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Role Play Number: 1

Participants in The RP: @Ekko

RP Scenario: I was driving with Ekko around Bone county when we found this perfectly painted and abandoned muscle car with a badly technical problem on the motor, we take the muscle to the repair departement safely and was repaired sucessfully.
The most damaged part was the carter, throwing oil on the road and the motor head was a little damaged maybe because of an recent accident. The front window was replaced with a new one and the car was ready to begin the races.

ScreenShot(s): https://i.imgur.com/VBaKxKL.png

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Participants in The RP:@Ekko

RP Scenario:
i was hanging around lvx with my friend ekko repairing some cars suddenly he recieve a call that someone's car is broken and need repaire so we head back to TMH base to see the problem
after a long work we fix the car and we make to it a brand new color and we go to return it back to its owner

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Hang-Around Number: 1

TMH Members Involved: @TaJ @Proton @Silveer @Ekko @Killer @VeX @Beckham

Duration of Hang: 21 Minutes(Started in 19:06 ended in 19:27)

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0TXrJl6 (All screenshots should be there)

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