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GEA- General Eagle Arms - a member of the San Andreas Research and Protection Association, which works on philosophy and psychology in different professions; In 1994, he emphasized that philosophy is a set of virtues and practical values applied to life, and was established to work in the field of search-rescue-ecology-social assistance campaigns. And for this purpose, it was called ACTIVE PHILOSOPHY * that the individual's capacities and human virtues were transformed into a useful and practical service to the society by means of voluntary service, while the individual's discovery and crossing the limits of his / her potential.
In 1994, for the first time in the Los Santos region, the team members participating in a 2-week training in Emergency Assistance, Rescue and Forest Fires organized by the State District Defense, realized the effectiveness of non-governmental organizations in voluntary activities in San Andreas and brought a new dimension to their work in the international arena.
In 1999, the GEA Team, which made a protocol with the General Directorate of Civil Defense, set the standards at the end of 1999 according to the UN standards of the United Nations. Our team, who received trainings from the General Directorate of Civil Defense of San Andreas since 1999, then went to Las Venturas with the invitation of the Government of Las Venturas. With the contribution of the Las Venturas Government, the team has contacted the LV RAPID UK team, and has held 6 joint exercises within 2 years with the team of Las Venturas.
Until 2003, GEA provided a joint training with the Civil Defense of Las Venturas, Civil Defense of San Fierro, Civil Defense of Red County, Desert Eagles. He has received invitations from Las Venturas, San Fierro, Red County, Bone County, Tierra Robada, Flint County and Los Santos and provided training to various Civil Society Organizations. GEA Team, who participated in the operations as soon as possible in emergency situations, voluntarily gave trainings to many institutions and organizations about Earthquake Training and Emergency Management.
The GEA Team organized emergency cooperation protocols and communication agreements with official Civil Defense teams and non-governmental organizations in 22 countries with disaster risk to obtain information about the region in case of a disaster and to carry out search and rescue activities as soon as possible.
Each year, GEA Team conducts joint exercises, training and meetings with search and rescue teams in different countries of the world, and participates in the search and rescue and humanitarian coordination meetings organized by the United Nations in the preparation process after the international operations.

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Year of Foundation: 04.01.2019
Authorized team: @Soulfly - @TheClaw - @DarkSideR - @Spinkes
Secretary Forces: @Asgal @Griffin

Operaton Tag:
Mountain Rescue Forces: MR-Code
Ground Rescue Forces: GR-Code
Naval Rescue Forces & Naval Research Unit: NR-Code & NRU-Code
Air Rescue Forces & Air Research Unit: AR-Code & ARU-Code
Color Code: CC3000
Media Center: Click

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  • GEA Board of Directors:
    -GEA Director- @Soulfly
    Leader of the organization. He has strong connections with government and Desert Eagles.
    -GEA Supervisor- @TheClaw
    Right hand of the Director. He has strong connections with Desert Eagles too. When something important occur, he goes there as Director.
    -GEA Supervisor Assistant- @DarkSideR
    Assistant of the Supervisor. He does most of the jobs such as recruitment.
    -GEA Chairman- @Spinkes
    Chairman of the GEA Council. He accepts new ideas which has born in Council and presents that to the Director.
    -GEA Council Member-
    Member of GEA Council. Presents new ideas, participates in voting, has strict connections with GEA Chairman.
    GEA Secretary General
    -GEA Leading Secretary-
    Head of the GEA Secretary General. He has strong connections with San Andreas Government. He arranges meetings with Desert Eagles, San Andreas Government. He is a Council member too.
    -GEA Secretary Supervisor-
    Right hand of Leading Secretary. Arranges interviews with new participators, recruits new members.
    -GEA Secretary-
    Proficient members which has trained by Supervisor. They do most of the paperworks, control the money status.

