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Aiming Marker - Poll


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^[A marker used to appear when you aim on someone, since a small while it was removed for some reasons, Indeed the community got divided into those who want it back and others that dont, In order to keep this fair this poll can be useful, Finally who are still not sure about what is this marker click here]

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@Bone said in Aiming Marker - Poll:

keep it disabled it brings abit of a challenge and skills now to fight people. a marker ontop their head revealing their position while not seeing the other player is cheating imho

Viewing from your logic we might aswell as remove the radar itself as well it isn't realistic seeing the enemies excact location in turfwars right? Oh ye its also unfair checking the radar to see the others location oh its cheating. Removing it might bring back the hide and seek days from childhood that's definently fun.

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@bazuka36 said in Aiming Marker - Poll:

@Bone said in Aiming Marker - Poll:

keep it disabled it brings abit of a challenge and skills now to fight people. a marker ontop their head revealing their position while not seeing the other player is cheating imho

Viewing from your logic we might aswell as remove the radar itself as well it isn't realistic seeing the enemies excact location in turfwars right? Oh ye its also unfair checking the radar to see the others location oh its cheating. Removing it might bring back the hide and seek days from childhood that's definently fun.

there's a difference in not seeing a player model but see a marker onto their head revealing positioning
and for the radar argument there's a field of view which fades out your blip after x time but marker remains.
fex you crouch behind a small wall, your radar blip fades out but your " aim marker " remains
so whats wrong with my logic ?

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Well there are two sides to this story, people who fight daily and try to improve their combat skills, I totally understand that but like the thing is when let's say, I am roleplaying and planning to post it onto the forums, it will certainly look nicer without the marker when I am aiming at the suspect or so, get me?
It's a 50/50 thing but I'd rather have it not back, if you really need an advantage where your opponent is, just spam the shit out of the /loc system.

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Targeting marker is really not required, unless you are looking to scam people at GT.
It reveals hidden players, it reveals tagless players' health, it reveals invisible people.
I cannot find a single instance where its absence would cause an issue.

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