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Federal Bureau of Investigation - Level 5 Application.


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~[IMPORTANT]~(red,red): Only groups management members and F.B.I. executive office members (HQ team) are authorised to post here. If you are not part of the mentioned persons then please refrain from posting here.


U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 700-002
Last Updated: 26/1/2019

The FBI is one of the most lethal and efficient fighting forces in the United States of America.
Now in 2019, following the government demands to send the FBI headquarters to Liberty City, a contingent of specialist FBI agents have been sent to San Andreas to act in the state to eradicate and eliminate all criminal and hostile elements.
The new SA branch of the FBI operates according to its own divisional rules. One is expected to be professional, experienced, and above all, able to react in a controlled manner during hostile situations.
This branch is an elite force; fighting fire with fire.
Motto: Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity
Bank value: $250,000,000
FBI Promo video
FBI Discord
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Old Media Archive
Media Archive
Intelligence Information [Topic for some of our classified activities that GMs are authorised to view]
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the leading law enforcement agency in San Andreas, it holds primary role of law end for as long as the FBI stands.
The headquarters enforcement law and order. This ensures rapid and surgical strikes when required. The FBI headquarters will be open to the public at all times, allowing amnesty services and the accepting of information/ fugitives.
Duties will fall into these broad categories: counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, investigating corruption, investigating organised crime, investigating white-collar crimes, investigating homicide and major counts of theft/ property damage.

I) Discipline
All Federal Agents must respect the chain of command. This is an expectation applied to every aspect of the organisation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You are allowed to discuss or oppose decisions, but this is only allowed in private. Open dissent will not be tolerated.
Respect the rules.
All information in the FBI forums must be respected and kept private. You shall not discuss the information within these forums with non-FBI members.
Failure to follow orders from Executive members will not be tolerated. There is a zero-tolerance policy within the FBI. Failure to abide by this result will result in your expulsion from the FBI.
II) Representation
Partaking in criminal activities are forbidden. You shall not associate yourself with criminal organisations as the FBI represents the purest strain of the law.
You are expected to be active and respond to calls from the Office of the Executive (HQ). If you are unable to attend when your participation is required, you must report it to an Executive member. We can make accommodations, but your dedication is still required.
Failure to be active/ to represent the squad appropriately may result in a removal without any warning
III) Discretion
Avoid flaming or spamming the main-chat, even if you have been provoked. You represent the FBI.
When partaking in a live FBI Operation remain discreet, you should not have your cover exposed by the target or members of the public. If the following does occur, retreat immediately.

FBI General Rules

  1. The Director and Vice Director can change the rules with the general consensus of the HQ.

  2. Follow the F1 rules in all circumstances, especially in regards to DM.

  3. You are not allowed to arrest criminal with wanted level less than 10 stars unless they represent a real threat to you. You are authorised to arrest players with less wanted level than 10 stars in bank robberies, stores robberies, gangs raids, jailbreaks and turfs.

  4. You are authorised to kill suspects when your life is at risk or the agents around you.

  5. Do not abuse the specialist FBI vehicles.

  6. Follow the commands of the FBI HQ.

  7. We are an Elite squad discipline is required when spawned.

  8. Avoid lethal force where possible during hostile situations.

  9. The FBI HQ can remove you at any time, if you have broken any rules.

  10. Avoid allowing unauthorised personnel within FBI Headquarters.

  11. Respect the Codex.

  12. FBI agents shouldnt wear ranks tags next to their names and just put [FBI] or Agent tags with no ranks expect for the following:
    Agents in training. [FBI*]
    Probation Agents [FBI*]
    Testers. Tag(s) : <T> or Tester.
    Executives Tag(s): Executive or <HQ>
    Chief of Staff Tag(s): Chief or <CoS>
    Subleader Tag(s): Assistant Deputy Director or <sL>
    Viceleader Tag(s): Deputy Director or <vL>
    Leader <L>: Director or <L>

Probation Rules
Wear probation tags at all times when spawned as FBI.
Do not use the SWAT tank of FBI armoured truck without HQ permission.
Put your tags on before you spawn.
Any rule breaks during probation will result in a kick

Useful Bindings
bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - STOP the car and come out with your hands up!
bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - Surrender now and we can negotiate!
bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!
bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!

