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FOX Operations X - Media Archive

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@cappo said in Tactical Response - Media Archive:

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^[The first raid organized by T.R.A. agents]

Activity Number: #32
T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Rick, Alfred, Fenter.
T.R.A. collaborators: @Fox-Operations-X , @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation , DIA & SWAT members; some other cops took part as well.
The raid's main idea: Raiding and shutting down the high criminal activity going on in JK's base.


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Here are two short videos:
https://streamable.com/ngq61u (lmao failed so bad in the second one, the rest did some great arrests though)


Extra information: We're very happy to see that a good amount of the cops are willing to do that kind of somewhat unique and quite interesting activities, even though this one was tough, considering that we were strongly outnumbered, the area was quite tough to take control of as well, especially when the only option is to do so by the air only.
Every single cop that came did their best and deserves to be respected for that. Well done.
T.R.A. will continue organizing that kind of unique activities.

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