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Vending machine for Level 4+ organizations


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To keep it simple and short, how about level 4+ organizations can have a vending machine placed somewhere at their base. (The required level can be set by Admins. Lvl4+ was just an example)

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Seems a good suggestion, however, it has drawbacks as well. Some turf zones are near the bases of many gangs. Suppose your idea is somehow implemented in the game and there is a turf war going on.
Now as per turf rule, you can either respawn at base or hospital. If your base is near the turf and you have vending machine, you are just continuously coming to the zone like a zombie apocalypse in which zombies never stop coming and eventually will dominate the turf zone since opposite gangs have to respawn in hospital and have to travel all the way back to the zone. In simple words, gangs having bases near turf zones will have upper edge.
This is just my point of view, maybe there are more pros to this then cons. Lets see what other people say about this.

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@mubeen A gang dominating a zone beside their base isn't a strange thing. That's how it should be no? You control the area you're based around. Most level 4+ gangs have both selling abilities If I'm not mistaken and can do the scenario you described either way

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Not really, when there is turf war, the dominating side takes the turf zone whether it is near other gang base or not. When the war is over, of course the gangs take it back by afk-turfing.
However, if you see in turf wars, you hardly find time to sell each other drugs when your zone is about to be taken by opposite side because it involves couple of things. Firstly 1 person to sell, other to buy, time taken with GUI. Each one of them is considered during turfing. Now suppose a vending machine, you just spawn base and go to the marker, GUI auto pops up, you can buy quickly and go in the war.
Gangs with bases near turf are not at advantage at normal turf war since opposing have drugs either from vending at hospital or their gang mates. You have to consider every sphere, there are many other scenarios but as i said there might be more benefits in this suggestion than this drawback. It was just a food for thought.

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Can you stop crying and suffering once you fail to do your job as a cop in-game?
Squads have been crying for City banks, and HLS has come to rekt it ( cops with armors )
With CLOs at SF/LV banks, and EZ 8/8, you added a marker behind their defending area.
People always defend outside the bank to help the gang robbing get it a success, you added only ppl who are robbing to defend outside.

  • Now Mr. Flex, while being a SWAT, in addition to the base, which is in the front of LS bank, you are always raiding LS bank ofc on feet or random vehicles, why would you spawn at hosp and ur base is so close. You're getting rekt by the defenders who are defending outside, you do not succeed in entering the vending machine which is in the front of LS bank, to buy some drugs, and you find yourself killed.
    So ur point is to buy energy drinks from your headquarters in advance, so you easily get into the Bank with an NRG or something, without any damage from the outside defenders. What is their job then?
    Won't it be unfair for these people?

Something else, can you tell me what's the point of putting a vending machine on CDC base for example?
To watch it only?
What can we do with it lmao
Stop crying and play your game.

I want to say I am not swearing, ugliness, or anything toxic. I just said my opinion, forgive me, it's over the top, utters the stone.

We don't necessarily need to take things away from criminal gameplay in order to enrich cop gameplay please do not forget that.

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@Fatroucha Pretty sure someone else gave you this paragraph and asked you to post it instead of him.

Now to answer your questions. Let's begin with your first point which is about LS bank. We all know it's a bit rare that you all rob LS bank simply because you hate the fact that SWAT base is around the corner. (The base will be moved soon, so you can finally stop crying about it). I made this suggestion not to only get faster to store and bank robberies or turf wars, I simply made it because sometimes we ( gangs and squad members) can be in a hurry and have no time to actually drive all the way to a vending machine and buy drugs, although most of the current gangs have the ability to sell drugs. So let me get this right, you do think it's fair for gang members to buy drugs from themselves and start a store and bank robbery or a JB to have the advantage to be quick while cops suffer most of the time to buy drugs from a vending machine while being shot at by a shit ton of criminals from every single place?

About what you said about CDC, I don't get it so please explain. The suggestion wasn't made basically for CDC.

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@Flex It is my opinion like it or not doesn't matter The point is reading it or getting what I meaned from it , and u made vote let people vote and do it stfu pls.

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@Fatroucha The way you express your opinion and how you talk makes me sure you're a butthurt child and that you need to be smacked

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@Flex server lasted more than 10 years without squads complaining about the drugs advantage for criminals, and it's not like you don't have that same advantage now due to vending machine. You're making suggestions close enough to pleasing your own self and your teammates at this point, you can't just suggest something just cuz it's not very comfortable for you. Also, this will unbalance things, you always think of making an advantage but don't you think that will be op for people in gangs/squads? Why not put a vending near every spawn then so for example Police officers wouldn't have to suffer the same struggle? Regardless to the fact that you only made it a suggestion for g/s that are level 4+...

