ElGrandeMaroki Posted June 20, 2019 Posted June 20, 2019 Event Number: #96Event Type: FalloutLWS/G6: @BluWinner(s): @mimoPrize: ~[$]~(green)2.000.000Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QMd78NI
Ment Posted June 20, 2019 Posted June 20, 2019 Event Number: #97Event Type: Lucky TubeLWS/G6: @BluWinner(s): Unfortunately nobody could win but @Filex was the closest one to the winner tube so he won the million.Prize: $1.000.000Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eKHDLbj
ElGrandeMaroki Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 Event Number: #98Event Type: fallout shotterLWS/G6: @StarWinner(s): @ElegantPrize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/T5gDfR1
zabalitoo Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 Roleplay Number: #122Title: Selling ArmsParticipants: @Dangerr + @Jesse421 + @Noisyboy special thanksParticipants:Cartel Da Sinaloa & Clandestine MobStory:When I was relaxing in my room having fun and chilling after the big deal of drugs with .suddenly i received a call from one of Clandestine Mob members.Tell me in this call on a big deal of arms in Los santos near the shop of pizza. So i asked him about the quantity of arms and the price (cash) and the place of this deal . He said " we need 120 uzi with good quality and 300 shodgun with quality too and 2000 M4 with normal quality.and we have 3 millions cash ." We agreed about all this and I accepted this offer. So i got my phone and i called a helper in this crime.When he arrived i got my car and i went to Weapons headquarters of my gang.i took The quantity of weapon required and i put it in the trunk of the car.Everything is okay. So i got my car again and i went to the place of this big deal . i sat talking with the client and after i open my trunk ,i took the arms and put it in his trunk. In the end he thanked me this good price of this goo quality of arms and he paied to me my money :) .Praise Be To God This Deal Is Done :) .Screenshots::::https://imgur.com/a/zRBgOfx:::
Dangerr Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 Roleplay Number: #123Participants: @GanJa @Noisyboy @MentStory: A new organisation named Clandestine Mob called me for our services, wanted to meet us in Los Santos in a quite area. Since they are new in the town, they already got enough attention on themselves so politicians are focusing on their organisation to keep their shit out of the town. One of their members met us and asked for our help at assasinating. He gave us a lawyer's name and the place where he works, I followed him until he gets back to home then finished him there. Then my partner got paid by their member after a few days.Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0nRm2Vs
zabalitoo Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Roleplay Number: #124Title: Selling Stolen WeaponsParticipants: @flappy + @Mistigun special thanksParticipants:Cartel Da Sinaloa & Organization Zero & PirusStory:After the big deal of arms,I took the title "~[One of The Big Drugs Dealers In]~(red) <SA> " :) , Because i have the best quality of arms and with good price. So my criminals of <SA> called me about big quantity of arms As well as drugs (Including Pirus).In the same time I no longer have weapons enough .So i decide to theft a big quantity from other gangs and sell it to the pirus. So i sat thinking in the base about the plan of the theft.After 1 hour i decide to theft Organization zero. So i got my car and i went to the base of Organization zero.i open my trunk and i got my shodgun and i took big quantity of guns and i put it in my car,and i returned to the base.Thank god all is done i have enough arms for thiss deal .So i got my phone and i called my client and we agreed about the price and the place of selling and In particular about the quality.When i arrived i sat talking with the customer .In the end this Deal is Done with good price too and all members of pirus thanked me .Fortunately Flappy Was Unable To Stop Me From Stealing Weapons :)Screenshots::::https://imgur.com/a/74hBkQR:::
Dangerr Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Event Number: #99Event Type: LMSLWS/G6: @TellerWinner(s): @DexterPrize: $1.000.000Screenshots :::::::
khalil Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Event Number: #100Event Type: Chicken ShooterLWS/G6:@TellerWinner(s):@Jpslimmen2Prize: $1.000.000Screenshots :::::::
Ment Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Roleplay Number: #125Title: Another deal with another MC.Participants: @Dangerr, @ElGrandeMaroki, @SWT, @jpslimmen2Story: A few days ago we made a meeting with an Organisation named Zero, known as a motorcycle club around San Andreas. We have bought a few motorcycle known as FCR-900 from them. Recently one of our member informed us about another motorcycle club named Rebels. They were selling another type of motorcycle which is known as freeway and wayfarer. Our member got their number and gave it to us to make a call so we can prepare a meeting at their place to talk about the bikes and the prices they are asking for. Once the meeting day came, we went to visit them and they prepared the bikes in front of their place already. When we arrived we talked about the bikes and their engines and I personally checked myself to see if the engines are the ones we are looking for and yeah they were. We decided to buy 3 freeways and 2 wayfarers by paying $80.000 in total. These bikes will be useful at improving our delivering level.Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sVQh6xm