An agent should be an experienced and well-rounded individual.
In most circumstances, we value agents with a history of law enforcement, such as a ProCop diploma.
An agent must have a strong understanding of the English language.
An agent must play an active role within the law enforcement community.
An agent must be a reputable citizen with no previous history of misconduct.

The Criminal Investigative Division is a division within the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The CID is the primary component within the FBI responsible for overseeing FBI investigations of traditional crimes such as narcotics trafficking and violent crime. The CID was structured mainly by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Executives Office due to the rising trends of criminal activities which San Andreas is facing daily. The main purpose of establishing this division is for investigation of different crimes occurring and capturing criminals all around the state. This Division is led by Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigation who directly reports to the FBI Top Brass.
Assignments of the division:
Countering all terrorism attacks against San Andreas.
Cooperating with FBI Intelligence Division in countering all intelligence operations against San Andreas.
Protection of San Andreas from all Cyber-attacks.
Protecting the San Andreas against the following:
1- Financial Crimes.
2- White-Collar Attacks.
3- Major Theft Crimes.
4- Organized Crimes.
5- Public Corruptions.
6- Drug related Crimes.
7- Arms dealing Crimes.
8- Kidnapping.
Ranks Structure:
Assistant Executive Director of Criminal Investigations:
He is the head of this division. He has full authorities over this unit, this authorization is given to him immediately from the Director himself. He has full responsibilities of the maintenance of the divisions structure and functions.
Deputy Assistant Executive of Criminal Investigations
The divisions Deputy Assistant Executive is the right hand of the Assistant Executive Director of Human Resources. This rank has high authorities over the division, this authorizations are given to him/her by the Assistant Executive Director of the division.
Senior Investigator:
Senior investigators are some of the most distinguished and experienced FBI Agents in this field. They are known to be intelligent agents which are capable to jurisdiction to investigate different violations against the law.
This rank is the bottom one of this Division. CID Investigators are well trained FBI Agents for this field. They are trained to be capable to jurisdiction to investigate different violations against the law. The main assignments for CID Investigator is investigating different kind of crimes and capturing Criminals.
You need to be at least a full FBI Agent to join this division.
You need have at least intermediate English skills.
Good RP skills are required for this division.
High activity in game.

Assistant Executive Director of Criminal Investigation:
Executive Laza
Deputy Assistant Executive of Criminal Investigation
Agent Price

The Intelligence Division of the Federal Bureau is responsible of all Intelligence functions. This division is mainly established for gathering, analyzing and disseminating the information that is most crucial and important for the long-term national security. The main purpose of gathering intelligence is protecting the National Security from any predictable terrorism attacks. The Intelligence Branch of the FBI is headed by the Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence Branch.
Assignments of this division:
Main responsibility of this unit is data collection and analysis.
Maintenance and protection of intelligence from leakage and cyber-attacks.
Maintenance of National Security Surveillance System.
Countering all intelligence operations against the United States.
Maintaining the communications of the Federal Bureau of Investigation with other parties.
Cooperating with FBI Human Resources Branch in collecting information regarding new applicants.
Raising weekly reports to the FBI top brass about the most dangerous organizations and individuals in the US.
Maintenance of the bounty system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Ranks Structure:
Assistant Executive Director of Intelligence:
He is the head of this division. He has full authorities over this unit, this authorization is given to him immediately from the Director himself. He has full responsibilities of the maintenance of the divisions structure and functions.
Deputy Assistant Executive of Intelligence
The divisions Deputy Assistant Executive is the right hand of the Assistant Executive Director of Human Resources. This rank has high authorities over the division, this authorizations are given to him/her by the Assistant Executive Director of the division.
Senior Intelligence Agent
Senior intelligence Agents are some of the most distinguished and experienced FBI Agents in this field. They are known to be intelligent agents which are capable of gathering, analyzing and disseminating information and report it to the Supervisory Office with least error percentage probability.
Intelligence Agent
Intelligence Agents are well trained FBI Agents for this field. They are trained to be of gathering, analyzing and disseminating information and report it to the Supervisory Office. The main assignments of Intelligence agents are gathering information about SA dangerous organizations and individuals, then reporting it to the Supervisory Office of the Division.
You need to be at least lvl 1 to apply for this Division
English skills minimum level should be at intermediate level.
Having good reporting skills.
Maintenance of Intelligence classification is required.

