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~[Section 1 - Non-RP Information]~(maroon)

~[N]~(maroon)ickname: GamerZ
~[U]~(maroon)sername: GamerZ450
~[O]~(maroon)ld nickname/Other used names ingame: delta
~[A]~(maroon)ge: I am 13 Years Old
~[G]~(maroon)ender: Male
~[C]~(maroon,maroon)urrent G/S: Currently i am not in any Gang or Squad
~[P]~(maroon)revious G/S: Underground Empire (Kicked for Adminjail)
~[H]~(maroon)ow long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank?: N/A
~[C]~(maroon)urrent groups: I am not in any Groups
~[P]~(maroon)revous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): N/A
~[S]~(maroon)AES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: i got 2 Admin Jails (Defending Br from outside / Abusing Door protection)
~[T]~(maroon)ell us something about yourself: I am GamerZ (IRL: Elyes) i am 13 years Old i go to school 7th class and i am Playing Video Games in my Freetime
I am playing SAES since three Months But I know it since I was Seven Years old (6 Years)

~[Section 2 - Questions]~(maroon)

~[D]~(maroon)o you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes I am Understanding
~[W]~(maroon)hat is your goal within the Fire Department? As Firefighter i can chill and play and I dont have to follow someone or to be stressed.
~[A]~(maroon)re you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? I cant be daily Online only in weekends and sometimes at the week but if I am online I will be arrive as Firefighter

~[Section 3 - Detailed Profile]~(maroon)

~[W]~(maroon)hat are your strengths? My Strengths are Driving Arresting and Helping.
~[W]~(maroon)hat are your weaknesses? sometimes I have to log out instantly and it can be on a Patrol.
~[W]~(maroon)hy do you want to join the SAFD? SAFD is a Very nice Group and i have some Friends in it.
~[W]~(maroon)hat specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? To Play in a Team and to know all ways and positions to be Faster on a Position.

~[Applicant's signature: ]~(gray) GamerZ
~[Date:]~(gray) 2.2.2021

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~[P]~(maroon)articipants: @GamerZ450 @Aveyro
~[D]~(maroon)istrict: Around Full San Andreas
~[S]~(maroon)hift period: Like 45 Minutes
~[N]~(maroon)umber of vehicles: like 22
~[S]~(maroon)creenshots: (I didnt put all screenshots)

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~[P]~(maroon)articipants: @GamerZ450
~[D]~(maroon)istrict: Around Las Venturas and Red Country
~[S]~(maroon)hift period: Like 40 Minutes
~[N]~(maroon)umber of vehicles: like 20+
~[S]~(maroon)creenshots: (I didnt put all screenshots)


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Dear @GamerZ450,

I have gone through your application. I have noticed that it is too short and it looks quite rushed. Add some more detail to your application. In addition to that, the title for your application will be in the following format:

Fire Department Application - 'nick' - Date

Moreover, please join our SAFD Discord with the link below and request the applicant role for updates on our role-plays and activities:

Invite Code: https://discord.gg/33vFJ77

With Regards,
~[Deputy Fire Commissioner Afufu]~(red)


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~[P]~(maroon)articipants: @GamerZ450
~[D]~(maroon)istrict: Around full San Andreas
~[S]~(maroon)hift period: Like 40 Minutes
~[N]~(maroon)umber of vehicles: like 20+


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~[P]~(maroon)articipants: @GamerZ450 (no one was on)
~[D]~(maroon)istrict: Around full San Andreas
~[S]~(maroon)hift period: Like 1 Houre
~[N]~(maroon)umber of vehicles: like 20+


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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
31st January 2021

Dear applicant @GamerZ450 ,

Thank you for applying for the San Andreas Fire Department.

After discussing with the rest of the HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step.

Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days.

We wish you the best of luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
23rd February, 2021

Dear Applicant @GamerZ450 ,

Thanks for applying for the San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of the HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately, you have been ~[DENIED]~(red) at this time.
However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get a chance.

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