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FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@Noble , Your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) , make sure to read the document before rushing any SAC+ for your ingame tests.

https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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Personal Information
In-game name: Dippo
Account name: Dippo
Discord name and ID: Dippo#2826
Nationality: Brazilian
Age: 21
Primary Language: Portuguese

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 6/7 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1 year and 8 months
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked: [CDC][BB]

CDC - I was the temporary leader of the cdc for a while, and after many attempts to get the gang back together I decided it was time to close and go our way, many members did not think the same way and I decided to give my position to another and try to get on with my life

B~B - as everyone already knows, I left BB to help the CDC to get up again

CDC - they don't give a fuck to who is helping them, so i left the gang

B~B - bored of criminal side

Why do you wish to join the FBI: After a long time thinking about join to a Squad, I chose the FBI because I liked how the members within the squad are united, helping each other, and in my opinion FBI is one of the best active squads at the moment
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals: N/A

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: do something in game you can do irl
Define deathmatching: kill someone without any reason
State three server rules (F1):

1: Do not Abuse Animations to hide in walls or objects
2: Do not Marker Kill or Marker Arrest
3: Do not Camp the hospital as any class

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Personal Information

In-game name: IShoud
Account name: yacine02
Discord name and ID: ishoud#7206
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 15 years old
Primary Language: Arabic.

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA: 1 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1 month ago
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No i dont have
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked:

  • ICE: i left because its an inactive squad.

  • Pirus:dead

  • Gen-X: kicked i'll explain the reason in game.

Why do you wish to join the FBI: Well , ramzi recommend me to Apply at FBI , i would actually love to be a part of this squad bcz it has a friendy members and they have a good experiance so i decided to choose it.
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals: No never.

General Knowledge

Define roleplaying: is acting like in real life.
Define deathmatching: killing peopls without reason.

State three server rules (F1):

1: Do not Abuse Bugs
2: Do not Marker Kill/arrest
3: Do not dm others players / respect Admin/staff., speak anglish in the mainchat

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Personal Information
In-game name:Golf2
Account name:Mateus9540
Discord name and ID:Mateo#0310
Primary Language:Croatia

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:4Years
How long have you been playing SAES:RPG:2Years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked:Oc:Dead
Why do you wish to join the FBI:Members are kind and friendly and i want to become Pro Cop
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals:Never been

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:Acting like u are in RealLife
Define deathmatching:Shooting Player/Their vehicle without reason
State three server rules (F1):
1. Don't Dm other players
2. Don't Kill/Arrest at marker
3. Don't Arrest at hospital

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@Dippo , Your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) , make sure to read the document before rushing any SAC+ for your ingame tests.


@Mateus Your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) , make sure to read the document before rushing any SAC+ for your ingame tests


@Ishoud , Your application is ~[Pending,]~(orange) awaiting further feedback from members of the Bureau.


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Personal Information
Name: Ats
Account Name: Ats
Nationality: Estonian
Age: 17
Primary Language: Estonian
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA: A year and a half.
How long have you been playing SAES: A few months, I took a break from playing for some time tho.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I've always looked up to the FBI, I think its the best squad and wish to try and help them in any way I can.

If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: N/A

General Knowledge

Define roleplaying: Roleplaying is playing as a character and acting out their role.
Define deathmatching: Deathmatching is attacking a player without a roleplay reason to do so.
State three server rules (F1):
1: Don't deathmatch.
2: Don't abuse animations to hide in walls or objects.
3: Don't camp at the hospital as any class.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Your application has been ~[Accepted.]~(lime) Please review the following document before contacting a SAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

You have been on pending for a week and we have not seen you hanging out with FBI so that we can get to know you alittle better. Application status changed from pending to ~[Denied.]~(red)
If you are still interested in joining FBI, you may re-apply in 2 weeks. If you are planning on re-applying then I would advice you to start getting active in-game and hanging out with FBI members.


