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Section 1 - Basic Information

Full Name: Ademar Toledano
Date of Birth: 22\02\97
Home Address:Throns Mansion
Phone Number:+972548885565
Student ID: (will be added by the instructors)
Student Signature:A.T
Contact Information (Email Address):AdemarToledano@gmail.com

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department dosen't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? : Yes, of curse i do.
Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? : Yes i do.
Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes, i do.
Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? :Yes im understand, im actually waiting for that :)

Section 3 - Non-RP Information

Will you have enough time to learn at the evening (at the course)? yes.
What is your current nick name? : [AAFTW]Zombie
What is your server login nickname? gal102
Do you have any old nick names ingame, if so, write them:-
Are you a member of a gang or squad? : Yes, im a proud member of Arms Assassins.
if yes, how long are you a member of your current gang / squad and what is your rank? : Soon will be 5 years.
Are you a member of any group(s)? : Yes i am.
if yes, what are they and how long you are a member there:Cuban Cars (1.4.17) , Cunning Stuns (i really cant remember around 2-3 years), L.W.S(December 16),rTECH(1 year ++) ,SAM(4 Months), KTN(3Months),Taxi el Centrino(joined it first time 2 years ago but was inactive and came back to the group 2 months ago),
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why you received them:i had 1 ban for 1 hour for stole admin's little rhino

Section 4 - Detailed Profile

Do you think that you have any strengths? if so, what are they?: Yes, im actually have a very good driving skills, i very love to drive around and thats what also made me know all the map and all the shortcuts to any where in case of emergency.
Do you think that you have any weaknesses? if so, what are they? : i believe everyone have weaknesses and so am i, my weakness is that i have a short patience sometimes with specific things, but im working on it and i'm aware to that.
Why do you want to join the San Andreas Fire Academy? : Yes i do.
Why do you want to join the academy? : The reason i want to join to the San andreas fire academy is that i want to help the citizens of San andreas in any case of emergency, to help the city be a safer place. im also very like to rp and SAFD Role play seems to be interesting.
What specialisation would you like to learn within the academy? the specialisation i would like to learn in the academy is how to be a great fire fighter,and also i believe this academy will improve me with other things such as Team work and how to be a better person.

Section 5 - Medical Part

During the past 12 months, have you at any time experienced pain, discomfort or pressure in your chest? (YES/NO)No
During the past 12 months, have you experienced difficulty breathing or shortness of breath? (YES/NO) No
Are you now, or have you ever been, under a doctor's care for a heat or lung related condition? (YES/NO) : Yes
Have you ever been diagnosed with, or treated for, high blood pressure? (YES/NO) No
Do you have asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or elevated cholesterol? (YES/NO) No


Im sory im posting here like that. but in my application i made mistake with 1 question and i just saw that, the problem is that i cant edit my post so i will edit it here.

Why do you want to join the San Andreas Fire Academy? : i want to join the San Andreas Fire academy because i want to be able to help the citizens around sa to be safer, i want to learn how to become a good fire fighter man and i know the best place to do that its in the san andreas fire academy.

  • 3 weeks later...

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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team

5th October, 2018

Applicant, @Zombie

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.

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Kind regards,
SAFD Assistant Chief,

  • Laza

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