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Refuel vehicle



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Instead of that useless "Repair all vehicles" button on the housing panel, a "Refuel vehicle" button as a relpacement will be a great addition.
If you're going to say its not realistic, you can fix your vehicle without going to the pay n spray shop so why not refuel vehicle without going to the fuel station?

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@Skerdi said in Refuel vehicle:

Yes but people wont use fuel stations anymore but this is a good idea

Actully no they will be able to use fuel stations as they dont have properties everything

On the other side im impressed that scorpyo comes with such suggestion, Indeed i wanna suggest ab enhancement for the rp side of it adding the button will be great but we add a quantity of fuel that a house can have and they can refuel houses by buying some fuel from fuel stations (like if they are using a fuel pack)

alt text

A marker in every fuel station with a highter cost for fuel packs and they take it to one of the houses.

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sounds bad to me, i would rather have all service related functions gone from disk and force players to use paynspray/fuelstation.
it's just too easy if you can service your cars with a disk, or even heal yourself up at a disk. :-1:

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@Tut-Greco said in Refuel vehicle:

sounds bad to me, i would rather have all service related functions gone from disk and force players to use paynspray/fuelstation.
it's just too easy if you can service your cars with a disk, or even heal yourself up at a disk. :-1:

@Cappo said in Refuel vehicle:

-1. Why not making more stations and pay n' spay, instead of fixing and refuelling your vehicles in a disk. That would make the stations useless, as well as ALT. Not supporting this at all

If you prefere removing the repair vehicle option, we can make a poll for it. Otherwise i see no reason why this shoudlnt be made if that stays
Oh and yeh Cappo i already mentionned, there is the repair vehicle option and people are still using the pay n spray so it doesnt have anything to do with making stations useless. And ALT's job isnt only refilling stations just so you know

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Alright let's say I'm in a SR, in Los Santos, for example the one in Mulholand, or the Warehouse. I'm using my alpha and I'm pretty much out of fuel. Why would I bother going to a station and maybe getting myself in a risk, as if I am a criminal, I would get some cops after me, while I'm heading to the station. Yeah, I'll get to refuel my vehicle from the disk that is right next to the SR I am in, which of course would make it too easy.

Or let's say I am in LVx, of course, there are like 2 disks that are as that close, as I would choose refilling my vehicle there, instead of bothering myself and going to a station.

That seems to be really unrealistic (I do realize 75% of the gameplay isn't realistic, but it just doesn't seem right).

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@Blade said in Refuel vehicle:

I'd suggest making refuelling in the savedisk a lot more expensive and perhaps make refuel stations cheaper.


And i see people just voting no and not even giving one small reason for that, dont be cunts guys, if you're going to downvote either give a valid reason or dont vote at all.

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