Assistant Executive Director of Intelligence:
Executive Dufabo
Deputy Assistant Executive Director of Intelligence:
Agent Josh Bond.

The Human Resources is one of the main divisions within the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This division was founded to meet the needs of the Federal Bureau of Investigation which are related to recruiting new FBI Agents. This Division is led by the Executive Assistant Director for the Human Resources Branch, who directly reports to the FBI Top brass.
Assignments of the division:
Gathering information about each new applicant.
The Division's members are required to patrol with FBI applicants and try to determine his mentality and skills quality then reporting it to the Divisions Executive Assistant Director.
Only the Executive Assistant Director and the divisions supervisors is fully responsible for answering the applicants, applications should be answered in an appropriate way.
Continuance maintenance of FBI testing procedure. The Executive Assistant Director is fully responsible for lowering and raising the entry test difficulty in the ways he sees fit depending on the squads circumstances and needs.
Deciding about the recruitment status and method which what the Executive Assistant Director of the Human Resources sees fit depending on the squads circumstances and needs.
The Division is responsible for training the new members on probation period and making sure that every FBI probation Agent has all the requirements of a FBI full agent before reporting his eligibility to get promoted.
This division is responsible for raising reports about the members status to the Top Brass. There are 3 methods of raising reports.
Daily Reports: This isnt the regular method of raising reports in this division. Only urgent reports are raised daily and they are raised to the Director immediately without going neither through the executive office nor the top brass of the FBI.
Weekly Reports: All information regarding the human resources in the FBI are raised weekly to the FBI top brass. These reports are weekly statistics about the human resources quantity, status and quality. Most of the squads decisions regarding the members status are based on these reports.
Monthly Reports: These reports are raised on the end of each month. These reports contain further information about the human resources and the division. The major squads changes decisions should usually be decided based on the Monthly reports.
Ranks Structure:

Assistant Executive Director of Human Resources:
He is the head of this division. He has full authorities over this unit, this authorization is given to him immediately from the Director himself. He has full responsibilities of the maintenance of the divisions structure and functions.
Deputy Assistant Executive of Human Resources
The divisions Deputy Assistant Executive is the right hand of the Assistant Executive Director of Human Resources. This rank has high authorities over the division, this authorizations are given to him/her by the Assistant Executive Director of the division,
The Testers should be at least assistant special agent in charge. The tester is given authorization for testing accepted applicant and inviting them. This rank requires both skills and good mentality to achieve it.
Reporters are the ones in the division who are required to raise continuous updated reports to the Executive Assistant Director of Human Resources. Credibility and classification are requirements which should be looked at when raising reports. The Reporters are usually classified and trustworthy.


You need to be at least Senior Special Agent to join this division.
You need have good and understandable English.
You need to have enough mental skills for determination purposes.
Professionalism is a main requirement for this job.
Average activity.
Having good reporting skills.