  • Mountain Rescue Forces:
    -Head Climber- @Asgal
    Mountain climber which has twenty years or more experience and advanced first aid knowledge. Head of the MRU. He works parallel with Research Team.
    -Veteran Climber- @NORI999
    Climbers which have at least ten years experience of climbing, proper first aid knowledge. He is the right hand of Head Climber. Recruits and trains new members.
    Helicopter Team for assisting climbers. Expert members which know Mount Chilliad well. The team consist of proficient pilots and expert climbers.
    -Response Team- @Matias
    Team which drives 4x4 SUVs to be faster. They consist of expert ambulance drivers.
    When patient comes, they immediatley get them to hospital.
    -Research Team- @Spicey
    They cooperate with Desert Eagles and San Andreas Government for more accurate informations. Guides Rescue Team to emergency coordinate.

  • Ground Rescue Forces:
    -Chief of Rescue- @Griffin
    The most authorized member of GRF Rescue Unit. Directs the Unit.
    -CoR Assistant- @chemist
    Right hand of the Chief. Trains the Response Team.
    -Response Team- @bachwa
    Proficient Rescue members. Responds to emergency calls.
    Ground Research Unit
    -Research Supervisor- @Rowdy35
    The most authorized member of GRF Research Unit. He has contact with Military Intelligence.
    -RS Assistant- @ZeKinG
    Right hand of the Supervisor, head of the Research Guide Team.
    -Research Guide- @Diamychuu
    Guides Rescue Unit to area.

  • Naval Rescue Forces:
    -Captain- @Ntruder
    The most authorized member. Directs the ship.
    -Assistant Captain-
    Right hand of the Captain. Helps Captain to direct.
    -Diver- @Andre
    Divers of the group. Dives to the underwater crash sites.
    Expert sailors which has trained for riding boats to the coordinates which has given by Naval Research Unit.
    Naval Research Unit:
    -Commander- @SkulioN
    The most important person in Research Unit. Checks the radar 7/24 with Research Team for anything unusual.
    -Research Supervisor-
    He has connections with Desert Eagles, Naval Unit. Helps Commander for direction of the team.
    -Research Team-
    Guides Rescue Unit to Emergency site.
    -Radar Technicians- @Lio
    Expert Technicians which has trained by proficient Radar Engineers. They deal with electronic problems.

  • Air Rescue Forces:
    -Airborne Unit-
    They work wih Desert Eagles Airborne Unit. They respond to the coordinates which is hard to reach there by Ground Rescue Forces.
    -Medical Team- @Judyes
    The team consist of expert doctors and pilots. They respond to the coordinates with Airborne Unit.
    -Watchmans- @MeDai
    They respond to the coordinates before the Airborne and Medical Unit. Their main purpose is locating the exact place of stranded people.
    Air Research Unit
    -Spotter Pilot-
    He uses helicopter or compact planes for spotting crash sites.
    -Air Research Team- @XxNetroxX
    Works with Desert Eagles Airborne Unit. Controls the radar and answers to emergency calls.

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1- Attitude and behaviour to SAES players are the most important rule for GEA. If you fail, you will get demoted. More than three warns, you will get kicked.
2- We are a Roleplay group. Therefore you have to be patient while we are Roleplaying. This is important for us.
3- F1 rules are important and vital for GEA. You MUST obey all of them. If you fail, you will get kicked.
4- Do NOT ask for promotion, HQ team will inform you about your promotion or demotion.
5- Do not disturb any HQ for your application result, just focus to your application. Disturbing anyone for your application result will make things worse.


