/S captain: Mrwan
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: We'd prefer if you ban using Combat shotgun


G/S name: CripZ
G/S captain: Duff
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?:yes
Anything we need to improve?: Yes Stop fuckin restarting CripZ rounds if we win


G/S name: Black~Bullets
G/S captain: @Honer112
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: provide camel food please, we'll be travelling a long way!

good luck everyone!
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G/S name: Cartel Da Sinaloa
G/S captain: Kayle
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: N/A


3 hours left. Registrations will be closed after that.

Betting topic will be made soon. Every registered team is to confirm the registration by either contacting me or Ardron with the payment of the registration fee in 2 days.

In addition to that, each team is to send me a taunt/quote directed towards their opponents which I'll add on one of the banners made in the betting topic.

More importantly, CS is now banned in Gangwars. More news will be coming in Lounge discord:- https://discord.gg/UGcQMf


G/S name: ICE
G/S captain: James
Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Yes
Anything we need to improve?: no

  • 3 weeks later...

(also dates like "AA vs O at date 34.06.19" instead "can you tomorrow fight?"

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