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Assist system in arresting



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This suggestion comes to adjust a very big problem, sometimes cops manage to taze but someone else steals the arrest and a drama starts. Indeed why not adding a small system so nearby cops (in the max range of a taze shot) get a small amount of the reward when the guy is arrested as they assisted.

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I personally don't mind people "stealing" my arrest. But, if you feel like this should be changed, make the person that tased receive something like 25% or so of the arrest, and the person who actually arrested gets the full reward. No one else needs to be rewarded.

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In my very short time copping I've never witnessed anyone starting drama for a stolen arrest. It also changes dealing on the situation. If anything will be changed sure make it so the guy that taze's and the guy that gets the nightstick splits the money. No need to reward the whole squad of nearby cops.

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@Reggi said in Assist system in arresting:

In my very short time copping I've never witnessed anyone starting drama for a stolen arrest. It also changes dealing on the situation. If anything will be changed sure make it so the guy that taze's and the guy that gets the nightstick splits the money. No need to reward the whole squad of nearby cops.

You didnt see trainees omg!

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