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- Section A: Information:

Nickname: MarkuS

Account name: kalevipoeg

Age: I am 15 years old.

Primary Language: Estonian.

Current S/G/C and rank: I am in The Company and I am Grade #0.

Other RP groups you're in:

  • The Motor Heads.

  • Enternia.

  • InvestArms Corporation.

Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words): SAM short for San Andreas Medics is a group founded by the Chief of Medicine named Joe. SAM is also the only and most active Medicine related group on SAES. They take care of everyone that is need of some help. They also have some units, Air Unit and the ground Unit. The titles explain everything.

Why was SAM founded?: Because San Andreas was in-need of a professional medic team. They needed people who had the good stuff, the medicine, the tools to revive people, to make risky surgeries. And to this day, SAM is still one of the most powerful groups in the Medicine scene.

What is the SAM motto?: Always there when you need us the most.

Who founded SAM?: Joe did.

- Section B: Theory:

1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use.

Answer: Well, I would take my ambulance and call in the other units. Mostly Firefighters, Police and our SAM Air unit. Because, firefighters are needed since maybe there are people stuck in the tall skyscrapers and they need to get down. I would bring like a dozen of my first aid kits because people will be injured probably. Also we would need to block the traffic that is coming from Las Venturas, Red County and Whetstone just for safety reasons. I will notify all of the LS Medics to go to the scene to check if everyone is alright, if not. Call backup.

2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond.

Answer: I would respond and start going to the scene first, I risk my life before anyone else does. On my way there I call backup and would like to request 2 Enforcers full of S.W.A.T. and S.T.F. members and also 3 Ambulances. Depends how big the bank is we would need Firefighters too because maybe the first floor is on fire on maybe the robbers are taking innocent employees as hostages. Once everything is clear, me and my Medical team would rush in and check and take all of the injured people. Everything needs to be done in the speed of life and to perfection.

3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds?

Answer: Once again, I would call a S.W.A.T. team as backup in-case there are more terrorists. I would see what I could do with the victims and if the amount is too big, I would call backup from the LS Hospital. Team work is key. I would treat the wounds with respect and care, since the victims have already suffered enough and I want to treat them well. But, I would mostly put something cool on the burn spots and cover up the stab wounds and then deliver them to the nearest hospital as fast a I could.

- Section C : Aptitudes:

1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would take it as a thing to fix in the near future. I would just learn from it. But, criticism is a thing to respect, because without it we would keep repeating our old mistakes.

2.Why exactly are you applying today? Because, I saw some SAM members going around SA and I got really hooked. So, why not give it a chance?

3.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Weaknesses: I may get a bit angry too fast, but I am working on that. And I have some grammar mistakes from time to time. And driving could be a bit better with certain cars.
Strengths: I am a huge roleplayer, I am good with air crafts and I am a team worker. I also try to be helpful.

4.Why should we accept you to our team? Because I am a big roleplayer and I am quite friendly. I've been playing on this server for quite some time so I am pretty experienced too. I have also improved my loyalty and I'll try to be as useful as I can.

- Kind regards, MarkuS.


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Patrol #3
Participants: Barry.
Duration: 17 minutes, he had to go off so we could not patrol any longer.
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Roleplay #1.

Prank calls.

I was off duty and I decided to work out since in SAM, it's their personal opinion if they work out or not, but I do. Just for the sake of it. I was jogging to increase my stamina a bit since I have ran everyday on the treadmill since the last winter. All of a sudden, I heard my phone going off at the research station. I went and picked it up. They canceled the call, I waited there a bit and they called again so I decided to answer it. The phone call stated that their house was on fire and they had a lot of children inside of there. I responded and took as much information as I could. And since most of our LS Firefighters and Medics were on a training course at Liberty City. I had to arrive there first before the LV Units arrive.
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I quickly equipped my gear and took all of the needed stuff. I also brought several fire extinguishers, because I knew that I will be there before anyone else. I ran to the front door and got into my ambulance. I set the route to the given address via my GPS. The LV Units started coming including the SAM Air Unit. This has never happened before so we responded to the situation instantly because we didn't want anyone losing their life.
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I was getting closer and closer to the house. Everyone in the neighborhood was calm and none was pointing where the fire is at. I was confused since people usually do that. I drifted in front of the house and everyone came out all of a sudden. Everyone was very confused, almost as confused as me. They were asking why am I here and what is going on? I explained that there was a report which said that there is a fire in this house. A local cashier told me that some dumb thieves live in this house and they ''prank'' everyone and steal what they can. I had to quickly leave a message to the LV Units that this was a fake call and everything is alright. Luckily the cashier told me their personal details which I wrote down and gave to the LSPD. Fake calls to the 911 lifeline are illegal and will cost you a very big ticket.
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Patrol #5
Participants: JohnnyEnglish, regular paramedic.
Duration: 41 minutes. We also fell into a RP meanwhile patrolling. Was fun!
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Patrol #6
Participants: I was patrolling alone at first but then I joined Benny, Dufabo, Griffin and JohnnyEnglish.
Duration: 22 minutes.
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@mr-maxim said in San Andreas Medics: Official Media Archive:

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Patrol #156
Personal Patrol #2
Participants: @MarkuS
Patrol duration: 50 Minutes




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Roleplay #2.

Injured Hiker.

I just got off of my lunch and I decided to go patrol around San Andreas, I also stated in the radio that I was ready for back-up calls and that I was on duty. I was driving mostly in San Fierro until I got a radio call from one of our Whetstone Dispatchers. She told me that there was an Adult trying to hike Mount Chilliad, and as most of us know. That is basically impossible to climb on your feet since it is so big. The dispatcher told me that the Hiker fell down and broke his arm in several places, maybe some other bones as well. They were not quite sure since when the Hiker was giving information, all of sudden. The phone turned off but they managed to get the location. I am apart of the Paramedics Rapid team so I respond to such calls very quickly. I was off to Mount Chilliad from San Fierro...
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Once I arrived at MC, I started driving up and up since we did not know the exact location of the Hiker nor did we know his current state. I decided to go right and hope for the best. It was the right decision (No pun intended). Once I drove up the 1st curve I noticed a blue patch.. It was the Hikers backpack, I quickly rushed there with my ambulance and did CPR to the Hiker. His pulse was very low and we might even say that he was on the edge of death. Luckily I got there in time and saved him.
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Once he was in the ambulance, my assistant Dr.Joseph asked him several questions and tried to heal him and see what is exactly wrong. There were many things wrong. His spine was cracked in 2 places, his elbow was crushed, and he even had a small crack in his skull.. The situation was nasty but we managed to keep him alive and deliver him to the SF Hospital where he could go straight into surgery. Luckily everything was fine in the end, but now we're keeping him in the hospital for at least 3 weeks just to make sure that he is safe.
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Patrol #14
Participants: I was patrolling alone this time.
Duration: 34 minutes.
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(Sorry for the lack of screenshots on this patrol, I was more focusing on peoples requests and responding to the Radio)

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