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So i got this idea, which can increase RPing in the server that consists in, when someone is in your car, you can uqe the command "/kidnap <playername>" which willl kidnap the specefic player that is in your car . And he won't be able to get out of thr car and you take him where you want.

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The idea is nice but I feel like that there are other things the Developers and Community should focus on.

Well, the main reason of me voting No is because if you really think about the RP Conspect of the idea, you can just make-up the situation if you and the victim is willing to. You can pretend that you tied his hands and he can not get out of the car. I have had so many kidnapping roleplays and if you make them realistic enough and don't powerplay, the victim enjoys it as well.

On the money concept of delivering things, this is a No again. Just purely RP and no need for additional commands to lock the victim in your car, drop him off somewhere, kill him and earn some money. We already have these drop-off concepts, SR, PBR, VIP etc.

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Diffinently could work, but would take alot of work and resources. Should be restricted on who can do it and when, like it could cause trouble.

For example someone may kidnap players during Turfs to help their gang win or during BR's to help their gang. Theres also other reasons they could abuse it ofcourse.

I'm all for it though if its implemented correctly :3

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