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The early age

Manizales, Colombia

The year was 1984. In small and peaceful city by the name of Manizales in central Colombia three teenagers were living their usual lives. Alvaro, Gustavo and Juan are the names worth remembering. The teens lived in families with a lot of members where they weren't getting enough attention. At first they weren't bothered by any of it since they had school and friends where they could enjoy their time. Playing sports, going out were their usual plans. Alvaro, Gustavo and Juan, all three have never been included in any form of criminal activites. Little did they know things would change drastically for them in the upcoming years. Living every day the same with no fun at their homes things became boring for them. They pushed themselves as much as they could to plan their future which would end up like every citizen of their city. Working half a day for minimum wage was one of their options. Thinking about that they weren't happy with how things would end up after their graduation.

Criminal beginnings

While still in school they started getting into stealing and reselling to earn their own money. They figured out that doing something that can get them in problems makes everything more exicting and gives them adrenaline rush. Being all free and young they didn't plan anything very well which ended up in them getting jail time at very young age. Few months they spent in jail gave them enough time to prepare more for their future plans which were much more paid than the ones in their young days. They've always aimed for high risk high reward jobs. Upon their releasement they were back at the starting point left with nothing but few bucks and their personal documents. As soon they could, they started talking about the master plan which would change their lives completely. The plan was staying in their home city which they know the best and getting into crime more seriously. First few months they spent inquiring and learning more about big and successful organizations. While looking at the way they operate they started getting more and more interested in creating their own organizations with soldiers who were ready to do everything and anything they get told to do. They knew they had huge way to go but decided not to give up. Working their way up from car jacking, stealing everything they could - robbing people on the street or breaking in houses they didn't choose. They would take everything they could get their hands on to resell for insane profit. Years of doing that, it seemed like a form of art to them which brought them to the next chapter of their lives.

Peak of Art

Alvaro, Gustavo and Juan were already having the best time of their lives with the skills they have learnt over years and crazy amounts of money they have earned. However they still haven't forgotten about their dream of making an organizations. They knew it was the best time for it. All they needed was a name to break through to the top and loyal members. The name they agreed on was No Love Entertainment which would suit them perfectly. The description of the name is based on their early age and reminds them of the poor lives they used to live without something everyone needs - love. They went on to recruit hundreds of members. Such increase in numbers required them to expand their activities which they decided to do. They introduced fuel smuggling, it was efficient business that helped them make milions of dollars by supplying some of the most known criminal and terrorist organizations for their operations. They recruited members that would be brains behind the organizations and help them in money laundering which would allow them to include illegaly acquired money in regular cash flows. They added extortion, human trafficking and cyber crimes to their organization to give them even more money on the side by threating and blackmailing rich people. They hired some of the most professional hackers to take care of cyber crimes. As years passed No Love Entertainment was getting bigger and they had even more money to continue their legacy.
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Primary jobs
Fuel smuggling - it is one out of two primary roles for the organization. Founderd looked at it as a thriving business and an easy way to make a fortune. Using some of the best technology and vehicles they are able to go anywhere with hundreds of barrels filled with fuel and oil which gives them an easy way to supply other criminal organizations with necessary materials.

Money laundering - is used by the organization to make large amounts of money which they have gotten by doing extortions, human trafficking and cyber crimes. By hiring few professionals that know everything about money they were able to launder money with easy steps. Smart placement, layering and integration.

Extortion - or what they call it, an easy way to obtain benefit through coercion. People targeted by extortion from side of organizations are mostly rich politicians. Organization has huge advantage when using methods of blackmailing and threating due to people getting lost and being easy to manipulate.

Human trafficking - during night times its the easiest way to pick your victim. No matter if its luring them into your enviroment or snatching people on the street. They do it all and reason behind doing it is for the purpose of forcing people into prostitution and any kind of sexual slavery.

Cyber crimes - anything that can be done for money by using computers and hacking is what the organization does. There are three categories within this division. Doing crimes against people is one of them, it massively helps organization when its about human trafficking, identity theft and such. Crimes against property and government include everything from DDOS attacks, hacking, virus transmission to accessing confidental information about government officials and cyber terrorism. This is all done by organizations most professional hackers.
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Name - No Love Entertainment
Motto - As long as there is crime, you can make your own dime!
Tag - NLE , during activities Rank.Name
Discord channel - click here!
Media archive - click here!
Color code - #4A092B
Founders - Timbo, Elektrik, Tokiits
HQ team - Timbo, Elektrik, Tokiits, Kockata
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The Don - person who is in charge of entire organization. He has absolute control of everything going on inside of it, he is the one controlling all members due to his ruthlessness and willingness to do anything needed to show his power. One of main people who brough organization's name on the top.

Underboss - second in command to the boss. He is the one that most likely knows incriminating information about the boss. In case of something happening to Don of organization Underboss is most likely to take the leadership of organization next.

Capo - members with this role are the ones leading soldiers and commanding them. Soldiers and associates report organization's success to Capo's who are subordinated by Don and Underboss.

Soldiers - being a soldier of criminal organization is first official rank in the hierarchy. Even though it's lowest official rank in organization is has still huge advantages towards associates of it. They are part of the crew working under a capo where their main responsibility is earning money and giving a portion of his profits up to his capo.