ElGrandeMaroki Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Roleplay Number : #126@Noisyboy said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:Roleplay#7Participants: Clandestine Mob & ~[Cartel De Sinaloa]~(maroon,sienna)^[~Survival Of the Fittest~]It was a sunny morning in july 24th, Clandestine soldiers were doing their work as usual in the Los Santos Warehouse , until some of Cartel de Sinaloa members appeared infront of the warehouse , without any hesitation , Clands's soldiers opened the Garage door and let the others enter, the Cland's Caporegime expected their coming because they had a deal and they probably came to discuss about it , As usual , the soldiers welcomed their guests very well , After some minutes of talking about the deal they had , Marco Verde who was clands's capo for over 10 years and most trusted member there , got a call from his old friend and CEO 'Thomas Piccolo' who was running a huge compatibiliy Company , asked Marco to meet him as soon as possible , El capo didnt refuse his request and accepted to meet him near the warehouse , after thirty minutes, he arrived and met Marco , he seemed a bit worried and had that angry look , Marco tried to calm him down by asking him whats going on , Thomas explained that one of his rivals created a compatibility company just to compete with him and its making the work harder for Thomas and limiting the market so he demanded from marco to help him by intercepting an important money transportation from the his rival's company that is going from Los santos to San fierro bank and promised marco to pay him really well , Marco knew that he needed many guys to do this so he asked De Sinaloa's members if they can help with this Operation, the members accepted right away and got their guns out of the trunk and pointed that they ready for this.^[]Two Hours of making the perfect plan and tactics , The 2 crews were reading for action , First they located the truck using the informations they got from Thomas , they Kept following the truck without even making the drivers notice that there someone behind them , few minutes later , the truck took a shortcut in a rural area on a bridge , the crew used this chance to cut them and intercept their path , they had 1 car infront of the truck and one behind it so they cant turn and run away , they quickly got out of the car and aimed their weapons at the driver and his partner , they got out of the truck with their hands on top of their heads, the crew , without any warning , ended their lives and threw their bodies from the bridge then took the truck back to Clands's warehouse , after that , Marco informed Thomas that the operation is successful and he can come to take the truck , thomas finally came and thank Marco and De Sinaloa's members for their effort and dedication also he promised to do more business with them in the future because both of these gangs are the most trustable ones in the whole of San Andreas , Thomas paid both of them Well then left the place with the truck.^[]
PiRoTo Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Roleplay Number: #127Title: I hate jail.Participants: @Cartel-Da-SinaloaStory:when i whatching TV my friend called me to selling drugs dor it so i take the drugs to and i Came out my house to whent and on my way a policeman stopped me to check my motorcycle and he found my drugs so he get me to the jail and i called my friend to save me and i will give the drugs free and when he came with his friends to help me so he save me and save the other criminals and i giveing to my friend the drugs free To thank him(ss)::::https://imgur.com/a/Rr295Fq:::
zabalitoo Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Roleplay Number: #128Title: TraitorsParticipants: @Nishki + @MarquesGaming + @Sweets special thanksParticipants:Cartel Da Sinaloa & Cripz & Underground Empire & FBIStory:One day, When i was relaxing and playing with my favorite pet near my house .i received a call from my factor Working in the arms and drug trade in my garage. So i decide To take a look at what is happening.when i arrived i found that I was robbed from Other gang .So i sat thinking in base about the plan of revenge from this gang.After minutes an idea came to my mind. So i got my phone and i called The police officer my friend and I explained to him my story with these Traitors. So he got his car of police and he went to the place of selling this stolen arms and drugs.After Conducting the necessary investigations.He arrest him and Reservation the goods.After i called him again and I asked for the goods back. But he Refusal. So i decide to give him bribe. So i got my car and i open the trunk and i took all my money and i put it in the trunk .When i arrived to this police i offered to him this bribe .he refusal all this .I resorted to killing him .In the end I visited the traitors and sat laughing at themAnd What Is Important Is That I Returned My Money And My Goods And I Selled It :)Screenshots::::https://imgur.com/a/LrAz4Fi:::
