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Ingame name: Nishki
Account name: bluelive122
Age: 18
Native language: Arabic
Additional languages: English

Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 10

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 8.9

Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8

Driving skill (0/10): 8

Strengths: Shooting, Driving, and ideas of role playing

Weaknesses: Driving planes not actually driving them just landing them.

Previous organizations you associated with: IAC and SAS as groups.

Criminal history: I've joined some gangs like OC ThC and Cripz

Current organizations: Just IAC and SAS as groups.

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) after I've read the topic and the RP of the group I've really liked the group and knowing the actual people in the group makes me love the group even more so I did say to myself that joining my friend in the group would actually make the Roleplay stories better and better.


Ingame name: Majima
Account name: DBMoodyBlues
Native language:Portuguese
Additional languages:English, Spanish, a bit of French.
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 7. I am active but mostly during night time.

Skill evaluation

English language (0/10):9. Fair understanding of the language. Sometimes I can write even the silliest of mistakes when I type too fast but it happens to the best of us.
Roleplaying skill (0/10):8. I was used to roleplay a lot in Habbo Hotel in Portuguese so roleplaying in English is a bit more challenging but not impossible.
Driving skill (0/10):7. Kinda meh. I have fps drops from time to time which makes it worse.

  • Eager to learn

  • Team spirit

  • Kind know my way around on roleplaying

  • Funny


  • Not proactive enough, need someone to engage conversation to start talking.

  • Not so much experienced with the server as other old-school players


Previous organizations you associated with: None
Criminal history: None. I am a greenhorn in the server. Only have 65+ on my belt but I pretend to keep on playing.
Current organizations: AA - Arms Assassins (as a probationary member).


Why do you want to join Global Trust? I am always up for Roleplaying. Knowing that you want to introduce it again in the server, I found it a good idea to try my luck here. I was curious on how'd you roleplay so I watched you all on action. It was great, sparked a little light for me to the RP idea.
And since this group is managed by actual responsible people, it was another positive factor for me to apply for this organization. I have to get more familiar about the organization's theme and context though.

I really hope that I meet your requirements.
Sincere regards,


Dear @Nishki, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Unfortunately, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). Poorly written application with no real context. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks.

Dear @DBMoodyBlues, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Congratulations, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

  • s s,

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Ingame name: Redlive
Account name: redlive122
Age: 18
Native language: Arabic (I'd say I'm more proficient in English though.)
Additional languages: English, learning Turkish
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8 (Usually I'm online for at least an hour a day, but I sometimes have busy days to which I do not come online at all.)

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 10
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 9
Driving skill (0/10): 7
Strengths: I'd say my strengths are creative writing, flexibility, willingness to try new things
Weaknesses: Bad shooting skills, I get distracted easily, boredom.

Previous organizations you associated with: Z
Criminal history: I started off in 2017 or 2018, I played with my friend most of the time. I stopped playing after a while, I came back about 2 or 3 months ago, I joined Z before leaving and joining CripZ.
Current organizations: CripZ, InvestArms Corporation, San Andreas Studios.

Why do you want to join Global Trust? Well, I love writing, I wrote several short stories, two poems, and I am currently working on a novel, I can send you my portfolio if you'd like. I want to improve my writing and share my stories with everyone, and I think Global Trust will help me do that. I can participate in RPs, write stories and scenarios, and maybe learn other things that will help me and the group improve.


Dear @redlive122, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Congratulations, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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Personal Information

Ingame name: Bones
Account name: barryb
Age: 17 years old
Native language: Russian
Additional languages: English
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 5/10. I'm currenly preparing for exams, so my activity is lower than usually. But I still can find some free time, it is about 2-4 or more hours.

