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Date: 06/06/2023

Eliminating  a terrorist  

Rogue 21 was secretly informed about an ongoing meeting that would occur on a certain location. The mission was to take out the terrorists trying to sell illegal arms, whereby only a few soldiers was needed. We started preparing a good plan and thereafter started loading up weapons into the vehicles, and set off on our mission. Upon arriving at the location we found the terrorist closing the doors of his warehouse and still waiting for his buyers, We took him out with a sniper shot right away and secured the weapons, therefore completing another successful Rogue 21 mission as no weapons was sold.










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Date: 06/06/2023

Service on the big boat.

Today  we got a shipment of guns from the big boat but when the captain.rivals was going to leave the dock he was getting fail codes on his monitor so he called me up from the engine room to have a look since im usualy the one doing these things. We went thru something in the Manouver room. We finally found the bug and replaced the broken part so he could go back to dock in Las Venturas.





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Date: 06/06/2023

Safe transportation of an important Drug Lord

I was minding my own business selling drugs, when I received an unexpected call from HQ regarding a drug lord that needed immediate safe transporting. My mission was to meet with the guy and his second in command at a specific location and leave as soon as possible making sure I'm not followed. I left immediately with the chopper and took off to meet them at the location. As soon as I landed we checked all surroundings and kept things quick and professional. The drug lord was delivered safely to his destination thanked me and paid Rogue 21 in full.








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Date: 07/06/2023

High End Client Wanting to buy Military Vehicles.

Rogue 21 received a call from some high end buyers, who were interested in 2 specific high grade military vehicles. We were told to get a military Jet as well as a military van for them. Rogue sent out a small team of highly trained soldiers and gave a call to one of their allies who happened to have a cargo bob, of which they used to steal the vehicles. The military vehicles were retrieved at 01:00 AM when all soldiers at military base were occupied busy switching their patrol shifts, and the team returned as soon as possible leaving a very happy client with 2 military vehicles.








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Date: 07/06/2023

Dirty hari

I was meeting up with a client with my mate Manny we were almost finished with the deal and two cops suddenly came around the corner they got out of their vehicle and started aiming towards us we got behind the patriot and started blasting we managed to kill one of them and the other drove off so we chased after him in the patriot after some reckless driving we got him to stop. I was about to kill him but he said plz dont ill do anything so i got an idea i took his wallet and looked at his address and i saw he had 2 kids and a wife so i said if you dont do exactly as i say from now on ill send someone to your house. So he agreed to help out Rogue from the other side of the law this will be a great advantage to have to avoid these things in the future. The End





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Date: 07/06/2023

Guns for Turfs.

I was in the office taking care of some paper work when i got an sms that i need to restock some armorys around LS that we use for gangwars sometimes. So i took the van and drove over to the one of the containers filled it with a mix of guns and headed out first stop was at a warehouse in Los santos i talked with some members there everything was going fine just running low on m4 and ammunition so i gave them what they needed and then i drove off to the next stop and it was worse they had been hit last night so their vehicles had been destroyed and running very low on tec9 and colt45 and some m4 so i just told them take the whole van you have everything you need in there. After that i took one of the bikes home as they had no use for it. 





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Date: 07/06/2023

The Snitch.

Lately some strange thing has been happening inside our team information coming to the wrong people i knew we had a leak so i set a meet with the officer i recently recruited and he did some digging and found who it was. We met behind some old pizza place and he showd me images of the person and some messages. I know who this was hes been around for atleast 3 years but he had been bribed to give out information of Rogue so i went back to the factory and found him on the rail doing stocking. I spoke to him and he admitted the snitchery i took him out the back and ended his life and ended the leak.





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Date: 08/06/2023

The kidnapping of a Helper

It was an ordinary day like any other. We were stocking weapons making sure everything is as it should be, when out of nowhere we get a phone text saying "Help". The message came from a random number but we had the resources to trace any number. Without hesitation I gave my team a call and we left to the exact location. Upon arriving we checked the perimeters and found no person in sight. A few minutes goes by and suddenly we get a phone call from HQ saying they received intel that one of our helpers has been kidnapped for information about Rogue 21. We finally found the kidnappers location and rushed over. When we got there the kidnappers was not expecting us and we took them down without hesitation. We lost a soldier who will be dearly missed, but at the end of the day no information about Rogue 21 was leaked and the helper was saved thanks to the highly trained team that eliminated the threat.












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