ElGrandeMaroki Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Event Number: #101Event Type: falout ShooterLWS/G6: @A7mdWinner(s):@ @Radio_Prize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/6TX0sCOEvent Number: #102Event Type: ALL VS ALL COLT 45LWS/G6: @A7mdWinner(s): @lazarPrize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/bacRfV8Event Number: #103Event Type: HUNTER SHOOTERLWS/G6: @A7mdWinner(s): @MelouPrize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/eU5pQPg
Dangerr Posted June 23, 2019 Posted June 23, 2019 Roleplay Number: #129Participants: @Ment @PumpStory: A week ago, we bought some drugs from Organization Zero as we are told that they are buying it from Mexico to sell it in SA for an higher price. We bought the stuff and we have been doing some deals with a gang named Clandestine Mob. One of their member called us to buy the drug for a suitable price. We made a meeting at their warehouse as you can see from previous deals we made with them. We basicly showed him the stuff, he tasted it to see how good it is, then took the stuff and brought it back to their place safely.Screenshots: link text
Ment Posted June 24, 2019 Posted June 24, 2019 Roleplay Number: #130@Noisyboy said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:Participants: Clandestine Mob & Cartel De Sinaloa~^[~Game Day~]In a regular day , Clands's soldiers were working and managing the drugs exportation and other products in the drug factory as always , but it was a different and a special day for John Moretti who were thinking all morning until he gathered all his soldiers in the meeting room and told them that Angelo Sedia , a well known politician and bussinessman , also one of John biggest enemies who was like a needle in john's throat for every movement he makes , and to get rid of angelo and teach him a good lesson that will never forget , john planned to stealsome of the cars in his car shop in San Fierro , however , he needed some extra help , so he called Cartel De sinaloa members to aid him in this operation that is full of action and danger , without denying , Sinaloa sent some of their elite member to get into this mission , they met at the drug factory , greeted each other then straight forward they got into the real deal , John explained the plan and after 40 minutes , all participants understood it and kept waiting for john's orders to make a move .^[]After a long ride from Los Santos to San fierro , they finally reached the carshop at night , it was a huge Business composed from three floors and it's windows were made from a bulletproof glass, The two crews parked in front of the shop and john stepped out of the car to examine the place and to make sure that no one is near so they dont witness whats going to happen, to not make the shop's workers suspicious , the crew entered the shop and started talking about buying some new sports car and claiming that they will use it for movie making , and out of sudden ,they aimed their weapons at the cashier and told him to remain silent or either they knock his head off his body , John quickly ran to the sports car and started to unlock its door , and another Sinaloa's member ran to the third floor to steal what he can steal , then his eyes landed on a good looking bike , so he as always started to unlock it and broke the glass of the building , and without hesitation he ride the bike and jumped from the third floor , they drove at maximum speed to the drug factory in Los Santos and stored the two cars in a special garage, john kept thanking the Sinaloa's members for their enormous effort and how they stood with Clandestine since the beginning , the day ended up with a handshake and john gave them their cut, hoping that Angelo learned to not mess with the Gilded Foxes again .^[]
PiRoTo Posted June 24, 2019 Posted June 24, 2019 Roleplay Number: #131Title: THE KILLER PAIDParticipants: @ZaBaLiToStory:when i was sit in the beach customer come and he want to buy drugs and arms but he dont have more money to buy all this so i giving Missions to do and i will give him the drugs and the arms for free so he accept and this Missions is not Easy because he will kill ice police and accepted this offer and he go and when he back after 1 hours he see me the photos and he kill it so i giveing it the drugs and arms free and thank it because he killing My enemy(ss)::::https://imgur.com/a/eaTJB75:::
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