Skill evaluation

English language (0/10): 6, but understandable
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8
Driving skill (0/10): 8
Strengths: I have a lot of interesting ideas, so I will call it creativity; architectural mastery(mapping); tolerance
Weaknesses: I'm bad at dangerous stunts as a pilot, not really good at water operations and sometimes my mouth gives silly jokes


Previous organizations you associated with:

  • Italian Mafia

  • SA Federal Police

  • All Load Trucking

  • Black Syndicate

  • Texas Cartel

  • Nuestra Familia

  • Granados Family(x2)

  • Overdose Crime(x3)

  • National Security Agency

  • Military Intelligence 6

  • Midnight Club

  • SA Police Academy

  • Special Task Force

  • General Mills
    And something more may be
    Criminal history: I was at the criminal side for quite long time. All started with little gang named Italian Mafia: It died in few weeks. After trying myself as police officer and company worked I continued my criminal story with Black Syndicate, Nuestra Familia and Texas Cartel. After a break as NSA agent, I became the leader of my own gang in friends with Overdose Crime, 2 times(both failed). And the last criminal experience I got as Midnight Club member - ex collegue asked me for help, so, I joined him, but did nothing.
    Current organizations: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Agent; Licensed Police officer; Undercover Unit agent of Homeland Security; and must be a part of Invest Arms Corp.(lazy ass Dufabo)


Why do you want to join Global Trust?: The main reason - huge interest in getting this experience, I saw how Global Trust members works: they are friendly, qualifed,- it inspired me to write this application. Secondary - as I stated before - I'm full of ideas I can't realise, but I tried to do it in my own company a bit like Global Trust , may be some will be useful for your organisation. And the last one: work in an organization will help me in architectural practice which I need after a gaming pause.


Dear @Bones, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Congratulations, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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Ingame name: duff
Account name: fener1907
Age: 23
Native language: Turkish
Additional languages: English
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): +9 ch2

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 6-7
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8-9
Driving skill (0/10): 9
Strengths: i dont know menn am just doin my best as much as i can
Weaknesses: same as above man i cant directly say that im really bad

Previous organizations you associated with: playin saes since 2012 so i joined many gangs in this period but wasted my 4-5 years with cripz so i would like to say in cripz we trust
Criminal history: I only joined fox in 7 years and couldnt stay for a long time so you can find my wanted pictures at police departments
Current organizations: CripZ / if you are asking about the groups LWS and ZIP

Why do you want to join Global Trust? : Im from Turkey, so we have trucker blood and i enjoy the game when i play with friends thats why im trying to be part of global trust. if i need to be honest i really dont like to be part of the groups since i need to waste my time for my organization i cant say that I will be fully active for global trust since cripz comes first to me but i wanna also help you guys since we are the last teamspeak3 users so we should help each other. yesterday night when i came back from the work i went to global trust channel and had talk with ghost for a while and he told me that you should apply so here we go ! in truck we trust ( am not sure if i pass the limit )

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Dear @Duff, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Congratulations, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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Personal Information

Ingame name: CripZ>Funstein / Funstein
Account name: Arkantos12
Age: 14
Native language: Spanish
Additional languages: English & Portugues
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 9

Skill evaluation

English language (0/10): 8
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 7
Driving skill (0/10): 7
Strengths: Well, Im good in RP, Im good shooting and driving.
Weaknesses: Im bad flying, specially shamals.


Previous organizations you associated with: FBI, TST SAFP, CDC, VLA,
Criminal history: When, I started on the server I was on the cop side and about 1 month ago I change to Crim side.
Current organizations: CripZ / SAM / IAC / SaS / SATP


Why do you want to join Global Trust? Well, to be honest, I want to join Global Trust because it's good, the group has a good reputation on the server, it has good members, I also like the role of Global Trust because it's UNIQUE, that's another reason I want to join. I also see a very good future for Global Trust on the server, And. I would like to help Global Trust re-establish a good economy in San Andreas.

Well, thanks for reading My application! With sincerely Funstein.
ice ftw!


Dear @Funstein, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Congratulations, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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Ingame name: Zei
Account name: ahmed007007
Age: 16
Native language: Arabic
Additional languages: English / French / A bit of german
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8


English language (0/10): 9
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8
Driving skill (0/10): 9
Strengths: I'm a really creative person when it comes to RPs, also i am a good designer. I'm a teamworker and respectful player.
Weaknesses: Well to be honest sometimes when someone triggers me , i get really mad


Previous organizations you associated with: ThC
Criminal history: Well i was SAPA when it was a squad and then i went inactive for almost 1 year and i got back on late 2018, I joined The Company where i aquired alot of experinece and upgraded my english skills and RP skills too
Current organizations: CIA / SAFD / Cuban Cars / The Forgotten.


