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Section 1 - Non-RP Information

Nickname: My nickname Asgal

Username: User step asgal44

Old nickname/Other used names ingame: There are no

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Current G/S The Pirus

How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? Grade 4, Sub Leader

Current groups:
Cunning Stunts 25/03/2018 - Member
San Andreas Medic 12/01/2018 - Paramedic
The Motor Heads 15/02/2018 - Racer
Black Eagle Secturity 02/01/2018 - Security Guard

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: I have forbidden once because I use more than one account when I first started, then learned and solved the problem.

Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Yes it will happen

Tell us something about yourself: I am Metehan I am a 15 year old high school student, I like to participate in games and social events.

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? yes I know

Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes I know I'm ready for all my trainings

Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? yes I understand

Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? yes I know

Section 3 - Detailed Profile

What are your strengths? if so, what are they? Driving, helicopter and plane riding, separate ambulance and fire truck driving, using fire tube.

What are your weaknesses? if so, what are they? I do not think it is a weakness.

Why do you want to join the SAFD? I am delighted with the purpose and role of this group and I think it will be improved by entering this group and one of the best groups in SA.

Why do you want to join the academy? I want to extinguish fires and save lives as a new and young firefighter by taking classes at the Academy.

What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? To extinguish fires and save lives, that is to be a young and alive firefighter.

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Applicant's signature: M.Colins.~~
Date: 22/05/2019

  • 4 weeks later...

San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
15th June,2019

Applicant, @Asgal

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately, you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.

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Kind regards,
Los Santos District Chief,

  • Marko

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