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sir dog of nanobob, the best of them all, the irish saes god, sir. i want to greet you for being the best admin, but most importantly - the best gm, you did something that none ever did and it is impressing - you somehow killed and demotivated every single group (official and ex official).

unironically, the topic you locked got 34 upvotes in 5 hours (in night), as considering the current activity of the playerbase, is a lot. you couldnt wait even a day to lock it lmao.

now unironically once again - you're the worst saes admin and probably the worst gm that ever existed and this isn't an insult, it is a fact, sorry. as a response to what you said, i can say that you care so much about groups, that you didnt allow 4(?) criminal groups during the last 1 year, as those groups had stable HQ team and stable member count (all of them, not only the one i created). you care so much about groups, that during SAP's peak a year ago out of 200+ people in saes you were the only one reporting us for "going to jail", meanwhile we had JB rights. definitely the best gm.

you're such a great manager that you ignored my last message regarding a specific group i wanted to talk about a week ago. youre such a great manager that approximately for a year, you killed every single group with your nonsense, as currently, there is no active group. thank you.

and no, neither me or the people around me will create a group just to waste 3 months of our lives, so you, dog, say no and act superior in a game. i wasted 15 mins writing the last topic and 5 minutes writing this one, i regret every second of it, but i had to tell you that.

lastly, i hope you remember that like 8 months ago, i told you exactly "i hope you enjoy managing the groups, as they all will be dead". i was right and no, the fault isnt in the group HQs and the group members. its all yours.

thanks for reading my love message. i decided to share what like 80% of saes thinks about your superior, amazing, unique, perfect, unacceptably good managing skills. you can either close that or let the rest of the community send you love messages just like this one, pretty sure someone will use the moment.

you failed at group managing, but the c++ door is always open for you! you can always follow the footsteps of your owner.

i hope you liked the circus, lets get back to the spam nightstick for the cops and turfing for the crims, because theres nothing else to do.

(and just to clear it up, you werent insulted even once in that topic. its all facts.)

oh and someone reminded me to say that you're one of the two people that ruined the server with the cop sided updates and completely nonsense updates. the second person could be seen in the first sentence of my topic, i mentioned him. once again, this isnt an insult, its a fact, playerbase count proves it. sorry.
youre a failure.



- you're the worst saes admin and probably the worst gm that ever existed and this isn't an insult,
no one likes the admins unless they are part of their organization
specially fuck daryl and kain
imagine making traps as admin lmao lets just fake report


I wonder what group managers are even trying to achieve with their restrictions. A game is supposed to be fun, not to be taken seriously. This server is pretty much cop vs robbers. Barely anyone wants to play as civilian so stop forcing it as it is the only way to be an "unique" group according to the criteria that I have seen so far.

Get rid of that "uniqueness" nonsense and help the groups that (1) have a big memberbase and (2) are fulfilling the groups role in the server actively out to get the material that helps them to have a consistent activity. The purpose should be entertainment, not stupid restrictions that have 0 positive impact on the gameplay and 0 vision behind it


@adistar said in a fan message for my favourite admin:

I wonder what group managers are even trying to achieve with their restrictions. A game is supposed to be fun, not to be taken seriously. This server is pretty much cop vs robbers. Barely anyone wants to play as civilian so stop forcing it as it is the only way to be an "unique" group according to the criteria that I have seen so far.

Get rid of that "uniqueness" nonsense and help the groups that (1) have a big memberbase and (2) are fulfilling the groups role in the server actively out to get the material that helps them to have a consistent activity. The purpose should be entertainment, not stupid restrictions that have 0 positive impact on the gameplay and 0 vision behind it

That's a good suggestion, we better buff cop side more and players won't notice !


I totally agree with chad @Cappo . Even though the server is dying gradually , those shit recent updates kill it even faster . Why the hell banks are robbable only 2 hours in a day when there are +10 gangs ? SR / VIP and even jail are dead . Please stop those dumb updates saying you're trying to balance the server and create a poll for the game community when you do something before you kill the game even more .

I know it's out of context somehow , but I thought it's best to mention this here .

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