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@Albie said in Specialist Firearms Command - Media Archive:

^[~[''THE INTERROGATION'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]

^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]

^[SFC - @TaJ ]

^[Others - @Exile(Suspect) @Bacon42(Second Officer) ]

^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]

^[Las Venturas Police Department:]A suspect was arrested with the charges of arms smuggling and dealing, a LVPD detective linked the suspect to a known criminal organization, investigated by multiple law enforcement organizations, deciding to interrogate the suspect, the detective brought him over from his cell to interrogate him about any links and force him to admit working with such organization, unfortunately the suspect was un-cooperative, refusing to say anything without a lawyer present, due to such behavior, the detective postponed any further investigations on the organization until more evidence is found, the suspect has been returned to his cell, and is expected to be questioned again until field detectives have found the required evidence.


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Event: 1v1 sniper event
Prize: $2.000.000
Winner(s): [SWAT]Flusha
LWS/G6: @Brooks




@Hetler said in Cartel Da Sinaloa ~ Media Archive:

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Role-Play #168

Title : Easy money

Participants : @Avanger / @UrBan / @Beckham

Story :

One day an old friend called me he didn't connected me for a long time ... He is the largest arms dealer in the US Northwest .. His daily Deals is not less than 500 million dollars (Mr Beckham) .. his work he supplies arms dealers with large quantities of weapons and takes a large percentage of profits..He asked me to go to his office to make a deal with a large amount of weapons. He asked me to distribute them to a group of gangs in San Andreas

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The day of the meeting came i went to his office and we began to talk in detail .. The quantity will be 3 tons of heavy weapons and a group of Kalashnikov and 4 or 5 pieces Dragunov and another types of Weps .. . My share will be 40%, or approximately $ 350 million ..

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A few days later, the weapon arrived

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The day of mission come i puted the goods in large cars, [VAN] with my CARTEL DA SINALOA colleague Danger

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we headed towards the headquarters of the gang of AA in SF .. we handed them their goods and handed us money in mutual respect btw Speciall thanks to Mr avanger

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Aslo we went to UE base and gave them their goods and handed us money too .. Speciall thanks to Mr Urban

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And after the end of delivery I returned with my CDS colleague to our base to divide profits with Mr Beckham and was a difficult task and great .. But was successful because we are professionals in such missions ..

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Special thanks to @Arms-Assassins / @Underground-Empire / @The-Company


@DBMoodyBlues said in Al Munazama - Official Media Center:

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^[Al-Munazama & Arms Assassins]


^[Me and @BusterMcBadass ]


^[After all the trouble I have been through since the war, I find this not bad all, I think I'm really liking it here, I have comrades who share the same ideals, we have good training thanks to professionals and we fight for a greater reason. Despite all of this, it isn't enough for me. I want more. Being a simple refugee or an aspiring Mostajid is not enough for me. You see, as a rebel you have to be ambitious. Not only I want to help the organization grow even further, I want to grow with it.]

^[But for now... I'll just stick with the lesser tasks. This is me in a casual day, taking a break.]

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^[ I have a superior approach me and tell me I have an important task to perform. I was put as Al-Munazama's representative in a deal with one of the most prestigious gangs in San Andreas, Arms Assassins. So, he tells me "Look Fareed, we managed to get a fucking sweet deal with Arms Assassins. If we manage to pull this off, our fire power will grow exponentially. It will take place in Arms Assassin's base in 1 hour. Get ready, get strapped just in case things go wrong and don't be late!".]

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^[I just nod and answer "Okay, I'll be there!". I take my car and hit the road.]

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^[Nothing unusual happened during my trip although I never let my guard down, I was always on alert for any sign of trouble. I, finally, arrive at what seemed to be the Arms Assassins' base. What a big ass ship! These guys are not fucking around.]

^[I parked my car by the gate and there was already an Arms Assassins' member waiting for me. We greeted each other and he suggested that we get inside because there was talk of undercover cops sniffing around San Fierro.]

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^[I was nervous and suspicious but after some small talk here and chit chat there, I felt more relaxed and the environment felt a lot lighter, the guy was actually reasonable. He told me that the cargo ship that was transporting the weapons had taken a hit and a lot of cargo and goods were lost. Fortunately, our weapons were intact which, naturally, translated to a sucessful deal and at the same time, I got the chance to make a connection.]

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^[Glorious day for Al-Munazama]



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Event: ~[1 vs 1 Deagle Event]~(red)
Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
LWS/G6: Me
Winner: @Pazoo traitor ~[TT]~(c34a2c).

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Event: ~[Carshow]~(6F4E37)
Prize: 1st ~[$2.500.000]~(green) 1st ~[$1.000.000]~(green) 3rd ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
LWS/G6: Me
Winners: @Solrac @Draven @NubBob

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Event: ~[Tec-9 / Uzi LMS]~(red)
Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
LWS/G6: Me
Winner: @Disaster
Powered by: @Gonza

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Event: ~[Dildo kill the target]~(ff00ff)
Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
LWS/G6: Me
Winners: @Disaster

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