***Personal Information:***

**Ingame Name:**
**Account Name:**
**Country In-Residence:**
**Languages Spoken:**

***Server Knowledge:***

**Have you read F1 rules?:**
**On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10):**
**On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10):**
**On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):**
**Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:**
**Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words:**

***In-game Information:***

**How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:**
**What is your current G/S/C:**
**Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:**
**Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain:**
** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:**

***Group Informations:***

**Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.):**
**Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force?**
**Why should we accept us ?**
**What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words)**

**Tell us about yourself:**


Personal Information:

**Ingame Name:**Lio
**Account Name:**Lio5
**Country In-Residence:**egypt
**Languages Spoken:**english and arabic

Server Knowledge:

**Have you read F1 rules?:**yes sure
**On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10):**8
**On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10):**7
**On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):**8
**Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:**i am good at drving cars and heli and i am good at shooting guns and dving and i am good at boat and i am good at roleplay and i like help people

In-game Information:

How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 2 years
What is your current G/S/C: i am now in GANG HRMC
**Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:**NO
**Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain:**no never
** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:**no

Group Informations:

**Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.):**San Andreas Research and Protection Association, and helping people and learn him how to Skip the hard work and GEA s come to portect SAn Andreas and it will be the game good and Rescue and rescue cases Forest fires.

**Which division would you like to participate ?**The Marine Unit
**Why should we accept us ?**bec i am good player and i have good skills like good at RPs and drving baot and i love helping and resuce the people.
**What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words)**it is a goood group and it have to rescue the people and portect San Anderss from any Danger
and was established to work in the field of search-rescue-ecology-social and participates in the search and rescue and humanitarian coordination meetings organized by the United Nations in the preparation process after the international operationspreparation process after the international operations.

**Tell us about yourself:**Hello My name Lio and i have 14 years old and i go to school and i have 1 brother and i love helping people and i like play football and i go to library and i read book for helping people.


Personal Information:

Ingame Name: HunTr
Account Name: HunTr
Age: 19
Country In-Residence: Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Languages Spoken: English-persian-arabic(low)

Server Knowledge:

**Have you read F1 rules?:**yea
**On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10):**8
**On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10):**5
**On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):**9
Tell us your weaknesses and strengths: Shoot me with shotgun :|
Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words: Good

In-game Information:

How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 1 week
**What is your current G/S/C:**criminal
**Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:yes
Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain: Never
** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:

Group Informations:

Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.): N/A
Which division would you like to participate ? Activity members
Why should we accept us ? i have good skill and i'm pro player
What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words) N/A

Tell us about yourself:


  • Hello dear applicant @Lio . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. You need to show yourself to us in order to be a part of GEA. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[PENDING]~(orange).

  • Hello dear applicant @HunTr . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. Your in-game knowledge is not good, also it seems like you didn't read our topic. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[DENIED]~(red). You can reapply again after two weeks if you still interested.


Personal Information:

Ingame Name:MeDai
Account Name:mohamed70
Country In-Residence:tunisia
Languages Spoken:english/arabic/french

Server Knowledge:

Have you read F1 rules?:yeh,sure
On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10):8/10
On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10):around 8.5/10
On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):8/10
Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:well,like other players my weaknesees in general :lags,drop FPS ... and my strengths : driving,loyality,aiming
Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words:it mean discuss HQ' team about your application result will make things bad (you can get a denied)

In-game Information:

How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:from 4-3 years ago
What is your current G/S/C:im a member of black syndicate
Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:no
Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain:yes and i'll explain ig
Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:no

Group Informations:

Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.):GEA's role is based of searching, rescuing and ecology .so it's a team with many specialties but with one goal witch saving and helping people
Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force?Ground Rescue Forces:Griffin - or Air Rescue Forces
Why should we accept us ? because im a good player and im sure that i can benefit this groupe with my my experience and im really interrested about the groupe's idea
What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words): well, i can benefit this groupe with my knowledge in the server ,my loyality, my experience and with rp skills

Tell us about yourself: hi, my name is Mohamed Amin im 15 years old and im from tunisia , i like video games especially playing SAES , i like playing online games with friends too .I am active loyal helpful and friendly i like playing


Hello dear applicant @MeDai . Thank you for your interest in GEA. As a Supervisor, I know you well and I'd like to see you in our group. On behalf of Board of Directors, you are ~[ACCEPTED]~(green). Meet with any HQ's in game.


@TheClaw said in GEA - Reach and Rescue Team:

  • Hello dear applicant @Lio . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. You need to show yourself to us in order to be a part of GEA. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[PENDING]~(orange).