Assistant Executive Director of Human Resources:
Executive Jack Garcia
Deputy Assistant Executive of Human Resources:
Agent Nvidia

I will be explaining how the system works briefly hoping to simplify it as much as possible.
First of all we will start with FBI Probation Agents. FBI Agent on probation is not allowed to be member of any one of the three main division of the Bureau before the end of his/her probation period.
Level one Agents are required to apply for either Criminal Investigative or Intelligence Division.
Level two Agents are required to apply and being part to one additional division of the main three divisions, Human Resources division application is opened in addition to the other previous non chose division by the level 2 Agent.
So level 2 agents are required to take place in 2 division from the total three division.
Level 3 Agents are required to be members of the three divisions.
Lvl 0 Agent > No division.
Lvl 1 Agent > Criminal Investigative Division or Intelligence division.
Lvl 2 Agent > Criminal Investigative Division, Intelligence Division and/or Human Resources Division (choosing 2 divisions)
Lvl 3 Agent > Criminal Investigative Division, Intelligence Division and Human Resources Division.
Promotions are based on each member's effort shown within the division he/she is part of

Since being skilled is a main requirements for each rank within the Bureau especially for higher ranks more mastering of skills is required therefor we decided to create a specific team for maintaining the quality of the squad members. This team is responsible for mainly training the probationary agents. Every probationary agent is required to be obtaining skills in driving, roleplaying, car chasing, shooting and arresting to pass the recruitment stage, failure to do this might lead to being removed from the squad.

This team is involved in scouting members for the squad who are good and mature but still lack experience. We believe that maturity is the most important requirement and all other skills can be gained by training and experience. This team members roles stop at scouting the members and raising their names to the FBI Executive team to discuss and evaluate the personnels from all sides. Once we make sure of the mentioned personnel mentality, knowledge of server rules and his room of improvement we will be recruiting him to the FBI special internal training program for cadets which will be implied by the training team.
Unanimous positive voting from the FBI top brass is required for any scouted personnel to be invited to the FBI and going through the squad internal training program.

Strike Force is a team within the FBI which is exclusive and classified for only veteran, elite and extremely skilled FBI agents. Being part of this unit have no relationships with your rank within the squad in anyways, you are only chose to be member of this unit based only on your skills. This unit members are looked over with all respect and are assigned to be leading all the Squad ingame Non-Roleplaying activities (like BRs, SRs ..etc) even if higher ranked agents were present. The members of this team are chosen by the director immediately based on their ingame skills.



Director [L] L (Level 5) Quantity x1
~[A]~(lime) Qweezy.

Deputy Director <VL> - VL (Level 4) Quantity x1
~[A]~(lime) JohnT.
Assistant Deputy Director <SL>- SL (Level 4)- Quantity x1
~[A]~(lime) Potato.
Chief of Staff <CoS> - Leader of elders council (Level 4) Quantity x1
~[A]~(lime) IG8820.
The Executive <HQ> - HQ (Level 4) Quantity x6
~[A]~(lime) Breezy (breezy331). Top Brass

~[A]~(lime) Flex (midou200)
~[A]~(lime) Garcia (benlaidabdou)
~[A]~(lime) Laza
~[A]~(lime) Dufabo
~[A]~(lime) Ramos

Special Agent-in-Charge - (Level 3) Quantity x6
~[A]~(lime) Copkilla
~[A]~(lime) Nividia (smoke99)
~[A]~(lime) JoshBond
~[A]~(lime) Makefoo
~[A]~(lime) Temi
~[A]~(lime) Joshbond (joshbond)

Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge (Level 3) Quantity x7
~[A]~(lime) AKKIE (mw2yuri)
~[A]~(lime) Amr (amrpop22)
~[A]~(lime) Absinthe (trucker1998)
~[A]~(lime) Zizou (xxzizouxx)
~[IA]~(red) Trident (tgoossens)
~[IA]~(red) Dice (robucities)
~[IA]~(red) TeeFlight (themarvelsnipers)

Supervisory Special Agent (Level 2) Quantity x2
~[A]~(lime) xX ZoMmRa Xx (54582252)
~[A]~(lime) Kajo (kajobecha)

Senior Special Agent - (Level 2) Quantity x3
~[A]~(lime) xX ZoMmRa Xx (54582252)
~[A]~(lime) Blackbird (totsi)
~[A]~(lime) Bones

