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A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.


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In my opinion SAES should improve the communication between themselves and the community.
Provide more info about what they're tryin' to improve/add/create. Give somekinda list of it and ask the community what do they want to see, because after all players must have the best time while being on this server. Creating a poll or something similar is pretty ez and useful in this scenario (there might be a section similar to this idea, but I haven't come upon something like this). This solution would satisfy sum people I think.


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Adding new cars or some new objects won't make it better, this game is already good with old cars, buildings. Adding new basic scripts or fixing the bugs is better than adding new cars. Also every new things makes lag. And it provides to being bored. If its an Roleplay server, then we don't need to new cars, look at SAMP platform. They are the best in Roleplay in GTA SA. Did you ever think the reason for why they are the best in this section? Because they are playing the game as vanilla and knowledge of the people. Look at the players in SAES, when I stop for a RP with a person, he doesn't even know how to use /me or /do. If he does, Hes using it wrong.

~[Correct Usage of /me :]~(green) /me talks to the officer. / /me gives the ID Card to the officer.
~[Wrong Usage of /me :]~(red) /me open the the door. / /me give the id.

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spoken with pump 2 days ago on discord regarding this topic here's the result


problem was/is something witht group rewards, understandable is that he picks "SAES" as whole for the subject but on the other side isnt understandable..

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Well I would not go into details as I am not so connected with other stuff else than my group which I saw several people mentioning here. I'm just here to say that I somewhat agree and support both the sides. What I can speak better for is my (or rather our) own group and I can somewhat assure that all our try is to not let it die until we get our name in the TAB (hopefully). Also I wish BES does not dies because once I was a member too before quitting. Anyways, I will end my post on a positive note that we are already trying to change a lot of stuff with TMH, and hopefully should achieve what our wise members are been waiting and working for. Goodluck to all others and have a nice day!

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@Bone Having one group with same role is not a Reason to denie another group ,
let's say G6 is simillar to BES role but let me explain a small point here, CLO is a group made for criminals and prohibited for the other side (which i mean with squads/DE/Goverment) and you will never be able to join G6 without joinning CLO that's a point.

as it's from an old topic of (the cuban embassy) which is the first step to join the Cuban army (aka: CLO) but i think it still stands for the same thing find it here

Now let's move to the second important part of that which is related to our thinking and logic as humans, and please let's stop being dramatic and too good at acting because everybody knows that if you fuck up with someone from the group you are looking for, you will dream to join it (for example if you fuck up with a CLO/DE jefe/commander you will never be able to join), let's say it's not the same and you will be able to join based on what you can give but trust me we will be lying to our selfs because the recruitement of players today is no more based on just the quality it's based on Something called favouritism. So these groups turned from a place where you can find the typical members of the server to a place where sit the best of the best in a--licking with my respect to some.

~[So Having two groups with same role is not a useless thing it's more helpful than anyone thinks, because the hidden is much uglier than what we can see, last to say insult me or correct me but trust me idgaf if you won't get Something reasonable to argument with.]~(maroon,navy,sienna)

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Life is all about favourism @Filex . It will always help you if you know/get along with the boss of a company you want to be part of. Better off learning that before you go out into real life, and not after youve been turned down several times. Quality is important for gangs/squads/clo/de, but most important is how you act and how well you get along.

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@human_ said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.:

Life is all about favourism @Filex . It will always help you if you know/get along with the boss of a company you want to be part of. Better off learning that before you go out into real life, and not after youve been turned down several times. Quality is important for gangs/squads/clo/de, but most important is how you act and how well you get along.

i know that right but there is always a second choice and thats what this topic is made for

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Adding on Filex's reply, it's similar to economics.

Imagine this example. A country has a company called A. This company is the only of its type in the country, so it doesn't have competition.
This means that it can offer services however it wants. It can be expensive, offer terrible customer service, etc..

Now a new company called B opens in the country. There is now competition between companies A and B. If company B wants to become better (and make more money) than company A, it has to offer better services. So company B offers the same services of company A but cheaper and with better customer service. Company A doesn't want to lose its customers, so it drops the prices more than B, or offers attractive packages.

You can see where this is going. Just a thought.

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@pilcrow said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.:

Adding on Filex's reply, it's similar to economics.

Imagine this example. A country has a company called A. This company is the only of its type in the country, so it doesn't have competition.
This means that it can offer services however it wants. It can be expensive, offer terrible customer service, etc..

Now a new company called B opens in the country. There is now competition between companies A and B. If company B wants to become better (and make more money) than company A, it has to offer better services. So company B offers the same services of company A but cheaper and with better customer service. Company A doesn't want to lose its customers, so it drops the prices more than B, or offers attractive packages.

