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Date: 02/09/2023
Story: Caught!

Today i was in the watchtower looking for any suspicious actions. 1 hour into my shift i saw a shady car enter the docks so i followed him with my scope and he drove to one of our warehouses and entered i rushed down to my car and headed over there. As i open the gate i caught him snooping at some very confidential materials. So i took him with me to a secret location and asked him who he worked for and what he was looking for. He didnt say a single word and 2 hours of beating him. So i took him down to the docks and fed him to the sharks. The end






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Date: 02/09/2023
Story: The big guns.

I got a call from a friend named Pain hes a respected member of the black bullets he was in need of 40 sniper rifles and 400 sniper ammunition. So i packed the van and headed of to Las  Venturas to meet him and Hessan at their base. After a long drive i entered the city. Pain greeted me at the gate and directed me over to a storage unit. He called over hessan to help him unpack the arms. He came up the window with a briefcase of money and wanted to set a new date next month for another delivery. The end






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Date: 04/09/2023
Story: Military Training.

Today i brought a new recruit out for some training. We started off by some cardio running the woods he was fully equiped with military equipment. After that i tested his swimming form fully geared aswell. Lastly we did some aiming practice.





Edited by Ace
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Date: 04/09/2023
Story: The new pilot.

We recently lost one of our pilots in a plane crash so we have been looking for a new one and today i got a call from a guy so i meet him up by the airport. After some talking he seemd very interested so i shows him the tours he would be doing and what kind of cargo he was transporting he seemd pleased and agreed to start immediately we flew back to base and signed some documents.





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Date: 04/09/2023
Story: Monthly shipment.

It was the start of a new month and that means we have to pack a flatbed and headover to The Company for their monthly shipment. I took the flatbed and trusty soldier for the ride. After a long drive we got to ThC Headquarters and there Naulty greeted us as the gate. We set up a new date for next month afterwards he checked the crates everything seemd fine we shook hands and he handed over the cash After that we drove back to base.





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