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Name: Houssem

Username: minou04

Ingame Name: Romiro

Age: 17

Nationality: ALgiria.

Capability to talk english (1-10): 7/10.

In-Game information
How long do you play on SAESRPG?: i have playing in SAES:RPG since 2018.

What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:
ICE: i left cuz its a inactive squad
TST:i left cuz i have a problem with Squad offciel
Pirus: i leave cuz its inactive gang
Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes

How many hours a week do you play?:i play 6-7Hours only.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Flying/Driving/Shooting/ROLEPLAYING/Parashuting
What made you want to join BloodZ?: I decinde to join this gang cuz its a active gang and i can help it with my all , and BloodZ have nice skills

Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: i want to be memembre here cuz im helpful,carfull and it have a nice skills

Answer the following as good as you can:
What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life.

What is our Gang RP and Motto?: the motto is:our Motto is Hit em' up and Hit em' fast. We are deling with drugs.

Who is BloodZ's leader?: leader is Makaveli.

What do you do if you get deathmatched?: i will take (ss) and send it to HQ of him gang if he is in anygang if hesnt in anygang i will report him with /report

What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: i will tell him to read rules and tell him dont do it again.

Tell us something about yourself: used to be called Houssem in real life , I'm 17 years old I'm an easy going person that having fun with everyone I enjoyed being around different types of people ,and I like to always challenge my self to improve at everything I do , I grew up in Algeria and still studying I dreaming of being a Football and player , in my personal activities such as playing video games and swimming , I would like to be more of an extrovert due to i'm a little quiet and a little closer to the side introvert side , I would like to change this because I'd like to appear more friendly I believe that I'm very organized person I like to know exactly what I'm going to do for the day and week, So I outline my tasks and organize my work load by doing so,anyway I have been out of playing for a long period ,but I have only been looking for a decently gang where I can feel comfortable, And i'm trying challenge myself with new side which is BloodZ side,finally I would like to inform you that If you got some doubting about me feel free to contact me at discord and let's solve them.

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