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  • 1 month later...

I want to request a Sabre from my remaining donations to this location down below named 'Richman Love Cabin'. Property is owned by '[TT]IceCold (kaseke123)'.

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Location in the F11:

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Colorcodes will be '#5E2E26' as a main color and '#000000' as a second.

2X nitro aswell, account names beside me will be 'kaseke123', 'golgg123' and 'TheRubik'.

  • 4 weeks later...

I want to request couple of donations (with shaders) to certain locations from the remaining perks I haven't withdrawn yet.

From this big donation I have a 80 pounds creditwise left. (2 of the remaining perks are requested and placed). Every vehicle I request here needs only a shader put by admin from the current stock ones (that will be figured out ingame) and a acc names locked to it, everything else I can mod myself.


Admiral to this location down below with the following acc names to every single vehicle down below, EXCEPT the last one will be just locked for the albajan and myself.

decrypter1 (myself)
@TaaviLaudur (snaaker)
@ugli (marxmarx)
@Candy (albajan)

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Sabre to this location;

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Hotring Racer 3 to this location;

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NRG-500 to this location;

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That's it folks, that's total of 4 vehicles, only 1 will be remaining for now if it's together with the shader.

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