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Organization Robbery change



We, SWAT, have been exploring the organization robbery activity alot lately and we've stumbled upon a few issues that break the activity.


1. X organization robs Y, upon succeeding / failing X immediately removes their money in the gangbank preventing Y to GR them back.

I don't see how this is fair, but according to GM there is nothing wrong with this and it is allowed.

Anyone with common sense can see this is wrong and I suggest the following to fix this.

If X organizations attempts to rob Y regardless of succes / failure they cannot withdraw their money for the next 24 hours, to give Y an equal chance of robbing them back.


2. One should not be able to start an Organization robbery while a Bankrob is ongoing.

Even tho I wouldn't want to add more rules and make it more complicated, It is really annoying when a gang GR's a squad to prevent them from responding to an ongoing BR.


I'd like to hear your opinions below, please only provide feedback if you are actively participating in Organization robberies.



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5 answers to this question

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If an organisation has a gr marker then they should be available for robbery. It should be forbidden for organisations to intentionally work around this.

Alternatively, the option that I would personally favour and suggest is for organisation bank account money to go below 0 if their account is already empty when being robbed. The next time they deposit money it will first have to cover up the debt. Perhaps for as long as their bank money it is below 0$, that organisation can't rob anyone else but can still be robbed, to avoid people purposefully not depositing any money in their own org bank.

Can't sit on both chairs at once, either you are part of the gr system or have your gr marker removed. Anything else just calls for manipulation.


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I would be happy with any of those 2 variations which lead to the main goal: i want to GR and be able to do it.


Also if you are a lvl5 Organization which is the most elite/top level, you should be good enough to defend yourself, having a GR marker should be mandatory.

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