Special Agent - (Level 1) Quantity x14
~[A]~(lime) Darack (gullbooy)
~[A]~(lime) Paliament (sumaher)
~[A]~(lime) Cristiq (cristiocna)
~[A]~(lime) Floppy (floppy52)
~[A]~(lime) 117 (ali303)
~[A]~(lime) Soapy (soapy)
~[A]~(lime) Yuki (Achelous)
~[A]~(lime) Skinnydead
~[A]~(lime) Jasper
~[A]~(lime) MrTheBank
~[A]~(lime) TheStyle
~[IA]~(red) Brownies (demoversion)
~[IA]~(red) Pedro (babs38)
~[IA]~(red) Runo (runo)

Agent - (Level 1) Quantity x11
~[A]~(lime) Aurora
~[A]~(lime) Combine
~[A]~(lime) Iznogud
~[A]~(lime) Roarke
~[A]~(lime) Saddao
~[A]~(lime) Dredd
**~[IA]~(red)**Derek (Kukumber)
~[IA]~(red) Harold (wickness)
~[IA]~(red) Robin (treezy)
~[IA]~(red) Skazgud (sigmonlp)
~[IA]~(red) Heisenberg

Probationary Agent [FBI*]- (Level 0) Quantity x1
~[A]~(lime) Matrix
Agent in training [FBI*]- (Level 0) Quantity x0

Active members=29 members.
Top Brass= 5 members.
HQ team= 10 members.

~[(A)]~(lime)= Active. ~[IA]~(red)= Inactive

An Elder is a retired or inactive members of the FBI HQ team who didnt leave the squad. Elders are representing the previous generations of the FBI HQ team. The Elders has a council of their own. The elders are representative by an elder which is chosen by them without any interference of the Director or the FBI top brass. The chosen representative of the council of elders is given the Chief of Staff rank which is one of the top brass and part of the FBIs Office of Professional Responsibility. Also an elder should be reinstated as a member of FBI HQs team and executive once he proven that he is active enough to be part of the squads HQ team.

An honorary is a previous member of the FBI HQ team who made great efforts for the improvement of the squad during his membership. He is given authorization for FBI main forums (some exceptions may happen) as well as the full rights to participate in discussing FBIs internal matter as a full member of the Bureau. Honorary members are welcome to the squad anytime, not as normal members but as members of the FBI HQ team immediately.

VIPs are individuals who were helping the squad in different ways and methods without being a member within FBI. They are looked at with all respect from FBI. They are welcome immediately to the squad at any time they feel to joining us, as a way to show little bit of our thankful to them.

These are individuals who donated money to FBI bank and helping to improve the financial status of the squad which results in better funding for activities and projects of the squad, therefor we would like to thank every donator so much.

Elders <E> - (Level 3) - Quantity x12
Eren (eren97)
FBI Striker (jan_krnita)
Radeon ([hx]radeon)
Rabbit (jochem6)
Rares (rares)
Pinky (eversman)
xWolf (monogal168)
LittleBond (yatzy)
Mike (mikebusk)
Sohappy (malek44)

Honorary <H> Quantity x4

VIP [VIP] - Quantity x5

Donators - Quantity x1
@Riley ($10,000,000)

The following information is based upon recent log ins and replies on activity checks. If you are inactive and, on the roster, you may be demoted and marked as inactive on the roster (de-ranked to level 1)
The Office of the Executive ~ 2019

Last Updated: 04/04/2019


Account Name:
Primary Language:
Other Languages you speak:


How long have you been playing MTA:
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why:
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
Why do you wish to join the FBI:
Why should we accept you:
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:


Are you a former FBI member:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):


What is roleplaying:
What is deathmatching:
State three server rules (F1):
Are you allowed to deathmatch:


What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: /10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: /10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: /10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: /10
What are your strengths:
What are your weaknesses:

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Credits @IG8820 and @Qweezy
Designs by @Zei

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