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@Fatroucha So, you make an argument against this suggestion and when you're hit with a counterargument, your response is "its my opinion, stfu pls" ?. You can't critique this and then act like a baby when you get criticized.

You criminals are portable vending machines, you can sell speed anywhere at any time. I don't see how it's unfair for EVERYONE to get a stationary vending machine in their base. Furthermore, you guys always have snipers on roofs to make it impossible for us to use the vending machine. When you finally buy an energy drink, you enter the bank with a quarter of your HP.

You always have speed during BRs and Jailbreaks, so how is it unfair for us to also have speed? Might as well make this exclusive to criminals, lmao.

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They simply gonna say no to any possible new suggestion that might ruin their BR/JB strategy, right now they divide each other if not the whole gang staying outside to snipe the vending area while the crackers inside are being defended by other gangs.. or in JBs, 20% fighting each other inside the jail and 80% are just camping outside right in front of the vending machine either on the ground or on building right in front of it just to have advantage on cops.

The top priority for them: don't let cops get speed and rush inside. Other cringe dudes at TR BRs be blocking roads with 20 roadtrains for the same sole reason.

And I really don't understand how you actually think coffee from the vending machines is the same as speed from drug dealers, IT'S SO DAMN LOW compared to it, and idc about the actual percentage difference between 1.25 and 1.5.. it just feels so damn different.

The turf part mubeen talking about still doesn't make sense as well, you already have a vending machine in base, you literally can do /sell whenever u want and as far as I know, you can sell weapons and drugs right? = you can /sell and have speed or you can use the vending machine if the suggestion is implemented.. both are already giving no one in gangs a higher peak than others.. and if ur gang can't sell I am pretty damn sure there is a drug dealer always present in turfs helping the gang

No Dinaz, we don't have the same advantage you have and never will. Squads always been barking about the drug advantage and if you scroll in the last 2 forums you will come up with 20 topics suggesting changes about it that's why vending became a thing. When the server is 20% cops vs 80% crims and about 6 crims are with 1.5 speed defending the 1-speed cops trying to reach for 1.25 speed and still can't make it while there is a BR going on that ends in less than 3mins. Then it's not fair or close to fair.

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@Marko Okay so, lemme tell you why simply it is still extremely fair for you right now. First you cried about drugs then you got vending machine. Second, you cried about crims coming after being killed (literally just like you) so they implemented the kill arrest feature for you. Third, you cried that some crackers are so good (not so much of a common thing rn cuz most godly skilled crackers are either barely active or have completely left the server) then the SAES team made some changes that fucked up the server literally that it literally made everyone from the crim side piss off due to high rate of failing BRs, gangs weren't even able to accomplish level requirements I guess, so they made another change that included making it a bit easier and atleast further from impossible for crims to BR.
As for the strategies that you consider cringe and pointless, they are actually on point, they're not made to hold all cops off ofc cuz there are cops who got a house near every bank, they are meant for those who don't have houses near banks, because they'd have to cross the bridge f.e and basically it's just a little more time to hold cops off. As for the vending near the bank, it's the only way defenders outside can get to shoot you, otherwise you can literally just leave ur vehicle near the marker and get inside the bank without any damage otherwise, and it would be very easy for you or for fbi if that happens, u can just respawn base everytime and get energy drink from vending and head to bank without outside defence causing any slight damage. All those strategies and shit just so you can get a close to successful BR, because 10 cops can easily fuck up a BR, and it's really not that hard if you just work as a team, you spawn near the bank by a few meters whenever you die, but as for us we would have to spend a 300-150 seconds jailtime, even a 40 crims defence would collapse by time by simply just killing a few crims whenever you rush (it ain't that hard for hls f.e), unless the crackers are fast then you should really just accept the fact that they're good and shut the fuck up and enjoy the game and the money you got from kill arrest and it's a very gg.
About turfs, you've said it yourself, not all gangs got the /selldrug ability, and even so, let's say you do, what if you're defending alone? You can't sell to yourself can you? And neither would the enemy like to sell you cuz uh, he's the enemy...
Honestly just be thankful with what you already have, as I've mentioned before, you're making suggestions to make it more comfortable for you at this point, not an actual useful addition that would be of a balanced gameplay to both sides or simply a feature that would benefit the server as a whole.
And last but not least, it's a game, remember that. Stop looking at it as a competitive server between cops and crims(well it kinda is, but hate is not necessary), that's where the extremely cringe part appears. Spread love brothers <3

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Again, this seems unnecessary at the moment. I don't see why you need a private vending machine in your base when there already are units available at every hospital and hot zones such as Banks, Jails, and Casino. If cops need Energy drinks they can just get it from one of those during a patrol (A hospital visit is not that uncommon to cops anyways) and criminals can just /sell each other drugs.

The only purpose this would serve is mild QoL and make turfs or similar activity unfair in certain situations.

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