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Underground Empire

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Hoster: Underground Empire
LWS/G6/ZIP: @Pilcrow and a hel from @Spinkes
Prize: 1,000,000$
Type: Chicken Shooter
Winner(S): jaje

Screen 1: https://gyazo.com/665bf14e194fdb002265184e4565a171
Screen 2: https://gyazo.com/ee7ce078eb5c5f9d355caf7b81b51e05
Screen 3: https://gyazo.com/39f729c0bc385a72685f16a8847cddc5


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@Skerdi said in Cluckin' Bell - Media Archive:

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Participants: @Tapi @Skerdi Doger @Krrrecik
Story: It al started a beautiful morning when Tapi and Skerdi were going to make their food develies. When they were leaving the shop Skerdi noticed something into the food box. He sarched into it and what to see a drug package was hidden there. Skerdi screamed and went to talk to Tapi about it, Tapi told him to call the police and thats what Skerdi did right after. After some time, a cop from Las Venturas Police Department came and the first thing he did was checking cameras. After Checking cameras they all noticed a guy with short hair wearing black clothes. The cop took a picture of him and searched into database. He told us that he was krecik a member of a criminal orgnanization whose have been working on illegal drug transport around SA. After that the cop noticed a guy who was trying to hide near the place. He went after him and what to find, he was krecik trying to run after the act. Krecik was taken by the police and Cluck food was saved after an crime act!
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZcOibU9


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Hoster: Underground Empire
LWS/G6/ZIP: @Kowalski
Prize: 1,000,000$ (2 rounds 500k each)
Type: knock me of nrg
Winner(S): @Winston , @DyamDouglas
ScreenShots ; https://imgur.com/a/EjFEIbR

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