Why do you want to join Global Trust? First of all, what really impressed me is the activity GT members are showing, it's just amazing and then the reputation of the group in the server is getting more powerful by time, they wont bankrupt you for sure. And last but not least, I have many creative ideas and plans to deal with San Andreas economy which is a bit mysterious nowadays


Dear @Zei, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Unfortunately, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). Feel free to reapply in 4 weeks.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ingame name: Combine_Harvester
Account name: 'sapience'
Age: 24 unfortunately
Native language: Spanish
Additional languages: English, French, Deutsch, and a bit of Portuguese.
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 7 - not every day, around 4 or 5 days per week.

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 10. I was SANA, for fucks sake.
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 7 being honest, not because I lack the skill but for example I'm very bad acting as a cop, on the other hand I'm decent as civilian and criminal.
Driving skill (0/10): Outstanding 9, overall driving Combine Harversters, except when I have drunk a couple 10,5% Elephant beers and I'm stoned as fuck.
Strengths: I consider myself creative when comes to roleplaying as a civilian, I get a lot into my character and specially if it's farmer class. I'd say driving, shooting and those kind of shits but I guess they're worthless and everyone says 'em to the point it has become some kind of tradition on SAES group applications. Another strength if you may say, is that I'm quite honest and direct, and that helps a lot when it comes to teamwork.
Weaknesses: I'm an incurable cunt sometimes.
Previous organizations you associated with: B~B, ALT, HS, AA, I've been FBI a while but cop side wasn't for me. I may forget some.
Criminal history: I joined B~B on 2011 when Jolardy still was a fat cunt and zZenom had all LS controlled by his SoA minions. Then a bit of time in ALT as civilian I went into HS as a criminal again, until it died, after that I joined AA on 2014, now on 2019 I'm currently not part of any.
Current organizations: None.

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) I want to join because I can put time into another group else than ZIP and Centrino, and as I want to keep a limited amount of groups I joined to not have so many shits to do, I chose this one even over many other already official ones. I'd say I could contribute to the group with my quality of English, I am actually very good writings stories as I was part of SANA when Soinus was here, and also made my own news agency for a year so I made a bunch of decent articles that are decent to read. I'm also good making photographs, and editing them after so they look respectively cool, you can check one I did for DE rec here.



Ingame name: Toni
Account name: izlatko
Age: 17 and half
Native language: Croatian
Additional languages: English.
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 9

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 8
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 9
**Driving skill (0/10):**9
Strengths: patient, mature, honest person, driving, shooting, flying, rolepalying, teamwork are my strengths ingame
Weaknesses: playing with lag

Previous organizations you associated with:
Criminal history: When I joined server I started playing as criminal, but sometimes criminal side was getting me bored so I decide to play on cop side.
Current organizations: I am not part of any g/s/c

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1))
Well, to be honest, I want join Global Trust because I like their roleplay and also I like members who are in because they improving their skills by roleplaying. I liked idea of Global trust whe nI read history of group.Real reason is i'm trying to get experience about groups. I was looking for a group but wouldn't be random one, and i saw Global Trust group is the most active group.Thats why i am trying to join GT. I know that is hard to join in Global Trust groups cause you need to hard to get place in group but I will try to do it.


Dear @Combine and @Toni thank you for applying for Global Trust. @Toni you have been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) and we welcome you guys in the Global Trust family! You have been added as Worker to our roster!
@Combine You have been accepted but after you got banned I have to revoke this decision! I'm very sorry for you!

Bild Text
Chief Executive Officer,
Global Trust.

s s,



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Personal Information

Ingame name: Mohamed
Account name:
Age: 13
Native language: Arabic
Additional languages: English & Turkish ( a bit Turkish )
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day):

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 8/10
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 7/10
Driving skill (0/10): 7/10
Strengths: Teamwork

Previous organizations you associated with: CripZ / HRMC / Rebels / ICE / FBI / ICEx2 / FOX / SAPA
Criminal history: When I started playing on the server I was playing as a cop and as a criminal at the same time like I was changing I'm trained in both sides and I joined many gangs / squads but now I joined a gang and I wont leave it
Current organizations:
The Company

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1))
Well, I can help Global Trust by working as a bodyguard because I fit in Bodyguards role and style plus that I have many good things that can make you trust me, I'm a loyal & Honestly & Respectful & Helpful and friendly so I can help Global Trust with many things.

