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Radio usage for trainees



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I suggest that you allow trainees to use Radio in order to inform other squad members about incoming JBs/Brs.
If you think its not a good idea, i suggest that you mix up Police team chat with Squads team chat for more communication between them.

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-1. Mixing the teamchat will allow those 30 barely talking trainees spam our teamchat with their non-sense. -1 for both ideas, if the Police Trainee has enough capacity and enough braincells, he will simply try joining SAPA and get his PC.

State Troopers is the same as Trainees, but with different name. Definitly same shit.

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Hell to the no. If you want to inform that there is a possible JB/BR/SR, just contact a squad member & tell the information to them. He will for sure notify the other Law Enforcement members. Well, the mixing chat part is not the worst idea but, some new trainees could cause some serious spam and could become very annoying.

Maybe State Troopers & squad members mixed since the State Troopers have at least some sort of an idea how the server works. This is a tough topic to discuss.

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So now you wanna see all kind of Russian and Turkish not just in team chat as soon as you spawn as PC, but also on the radio.. Hm... Interesting in educational purposes, you might pretty much learn any insult in the world with such a system.

On the serious side of things, even people who have access to the radio misuse it WAY too much then needed, now imagine a two hour trainee swearing on someone who took his arrest for 5 hours on the radio just the way they used to do it by team chat earlier.

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