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Event number: 119
Event type: Carshow
Prize(s): 1.750.000
LWS Helper(s): ICE|Sam
Winner(s): 1st [AA]Daglow , 2nd Tob|Rubik , 3rd [TT*]Green
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z1FEWpk
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~[Story]~(sienna) : I ve always been waiting for an Operation and suddenly I got a call from our brother, alliance Tuga Thugs it was weekend x He got some problems with a Private First Class An officer who works under ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement, he wants me to kill him because he might do something to cancel his deal next week so I had to move and kill him
~[ScreenShots]~(sienna) : https://imgur.com/a/XS8Lul8


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My phone rang at 7.0 a.m. It was Mr. Rolando who was calling. Mr. Rolando owns a car store in Sanfierro. Mr.Rolando sells expensive vehicles. He is one of the richest people in San Fierro. The SWAT member, Filippo knew that he was rich so he kept coming to car shop once a week for bribe.. Rolando told me that Filippo will come to car shop at 4 pm. I went to in front of carshop at 3 pm and waited for Filippo.

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Filippo came to carshop at 4.10 pm. He went in and sat. He started to talk with Rolando's secretary. I went in carshop and told him to go out by aiming at him. I told him to get in my car then I drove away. We went to mountain in bayside. I killed him with 2 bullets. Then I pushed his body to sea.

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~[Black ~ Bullets . Agent-77]~(orange,black)


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~[Story]~(sienna) : **
I ve Been Sitting on our own bar at San Fiero hiding from cops since last operation, but I got a call from an unknown guy he wants me to kill a pizza boy called tape works at Los santos Pizza Because he scammed him Also he will pay an extra bonus if i finish the job without any trouble, I' ve collected all information about him so I had to move, 2018/11/14 9:00 Tapi start his work he just parked his bike near the pizza shop, I fired on him and took his body and threw him in the sea**

~[Screenshots]~(sienna) : https://imgur.com/a/D7Ij9Yw


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Event number: 122
Event type: Lucky Tubes
Prize(s): $1.000.000
LWS Helper(s): CripZ>Brondy
Winner(s): CripZ>Dexter
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EXZfB67

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Event number: 123
Event type: Lucky Nader
Prize(s): $1.000.000
LWS Helper(s): CripZ>Brondy
Winner(s): Lucifer
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/72GEcaN

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Event number: 124
Event type: Chiken Nader
Prize(s): $1.000.000
LWS Helper(s): Me
Winner(s): cuteanimegirl
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iMnRWzP
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~[Story :]~(sienna) 1 week after the last operation my friend Mr. John out of jail, he called me saying that there will be a drug, weapons deal at San Fiero, well first didn't believe how the fuck there is a deal at San Fiero and I don't know, I had to use one of our fastest cars at our base so I can fear before the cops come, I was waiting for them, at 12:30 they start talking and showing the quality of guns, drugs so I had to move and kill them after that I took the van to my friend he paid me an extra bonus for this successful mission also he told me we will have a lot of work together good luck

~[Participant]~(sienna) : ~[Black Bullets]~(#b83f07) , ~[~[~[Overdose Crime]]~(purple)], ~[~[Comando da capital]~(#c21881)] and a Criminal called Mr.John

~[ScreenShots]~(sienna): https://imgur.com/a/Na4x03k


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Event number: 125
Event type: LMS [CS+M4]
Prize(s): 1.000.000 $$
LWS Helper(s): [B~B]Nyx_
Winner(s): [TT]Angelo
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HEZhQRu


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~[Story]~(#c95406): Yesterday my friend Spinkess called me because he need some help I couldn't tell him no so he has a problem with Fox Operations X Agent called Hassoni, I started tracking him everywhere to collect more information about this guy and know his weakness, he had a sister called Mary I had to kidnap her after that I told spinkess to meet him somewhere and I will be sniping from the roof, after that I threw him away at the sea

~[ScreenShots]~(#c95406): https://imgur.com/a/KShaeGV


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^[Event number: 126]
^[Event type: LMS]
^[Prize(s): $1.000.000]
^[LWS Helper(s): Me]
^[Winner(s): rango]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wQeAwZs]
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^[Event number: 128]
^[Event type: ARREST EVENT]
^[Prize(s): $20.000.000]
^[LWS Helper(s): Me]
^[Winner(s): Cop.Alex]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/f15n5KC]
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