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Section 1 - Non-RP Information

Nickname: Rowdy

Username: rowdy

Old nickname/Other used names ingame: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Man

Current G/S Arms Assassins

How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? I joined Arms Assassins 9 months ago and I am 2 level.

Current groups:

  • ~[Outbreak Organization]~(maroon,black)

  • ~[The Motor Heads]~(lime,black)

  • ~[Cluckin' Bell]~(yellow,black)

  • ~[Cunning Stunts]~(orange,black)

  • ~[San Andreas Pirates]~(cyan,black)

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: N/A

Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Yes

Tell us something about yourself: My name is Hasan I'm 18 years old I like to play games. HQ team's decision is the most important thing for accept situtation. Well first of all i need to say i'll show my best effort and bests for be a part of SAFD. You can accept me because of my personal futures, for example; I am a friendly, mature, loyal and funny person. Thats why many people calls me as ''ma boi, funny boy and trustable''. I meant, i am not a cunt (). Anyways like i said, i hope SAFD HQs like my application and wish see me in SAFD.

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes

Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes

Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes

Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes

Section 3 - Detailed Profile

What are your strengths?

  • Using weapons

  • Driving a car

What are your weaknesses?

  • Parachute

Why do you want to join the SAFD? Well, because SAFD has quality, good, friendly members and HQs. Also i have friends from there, i would play with them together and to make new friends. Shortly SAFD is special on my eye.

Why do you want to join the academy? As I said above, to make new friends and I want to know more about firefighter roleplay.

What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? I want to know how a young firefighter can be.

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Applicant's signature: Rowdy
Date: 30/05/2019


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Roleplay type: Patrol
Patrol time: 30 min
Date (DD/MM/YY): 30/05/2019
Location: LS-LV
Participants: N/A
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JRsE3pl
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  • 2 weeks later...

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Roleplay type: Patrol
Patrol time: 30 min
Date (DD/MM/YY): 12/06/2019
Location: LV
Participants: N/A
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GdyafHi
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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team

14th June, 2019

Applicant, @Rowdy35

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're an really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on.

We wish you best of luck!

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Kind regards,
SAFD Assistant Chief,

  • Laza

  • 2 weeks later...

San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
24th June,2019

Applicant, @Rowdy35

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately, you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.


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Kind regards,
Los Santos District Chief,

  • Marko

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