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Personal Information

In-game name: Harry
Account name: Harry04
Discord name and ID:Harry04#1472
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 25 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English/arabic/france

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA:9 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 9 years ago but i forgot my old account
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:TST/TBS/RDMC/SK/GTI/DEA/CRIPZ
Cripz:i left beacouse i want join FBI
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because I loved it and wanted to get into it because I have previous experience and I have friends and I never stand gangs
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals: No
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Role play is acting the real life
Define deathmatching: Kill your friends without any reason
State three server rules (F1): Dont park arrest / dont camp/dont arrest in hospital - /dont avoid arrest/Do not abuse bugs or glitches in server..

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Your application has been Accepted. Please review the following document before contacting a ASAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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personal information

In-game name: m9co
Account name: ilya60601
The name and ID shell: M9c0#6202
Nationality: Russian
Age: 16 years
Main Language: Russian
Other languages you speak: English

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA: 5 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years ago, but I forgot my old account
Do you have a diploma of Prokop?: No
Previous G/s / S groups and why left:organization z. leave

Why you want to join the FBI: I would like to test myself in another field
If you were previously banned, link to your ban appeal: no
General knowledge
Define a role-playing game: a role-playing game is a real-life game
Definition of deathmatching: kill your friends for no reason
Three rules of the server (F1) are formulated: do not Park the arrest camp / do not / do not arrest in the hospital, - /do not avoid arrest/do not abuse errors or glitches on the server..

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


After discussing with the rest of our members and having you patrolled with us, we decided to give you a chance to be a part of FBI. You have been ~[Accepted]~(lime). Please review the following document before contacting a SAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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personal information

~[In-game name:]~(black) Tema
~[Account name:]~(black) tema1
~[The name and ID shell:]~(black) Tema#2015
~[Nationality:]~(black) Russian
~[Age:]~(black) 17 years
~[Main Language:]~(black) Russian
~[Other languages you speak:]~(black) English/Russia

~[In-Game Information]~(black)

~[How long have you been playing MTA:]~(black) 5 years ago
~[How long have you been playing SAES:]~(black) 3 years
~[Do you have a diploma of Prokop?:]~(black) No
~[Previous G/s / S groups and why left:]~(black)THC -
I'm tired of playing for crime

~[Why you want to join the FBI:]~(black) Well , Kirosa recommend me to Apply at FBI , i would actually love to be a part of this squad bcz it has a friendy members and they have a good experiance so i decided to choose it.
~[If you were previously banned, link to your ban appeal:]~(black) no.
~[General knowledge]~(black)
~[Define a role-playing game:]~(black) Roleplaying is playing as a character and acting out their role.
~[Definition of deathmatching:]~(black) killing peopls without reason.
~[Three rules of the server (F1) are formulated:]~(black) dont mark arrest/dont arrest in hospital/dont park arrest/dont dm.

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  • Personal information

In-game name: CaLvin
Account name: calvin00
The name and ID shell:I done have discord right now.but i'll create a new one.
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 16 years old
Main Language: Arabic
Other languages you speak: English.Arabic

  • In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA: 1month
How long have you been playing SAES: 20 days ago.
Do you have a diploma of ProCop?:No.
Previous G/s / S groups and why left:Comando_da_Capital:i left Because its inactive Gang. so i decided to leave it.

Why you want to join the FBI:Well , i want to be a part of FBI because FBI its the most active squad in this server and i'm very like it when i see it in the first time also i like their members bcz they are very friendly and they have a good experiance.
If you were previously banned, link to your ban appeal: No never.

  • General knowledge

Define a role-playing game: Rp is Active Like in Real Life.
Definition of deathmatching: Killing someone with out any reason.
Three rules of the server (F1) are formulated:

  • Do not marker arrest/kill

  • Follow F1 rules.

  • Do not Dm others players.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Since you patrolled with us long enough and joined our training, you gave us the chance to evaluate your skills as a cop; For that, we decided to give you a chance to be a part of FBI. You have been ~[Accepted]~(lime). Please review the following document before contacting a SAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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Personal information
In-game name: SweeTy
Account name: skouda06
The name and ID shell: I was inactive and i forget my Discord but i'll open new discord.
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 16 years old
Main Language: Arabic
Other languages you speak: English.Arabic,Frensh

