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Participants:  @Blue @Leonard @Dinaz @flappy

Title: Main RP - Preparing a Prisoner Exchange


With their hideout secured, Yakuza now sets their sights on their next target: Freeing Fernandez del Piero (Killerr), a notorious figure within The Company known for his unparalleled mastery in money laundering. With his expertise, Yakuza aims to establish themselves once again as a formidable force in San Andreas, both financially and strategically. Through information from corrupt ex-officers, it was revealed that Fernandez was still in San Andreas, facing a lifelong prison sentence. Thus, a number of members were tasked with the mission to take a high ranked officer of San Fierro Police Department hostage. The plan was to ambush the officer after his shift ends. The timing was also retrieved from corrupt ex-officers, and was found to be right, as the officer was indeed leaving the police department.



An unsuspicious civilian, who turns out to be an external informant hired by Yakuza, was spectating the police department and keeping Yakuza up-to-date about the situation. Once the informed identified the officer and the car plate, Yakuza members were instructed to start following the officer and prepare for an ambush.





The Yakuza members identified the car and followed the officer till the officer was in a vulnerable state and then took him hostage.





They took the officer to their new hideout spot and used his phone to reveal to the public that the officer has been captured, and that he can be released if the police is willing to release Fernandez. Now it is just a matter of waiting till the negotiations start.


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Participants: @zabalitoo 🥹 @flappy  @Adistar & @Killer208.

                    ~ Santiago's nightmare~

It was a cold windy night , most people are inside their homes but not for The Yakuza, Togomori and his handyman Conan were planning a devious plan on one of San Fierro's most notorious Drug dealers 'Santiago G', the blueprint consisted of making an urgent meeting with him for a huge load of narcotics such as Cocaine , Fentanyl , Weed and so on. as soon as the mob's goals were clear , Togomori picked up his cellphone and called Santiago asking him for an urgent load of goodies , the dealer was hesitant at first but since Togomori is a reccuring client he accepted and agreed to meet up in an hour. When the time is near , The mobsters headed to the meet up which was in the back of an abandoned warehouse , when they arrived , they found Santiago sitting in his van waiting for them , when Conan opened the door to accompany his boss , Togomori refused and ordered him to stay in the car due to the dealer's noticeable trust issues, in heavy foot steps , Togomori walked towards Santiago opening his coat to prove that he is unarmed , they both started negotiating about the quality , price , transport etc. few minutes passed and they both agree on an astonishing price of over 5 Million dollars , Santiago happily opened the van's trunk to show his products and out of nowhere , Togomori pulls up a small 9mm gun out of his underwear and shoots him in his leg , Fearing for his dear life, Santiago begs him to spare him and take all of drugs , what happens after? togomori did what he was told to and picked every single kilo out of that trunk with the help of his handyman , then, they sped up and fled the scene , nevertheless , Santiago was not willing to let this go easily so he calls a police officer , which he bribes , to arrest these fools and kill them if necessary for a large sum of money , basically he put a bounty on their heads , the cop was able to spot The yakuza's car thanks to Santiago's aid, so he takes another turn and speeds up so he would be able to block their way , he loaded his gun , stepped behind his vehicule and got ready for the show , not so long after , the mobsters arrive and they noticed that the road is blocked by a cop car and at that moment they knew that it is about to go down , they speed up and when they got closer they brake and step out of the car, thinking that they will surrender , the officer lowers his aim and without any further notice , Togomori and Conan started raining him with the bullets , seconds later , the cop fell down and quickly died due to the multiple bullets that went through his clumsy body, The fellas quickly hopped in and headed to the warehouse where they stored the goodies , Togomori was impressed with Conan's bravery and quick thinking that day and honored him with a few shots of Sake that night.




Edited by Noizi
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Participants: @BOB , @DarkSideR , @Blue & @Skes.

~Sour Sake~

Multiple circumstances have led 'Micheal' the son of the notorious ,well connected Movie producer ' Harvey Lee' to the world of crime where he got affiliated with multiple gang activities  such as gangbanging , selling narcotics and so on, one day, Micheal was walking in San Fierro's dark alleys at night to deliver a seven figures cheque  to one of his suppliers , However, what he did not plan to was an assassination , as soon as Micheal passed by a trash dumpster , a shadow of a man in his mid fourties slowly gets closer to him and shoots Micheal right in the head, he died right on the spot and the assassin was able to claim that cheque after checking and fetching Micheal's dead corpse, later that night, he delivers the cheque to the shot caller , a drug lord and  a rival of Micheal nicknamed ' Jaguar', the man was happy to retrieve this large sum of money and gave a pourcentage to the assassin ,then, each one of them went their seperate ways , later on , a random phone number calls Harvey Lee to tell him about the tragic passing of his son as well as the potential suspects , not believing a word of what the speaker said , Harvey headed to the San Fierro's cemetary to check upon the authenticity of that stranger's words and surprisingly , he finds the grave of his son , shocked , Harvey mourns the death of his beloved Micheal , even though they had a rocky relationship , he remains his son and as any great father would do , Harvey was ready to avenge his son's sudden death no matter what the consequences were , due to his huge network orbit and not wanting to ruin his reputation , he calls his dear fella Togomori to take care of this dirty business , offering a multi million dollars deal , Togomori accepted the mission right away and ensured Harvey that he will take a picture of the killers as well as cutting their finger as a proof of the mission's success. after getting all the informations needed from Harvey and his allies , Togomori wore his Baklava and got ready for business , his first target was the assassin , he made sure to wait in the exact spot of the assassin's hideout , not so long after , his prey was getting closer to the bait and as soon as he walked pass him , Togomori pulls out his gun and shoots him with no further warning , the suspect fell right down to the ground and The notorious Togo looted the corpse and hid it , his next victim was Jaguar , that man was known for his lavish lifestyle and he was always spotted nearby the golf's club course walking around , after he found his target , Togomori hid behind a bush and waited for his prey , thanks to his small size , Jaguar passed Togomori without noticing him , thus, The trained killer used the chance and pulled the trigger on him , looted the man , stole the large cheque that was still with Jaguar and threw his body in the golf course's lake. Togomori called Harvey and told him that hat he doesnt have to worry  about avenging his son's death anymore because the operation was a complete success  and no trace was left behind , soon after , Harvey waited for Togomori in San Fierro's docks , as soon as he arrived , Harvey could not hold his emotions and thanked Togo for his huge efforts and as promised , he gave him his  7 figures paycheck . now Micheal can finally rest in peace.






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