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Enforcer Passeger Capacity



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I'd like to bring attention to ever forgotten and equally useless vehicle, the Enforcer.
About a year ago I suggested some changes to health or projectile resistance to make this slow vehicle somewhat useful, while that suggestion never made it through I came up with this one; higher number of possible players in the vehicle, increased passenger limit.

Even something as simple as /cargrab but with players appearing on the inside of the vehicle, or DE style command for sitting in the back of the Barracks would do the trick. Since glue is now nonexistent, it seems like a great time to give Enforcer the function that it was designed for - Transport!

It looks too cool to be left so useless!

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Just in case want help in this, i have a good thing to suggest:

  • Player will start to get in the vehicle

  • Jusr once he is in, he will get kicked of the enforcer immediately if the seat is 2 or 3.

  • Once he is out, he will be attached to the seats within table of offsets that the enforcer has from its position. Not sure if you can get me, I mean there will be a table that will have offsets of attachement in order, if the previous offset is already occupied it will be attached with the next offset (we can do that with how many elements are attached, by make sure it doesnt get buggy with cargrab and regular glue, find your own ways, no idea).

  • I guess that is all

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I'm really curious about why the actual fuck do certain people that play as crims feel the need to downvote this - bet none of you even know what a damn Enforcer is. This would be a great upgrade to a vehicle that already has A LOT of flaws/defects, aswell as an oportunity to make it more "RPish". For someone that don't even play with this vehicle, you guys need to relax srsly.

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Good idea, could even improve the enforcer by making it extra resistant to damage, similarly to the cars of certain groups. The car is after all often used for high-value detainees/money transport etc. in real life so it comes with extra resistance.

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