Associates - they are lowest ranked in a crew, also called unofficial members. Associates are wannabe gangster who have to carry out physical tasks. The associate must prove himself to the family to receive promotion and become official member of crew. They can be relied on to commit acts of intimidation, threats, violence and murder. Refusing orders from superiors can end up in them being killed.
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^[ The Don ]
^[ @xxtimboBG ]
^[ @Elet ]
^[ UnderBoss ]

^[ @tokiits ]

^[ Capo ]
^[ @Kockata ]
^[ @Nebraskian ]

^[ Soldiers ]
^[ @Blue ]
^[ @MaZen20 ]
^[ @Rainy ]
^[ @Stoner ]
^[ @Homeless ]
^[ @Kodigo ]
^[ @Leb ]
^[ @Raf0 ]
^[ @Silver420 ]
^[ @Deagle ]

^[ Associates ]
^[ @juanes12 ]
^[ @Liyones ]
^[ @nicus ]
^[ @VeX ]
^[ @Duff ]
^[ @Bostonking ]
^[ @Petrow ]
^[ @Herowig ]
^[ @Mr-Khaled ]
^[ @Kalin087 ]
^[ @juanes12 ]
^[ @Aveyro ]
^[ @killa ]
^[ @ottoy ]
^[ @Ram ]
^[ Members Count: 30 ]
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Account name:
In-game name:
Primary Language:
English proficiency:
Current Gang/Group(s):
How long have you been playing MTA/SAES:
Why do you wish to join us:
Why should we choose you:
Explain NLE role in your own words(Min 50 words):
Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain.
Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes who?
Additional information that you would like to add:



Account name:juanes12

In-game name:O|Juanes12


Primary Language: Spanish

English proficiency: 7/10

Current Gang/Group(s): Gang: The Outfit
Group: ALT

How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: 2 years

Why do you wish to join us:Because I like the role, besides that I have a lot of friends within this organization and I would love to spend more time with them

Why should we choose you: Because I'm good in role, I can be there whenever a partner needs it, be in meetings if they're done and help in any way I can

Explain NLE role in your own words: It is a very well-formed criminal group, where it carries out many activities such as extortion, human trafficking, etc ... all this is done in order to be the largest criminal group

Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. N/A

Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes Who? Yes, kodigo

Additional information that you would like to add:

  • 2 weeks later...

Account name: ottoy
In-game name: 215|ottoy
Age: 16
Primary Language: Bangla
English proficiency: 10/10
Current Gang/Group(s): None
How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: 7 months.
Why do you wish to join us: I have alot of friends in the organization and it seems to have a very bright future it would be a loss not being a part of it.
Why should we choose you: I am a teamplayer i always try to helpout others in game and in real life too never leave a man behind .
Explain NLE role in your own words: NLE is a criminal organization which specializes in Fuel smuggling, Money laundering,Extortion,Human trafficking,Cyber crimes. One of the most dangerous organization .
Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. Banned for Multi Accounting.
Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes who? Elektrik
Additional information that you would like to add: I have alot of interest in the organization after reading the topic.


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Account name: sayebelpropyakhra123
In-game name: [ThC]Aveyro^
Age: 14
Primary Language: Arabic
English proficiency: 5/10
Current Gang/Group(s):

  • The Company

  • SAFD / SAM / GXT / CS / SaS / TMH

How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: I've been playing MTA/SAES for 3 years.
Why do you wish to join us: As this group is still new, I thought about joining it to help with all that I can do to grow up with this group, moreover, as it has respectful players & skilled ones, I wanted to try to join to be one of them and learn some new things.
Why should we choose you: Well, I am a respectful player, active & friendly one, I always help my gang/group with all what I can offer such as activities/events...
Explain NLE role in your own words(Min 150 words): NLE's role is based on ''Fuel smuggling, money laundering, extorting, human trafficking & cybercrimes''
Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. N/A
Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes who? It was my idea.
Additional information that you would like to add: I hope I won't fail you. I appreciate your time to read my application.


Hello there! We at NLE want to thank you for your application. After discussion and voting phase which ended positive for you we have decided to proceed with your application. Congratulations! Please join our discord if you haven't done so yet and you will be assigned proper role! Click here!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Account name: Ram20
In-game name: Ram, X|Ram
Age: 19
Primary Language: English
English proficiency: 6/10
Current Gang/Group(s): Generation - X, Roof Top Koreans, San Andreas Medics.

How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: 1 year 6 months
Why do you wish to join us: I really like crime related groups and intrested in being part of it and helping it grow.

Why should we choose you: I could stay active most of my free time and help in activities.

Explain NLE role in your own words(Min 150 words): No Love Enterainment is an organization which has a primary job as fuel smuggling with using best vechicles which could fill more oil and money laundering is the other way the make more profits by human trafficking and cyber crimes, other than these they perform Extortion, Human trafficking and cyber crimes, such as identity theft, hacking uploading viruses an accessing highly confidential information about government.

Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. No.
Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes who? None
Additional information that you would like to add:


@ottoy @Ram We apologize for taking so much time with answering your applications, especially yours ottoy! First we want to thank you for your interest in joining us. We've spoke about you two on discord and kept an eye in game and I can say we're more than happy with your performance and behavior. Not to lenghten your answer we're happy to announce that both of you are accepted, congratulations! Please join our discord to receive your roles click here!


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  • 2 weeks later...

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Account name: ratatui
In-game name: Chapo
Age: 18
Primary Language: Spanish
English proficiency: 5/10
Current Gang/Group(s): gang: The Company
Group: GXT
How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: since 2016
Why do you wish to join us: Because I like his role, and also I would like to help in whatever way
Why should we choose you: I am an active member and eager to learn from different roles
Explain NLE role in your own words(Min 50 words): The main role of NLE is based on fuel smuggling, money laundering, extortion, human trafficking, cyber crime.
Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. For a problem that I did not explain to the admin, about multi account
Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes who? Aveyro
Additional information that you would like to add: I have alot of interest in the organization after reading the topic.

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