You can see where this is going. Just a thought.

but the goverment will be supporting one of them and the other one will be suppressed to clear the market
the goverment here is the clan

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@Filex @Pilcrow

The difference here is that everyone wants to join 'company A' in the first place. When they realize that they don't have any change either by their own skills or contacts, they decide to create the "B company" so they can fell a bit better about themselves. Sorry if I'm too direct here but hey, I'm behind a PC so I can say the fuck I want.

My point is. Want to create a group to make it official? Cool, you have my full support, but try to make something different from what we already have on the server and not just copy paste a group because 'you' couldn't join. For example, I remember a group (couple years ago) called E-ZIP that was a ZIP's subgroup (kind off) for events. Guess what? Many members that after join E-ZIP joined LWS 'left' the group, which lead to its death, that and inactive members. "You can see where this is going."

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@kipt said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.:

@Filex @Pilcrow

The difference here is that everyone wants to join 'company A' in the first place. When they realize that they don't have any change either by their own skills or contacts, they decide to create the "B company" so they can fell a bit better about themselves. Sorry if I'm too direct here but hey, I'm behind a PC so I can say the fuck I want.

My point is. Want to create a group to make it official? Cool, you have my full support, but try to make something different from what we already have on the server and not just copy paste a group because 'you' couldn't join. For example, I remember a group (couple years ago) called E-ZIP that was a ZIP's subgroup (kind off) for events. Guess what? Many members that after join E-ZIP joined LWS 'left' the group, which lead to its death, that and inactive members. "You can see where this is going."

Well let's say Ceo is LWS copycat ok, but bes is not g6's for the simple reason explained at the first part of my reply

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@filex This reply?

And let me tell you something. No 'government' in the world supports either the best or the cheapest company. They support the company with the more lobbyists.

I'm naive enough to try to believe that things are different here and there but if I have to turn on my brain, which I try to do once in the while just to keep it from freezing for good, I can see that's not the case.

My advise? 'Play' with what you can to control the 'market' to match your objectives.

And I'm not saying you shouldn't create an LWS V2, but at least try your best to show the difference between them, if you have any, if not well ... why bother?

About BES. First off give me my money back. (Portuguese people will understand it, I hope) Second of all, I'm gonna be honest, no idea what's going which the group or GMs and I don't actually care much about it. I just like to write.

I just took a look at the topic and have to say that's a nice little topic. Back to the point. Ehhh I would classify it under 'Looks like G6' category, but that's just me.

I don't know if you already own a small base in the server but looking for what the group might have done during the year that got created, and according to the GM's point of view about the group's behavior and general activity, I think that a small base and a little spawn wouldn't hurt anyone. But then again, that's just me. Also look at your roster and you'll see what I was talking about.

However, I remember a group that got, at least, a base uploaded live but shortly after was more inactive than me.

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I want to say something to all HQ and Admins in saes, yea im banned from saes i wont lie for it i insulted 1 HQ and 1 admin just for reason im not crazy to insult someone without reason, Nemesis insulted my sister ingame for no reason im not his dog or he isn't my lord to let him insult my sister without insult back i didn't insult him in the first time so i insulted him back so i got ban its abuse for ban and OMG i created report staff to nemesis and they blamed me and told me talk about that again and i will ban you to 2020 its really unfair thing and look you can say all players in saes is saying ban him ban him take him away for 3 months and and and, Bone asked me question he asked me in CLO server you have sister older than 17 ? i thought he is trying to insult me, Rzz0 told me he want to marry your sister...... i didn't know Bone means that or no i thought he mean that because they are his friends so they know if he is lying or no i insulted him back in CLO server we insulted ourselves so i want to say, If you think i didn't talk again to you just because im scared from admins to ban me then you are incorrect im doing that because i wont try to make you unban me because all of you are team and helping yourselves in anything and doing that too if one from you did unfair something if i want to do anything i wont wait from anyone to tell me do that or no its my choice and i see there's some problems in saes with staffs so don't think because you are admin then you can be lord to others nonono you are incorrect you are not because its a game and i wont cry to others like the peoples saying oh sorry i mean the kids saying that because they are crying from me idk why but they hates me i hope you understand that you are not our lord so Thanks for reading bye.

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@james said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.:

I agree with @LINCOLN - CEO help the community, more than LWS
to find once LWS to make one event is considered impossible.
most of the members LWS are in criminal gangs or police Official Squads and unfortunately the crate events to help only their team. they're answered we don't have time.

Please, never ask me again if I'm free.

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So in the end is this topic a "suggestion" how to prevent from losing players and attract new ones? Or a topic that says that is unfair that some groups havent got a spawn yet and discussion if some groups should exist or not, because only a few people talked for the first part only. No offense I respect everyone and their opinion, just asking anyway..

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