You have proven yourself @Lio . ~[ACCEPTED]~(green)


Personal Information:

Ingame Name: Judyes
Account Name: Judyess
Age: 17 years old
Country In-Residence: Tunisine
Nationality: Tounisi
Languages Spoken: English & Arbic & Frensh

Server Knowledge:

Have you read F1 rules?: Yes i did
On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10): 8/10
On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10): 7/10
On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10): 7/10
Tell us your weaknesses and strengths: My Strenghts are : Shooting , Driving , Parachuting.
My Weaknesses are : Drop FPS.
Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words: Do not disturb any HQ for your application result, just focus to your application.

In-game Information:

How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 3 months
What is your current G/S/C: OC and CDC
Are you participating any group, If yes, write them: yeh TMH and CS
Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain: Yes , i was banned. since 1 years ago , I think "Evading of amounts" it is the main reason.
** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:** None

Group Informations:

Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.): GEA role base on , a member of the San Andreas Research and Protection Association, which works on philosophy and psychology in different professions.

Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force? Air Rescue Forces and no leader but i can leade it

Why should we accept us ? Well , i'm an active player , and i know more about GEA, and i'm mature guy.

What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words) I am really interested to join "GEA" because I liked their Role by participating in many activities , Also i have many friends are part of GEA members Moreover I like many things so I decided to join.

Tell us about yourself: Hello there, Im Amine I live in Tunisia , Sousse am 17 years old i study in high school i got 1 brothers i began playing video games since Im a kid i started with play station one and two then my father bought me a computer i was addicted to play FIFA and PES nobody can beat me in these games day after day my friend gave me few games that he already downloaded them and recommended me to play them and one of them was grand theft auto San Andreas, so i started playing the game it took me long time to complete all the missions it was such difficult even through cheating , and one day my friend recommended me to download Multi Theft Auto.


Hello dear applicant @Judyes . We have examined you attitude and behaviour. On behalf of Board of Directors, your result is ~[ACCEPTED]~(green). Meet with any HQ's ingame for your test.


Personal Information:

Ingame Name: Diamychuu
Account Name: Grinnjoy
Age: 16.5 years old
Country In-Residence: Israel
Nationality: Israeli
Languages Spoken: Hebrew/English

Server Knowledge:

Have you read F1 rules?: Yeah, Sure
On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10): 10/10
On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10): 8/10
On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10): 9/10
Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:
My Weaknesses-I dont have any Weaknesses
My Strengths-Shooting, Driving, loyailty,parachuting
Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words: the rule says that you're not supposed to disturb to the HQ's of the group regarding your application results and just be patient

In-game Information:

How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: I used to play back in 2015 (then i went inactive because of studies), and like 5 months ago i came back to SAES:RPG
What is your current G/S/C: OC (OverdoseCrime)
Are you participating any group, If yes, write them: Yeah, 4X4
Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain: No
** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:** No

Group Informations:

Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.): GEA's role is that its a group of people which works on philosophy and psychology and their main goal is to help people achieve their maximum potential
Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force? Ground Rescue Forces-and the chief is Griffin
Why should we accept us ? You should accept me because I'm a respectful member that is active everyday and can make activities while I spend my time in here and I'm loyal and the group idea is great so I wanna try my best there
What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words) I can bring a loyal and active member which is also mature and tries his best in everything I can and I can bring experience also as I found this group interesting and looked more in-depth about this idea and I think I can do very well there

Tell us about yourself:
Hello, my name is Ori, I'm 16.5 years old from Israel,I am studying in high school at grade 10, working out at gym everyday,I Love playing video games like MTA, Fortnite and etc.. I started playing on the computer from age 11, I started playing MTA 5 years ago and I started to play SAES few months ago, I have older brother that he is 22 years old, I'm hanging out with my friends on weekends and we go to bars and chill out, I also play football.Furthermore, Furthermore, I begun studying theory for my driving license, its been five months since then. I really hope to get my driving license

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