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Underground Empire

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Participants: Comando Da Capital - Underground Empire
Story: When i was Eating at the Base i got Called from UE @Reus he Told me he needed 4.5kg Maruana, so i told him to Come to CDC Base to Talk a lot about Drugs and what Types he needed,When he Come i show Him all the Types Of Drugs i can Sold him but he insisted to Buy Maruana, so i care him and sold the Type he want after he gived me the money and i take the Maruana in his Car and i said "nice to meet you".
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/U21JPuP




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Hoster: Underground Empire

ZIP/LWS: castiel

Prize: 1.000.000 $

Type: Chiken Nader

Location: LV

Winner: [TST]Rocker[HQ]

ScreenShoot: https://imgur.com/a/2DW7gH7


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Hoster: Underground Empire
ZIP/LWS: @Castiel
Prize: 2.000.000 $
Type: Last Man Standing
Location: BC Green Paims
Winner: Flusha
ScreenShoot: https://imgur.com/a/zlygedx


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~[Participants]~(black,maroon,maroon) : @zizoubhk
~[Roleplay story]~(black,gray,maroon,sienna,maroon,black,gray,white,silver,black,maroon,maroon,maroon) :
~[- One day I had a date with a manager of a secret company to sell taboos. Since I belong to the largest organized gang in San Andres, I was the organizer of the meetings. But when I was going to the promised place, I found the car that had been stolen from the inside and the thief stole my phone that was inside and forgot it yesterday. The car was in a deplorable condition, which made me call the security member of the gang and ordered him to He found the thief and after a few minutes I had an old friend he is mechanic and i called him and I told him about what happened. He told me he would be coming after a few minutes. I waited for him to come and after seeing the damage he carried the car to his work place to fix it there, so we went to his warehouse and waited for half an hour. To the extent that he completed his work, I gave him some money as an expression of thanks Compensation for his effort and put him away when I met the owner of the company]~(black,maroon,black,maroon,black,maroon,black,maroon,black,maroon,black).


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