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 4 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: 4 years ago
Do you have a diploma of ProCop?: No I Dont have.
Previous G/s / S groups and why left: FBI/OC/C
OverdoseCrime: It was my first gang and i stay with them 1 years But the gang Closed.
Federal Bureau of Investigation: After OC Closed i join FBI and i help a lot like media archive But I Left Cuz i want to play as crim and i Join C.
Clandistine Mob: The best gang and friends in this gang I Like them a lot I join C when C was Level 0 And i was inactive 4 month ago cuz no pc School... And now i'm back and i want to play cop side.
Why you want to join the FBI: Well i want to be part with FBI to help them and i have experaince in this server cuz i have 4 years plus i have some friends in this squad like ramzi.
If you were previously banned, link to your ban appeal: No never.

General knowledge
Define a role-playing game: Roleplay is acting like real life.
Definition of deathmatching: Attacking or killing someone without reason.
Three rules of the server (F1) are formulated:

1. English in mainchat.
2. Don't Deathmatching.
3. Don't Marker Arreast/Marker Kill.

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Personal Information
In-game name:LaShons
Account name:eyeofraso
Discord name and ID:RadeP1#2429
Primary Language:Serbian,Montenegro,Croatian and Bosnian.

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:I've played for 1,5year.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:Instantly when i start play MTA i've start on SAES: RPG (then,1.5year).
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked:I've never been in any G,S or C memberships.
Why do you wish to join the FBI:Because i think im good in this job,and i just qualified to Policeman in Real Life.And i will be police man after high school,i think i will be god in FBI because i always when play on SAES: RPG I play with Police Man(99%)I don't like criminal.
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals:Never.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:Rolplaying is acting like real life.
Define deathmatching:Killing or attacking someone with no reason.
State three server rules (F1):
Don't arrest in hospital.
Follow F1 Server Rules.
Don't Marker/Kill Players.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


First, we would like to thank you for your interest in joining FBI; After discussing with our members and collecting feedback on you based on votes/in-game evaluations, we've come to a conclusion that you're not yet ready to be part of us as you still lack some experience in everything that is related to being a cop. As a conclusion, your application has been ~[Denied]~(red) .

You may re-apply after 2 weeks from now.
During this time, feel free to patrol around with our members to show that you're still interested in joining us.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


First, we would like to thank you for your interest in joining FBI; You've been accepted back then, but since you haven't attended your tests due to 20days+ inactivity, your application result is now ~[Denied]~(red).

You may re-apply whenever you come back from inactivity if you're still interested.


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


After discussing with our members and reviewing your skills in-game, we have decided to give you a chance to be a part of us. Your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) . Please review the following document before contacting a SAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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Personal Information
In-game name: Razak
Account name: isis02
Discord name and ID: RaZaK#2696
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 17 years old
Primary Language: Arabic

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 5 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 5 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: Nope
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked: I'll explain ingame.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Cuz FBI active Squad plus Experiance And i have some friend and i like it.
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals: Never.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Rp is acting like real life .
Define deathmatching: Attack or killed other people without reason And this not Allowed.
State three server rules (F1):

.Don't Deathmatching
.Don't Marker Arrest/Don't Marker Kill
.Follow F1 rules

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Personal Information

In-game name: Sohayb
Account name: zouka04
Discord name and ID: i dont have right now but i'll create one.
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 19 years old
Primary Language: Arabic

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA: 2years old
How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: same as MTA.2years.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left or were kicked:

ICE: i left cuz its inactive squad plus all members are newbie.
SAFP:i left because i want to join FBI with my friends.

-Why do you wish to join the FBI: Well i want to Be Part of FBI because its the most active squad in this server also i Like it and their members cuz they have a good experiance and they are friendly and i have many friends there.
If you have been previously banned, link your ban appeals: No Never.

General Knowledge

Define roleplaying: Acting Like in real life.
Define deathmatching: killing or shooting peopls without reason.
State three server rules (F1):

-Do not dm others player.
-Do not marker kill/arrest
-Do Not abuse bugs / respect admin/staff

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


We have received a good amount of positive feedback about you from our members; For that, we have decided to give you a chance to be a part of us. Your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) . Please review the following document before contacting a SAC+ ingame for your tests: https://i.imgur.com/g6SzPnO.png and please read it carefully.


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