  • 2 weeks later...

Dear @Mohamed-Mostafa, thank you for applying for Global Trust. Unfortunately, your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Welcome to Global Trust.

D. Thorne

Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Chief Operating Officer,
Global Trust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Ingame name: Diesel
Account name: klmpoiuyt
Age: 16
Native language: Arabic
Additional languages: English , Arabic and french
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play,10-9 is every day):
Skill evaluation
English language (8/10):
Roleplaying skill (9/10):
Driving skill (10/10): I am really a good driver
Strengths: Rping , Driving , parachuting , and Flying
Weaknesses: Cracking

Previous organizations you associated with: Limo group
Criminal history:
SAFP: i Leave because i am bored
Current organizations: N\A but i hang with CripZ
Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Try to keep it under 500 words) I would Join GLOBAL TRUST because i wanna try joining one of a group really i think it s good Group


Dear @hzhayzza thank you for applying for Global Trust. But for now we have to ~[DENY]~(red) you. Your application doesn't fulfills the requirements. Join us when we do roleplays to gain experience and to see what it means to be in a group like ours. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks but please make sure that you've read and understood Spoiler #1 on the first page if you still want to join Global Trust!

Bild Text
Chief Executive Officer,
Global Trust.

s s,



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Personal Information
In-game name: ZipWyatt
Account name: ZipWyatt
Age: 20
Native language: English
Additional languages: None
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 7-8

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 10, I'm American after all :flag-us:
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8, I try to roleplay when possible and keep it as realistic as I can
Driving skill (0/10): 9, I generally follow the basics rules of the road unless I'm bored or getting low FPS
Strengths: I always attempt to stay true to a cause and give my all, I'm a very dedicated person who will take everything I hold to my grave
Weaknesses: I am very forthright about my thoughts

Previous organizations you associated with: None, I have yet to be accepted into any G/C/S
Criminal history: I've played a fair amount spawned as criminal, not that good at staying out of jail for longer than a few minutes
Current organizations: None

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1) I would like to join GT because it would further increase the growth of a great group. If you need to get something done I'll be there to help you do it(let's get that spawn ;)). Also, roleplaying is something I enjoy and to have others who do as well is amazing to me.


Dear @ZipWyatt thank you for applying for Global Trust. You has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) and we welcome you in the Global Trust family!
Your style of RP is exactly what we need and it's a pleasure for us to see such a great RP player in our rows!
Join our discord to receive your Worker role and then we can discuss about further steps.

Bild Text
Chief Executive Officer,
Global Trust.

s s,



Account name:maxismuz4141
Native language:Turkish
Additional languages:English
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day):4-5
Skill evaluation
English language (0/10):6
Roleplaying skill (0/10):7
Driving skill (0/10):8
Strengths:Im active,loyal I can RP with otherr GT members
Weaknesses:I cant play with lag
Previous organizations you associated with:MMC,UE,FBI,TST,MI6,DEA,HS
Criminal history:I start with MMC later I join with my friends HS
Current organizations:
**Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)**well i read your purpose and your story and I'm interested in joining and learn more about it and contribute my help to the cause and help grow in all aspects and create a global empire and make global trust a massive titan


Personal Information

Ingame name: Brother
Account name: brotherhoodman
Age: 18
Native language: Spanish
Additional languages: English and learning german.
Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 5, I'm active on certain days only.

Skill evaluation
English language (0/10): 7/10
Roleplaying skill (0/10): 9/10
Driving skill (0/10): 8/10
Strengths: My strenghts could be that I'm a funny person and also a chill one. Anything you ask me, I would be glad to do it if I give myself enough time. I could also say that one of my strenghts is that I like to be committed to something.
Weaknesses: I sincerely don't know how to answer this... my weaknesses could be that I can get sick easily and quick (in terms of health).

Previous organizations you associated with: No organizations whatsoever.
Criminal history: I've been in quite a lot, but I had been inactive for some years, all I can remember is that I was in RDMC, The Outfit, ZETAS, MXG and then I finally ended up in Underground Empire since a few years.
Current organizations: Underground Empire and ZIP

Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) Well, I don't really have any deep desires to join, other than to be in it to have some fun with you fellas. I like the company theme and I sincerely would love to be in a group about world-wide operating industry syndicate.

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