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FOX Operations X - Media Archive

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Date: 26th May,2021
FOX crew involved: @Beast_ @Knele @Latinoo @Hassoni @Toolbox @AntiRug @Stalin
Other players involved: @Kristiina @Medelln-Cartel

Wednesday 26th May, 2021 around 20:40, FOX Operatives received radio intel from Verdant Meadows Airfield ATC about an aircraft requesting landing in the hanger. After plane landed by 30mins, one of the airfield workers spotted weird suspicious activity which was about three vehicles and a truck full of armed members of a cartel.

After receiving the intel, FOX agents starting moving right away in a fixed convey with all required equipment.


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Once arriving there and after some mins of high voices and aiming with weapons at each others, agents successfully managed to restrain the suspects from doing any thing and to be all gathered facing the walls with hands up collecting all weapons away from suspects and cuffing them till we finish investigating the aircraft and suspicious truck next to it.

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Agents been all over the aircraft and truck investigating till we finally reached full bags of white powder and around 6 crates of AK-47 and Colt 1911 with full magazines. Truck has been sent back to FOX Department for more investigations. Cartel members were taken to LS Restriction jail for their courts. And no single drop of blood occurred. Area was cleared, Agents were safely home and cartel members were not hurt in the operation.

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