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Date: 01/05/2020
Information: Invading few bases and then patrolling
Players involved(if any): Danniel, Teafore(drebin), Ha$$oni, Redlive, Epichu, and Beast
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZFJQ57E

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FOX crew: Kleptix, Marshall, Reacher, and Beast
Date and time of the patrol: 06-05-2020, 16:40+
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FOX crew: Redlive, 007, Reacher, and Beast
Date and time of the patrol: 06-05-2020, 22:00+
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Date: 06/05/2020
Information: Stoping BR and started patrolling
Players involved(if any): Reacher, drebin, 007, Ha$$oni, JasonBourne and Beast


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FOX crew: @Hassoni @Beast_ @Danniel @007 @Drebin @Kleptix @Reacher @Filippo @Howlze @Danniel
Date and time of the patrol: 09.05.2020 - Patrol left HQ at 21:30 and returned at 00:30
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/a5WTFCx
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Date & Time: 08/05/2020 18:00+
Information: Fox Operations X - 5th anniversary (events and patrols with our marvelous ETF allies)
FOX Crew: @Sam_ , @Hassoni , @JohnnyEnglish , @Kleptix , @Legend , @Marko , @Scorpyo , @redlive122 , @Frank-Drebin , @Danniel , @Albie , @Reacher , @GanJa , @Shadro , @Henry , @Daniels89
ETF Crew: @AntiRug , @NORI999 , @Alexie , @ZoRo , @MouRiS , @ZiZou777 , @Kiloo , @blx , @SheraP , @Jemmyx46 (Jemain) , and @Antonix (Matix)
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Activity Details: The FOX Headquarters has received a call about a criminal raid at the Los Santos Correctional Facility(Prison) which involved a huge amount of rioters and escapists. Mere moments after hearing the call, three FOX Agents have been sent to handle the situation, Detective Agent Albie along with Senior Field Agents Redlive and Destroyer in a FOX issued Tactical Maverick helicopter.
The situation has been handled professionally, with armed targets eliminated and rioters contained, none of the Agents have received any long-term injuries(No deaths). Overall, a successful operation.
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2020. - 1:10
Screenshots: Click!
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