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TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 30-5-2019
Location:- LVX
Estimated Duration of Working:- 20 minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 23 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ofh8rK3


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Title: Be intelegent
Participants: @Urban @Amara @Bangas @zKill98
Story:A day I saw someone he wants to do a race but the winner takes 1mliliard in the newspaper but he is famous and he never lost a single race @zKill98 .
I call @zKill98 and I Talk to him we will Do The race at 6 pm with Cheetah and we need to let our cars on TMH base to fix the wheels ect...
I called @urban and I tell him i need a good quantity of weed at TMH base. when I got the weed i put it on his car.
Tomorrow its the race I was too proud to win the race and be rich, When @zKill98 comes we prepare our selves and we start the race he was getting the first place and running faster i called the Cops and i tells them there is a Car coming from SF Bridge, and thx god cops are camping there they start chasing him cause he runs too much btw its illegal race they give him a warning go to the right side on stop ur car with microphone but he still driving,Suddenly they start shooting him and they broke his car,@zKill98 was so afraid and the cops saw him they find a drug on his car they take him to the prison.I was completing the race laughing i won the race and i did photo i send it to the event hoster and i got 1 miliard i share it with @urban and @Amara @Bangas i gives them 10% for person.


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~[Type:]~(green) Race 1
~[Participants:]~(green) Radio, Petrow, Rivals
~[Location:]~(green) Tierra Robada
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/SW2emV5

~[Type:]~(green) Race 2
~[Participants:]~(green) Radio, Hotfire, Cocko
~[Location:]~(green) Red County
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/9biuAQr

~[Type:]~(green) Race 3
~[Participants:]~(green) Karim, Blade, Petrow
~[Location:]~(green) Bone County
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/lvKqzeA

~[Type:]~(green) Race 4
~[Participants:]~(green) Blade, Nubbob, Dexter
~[Location:]~(green) Los Santos
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/UMvjzPU

~[Type:]~(green) Race 5
~[Participants:]~(green) Nubbob, Jay, Petrow
~[Location:]~(green) Los Santos
~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/Dvyb4Q2


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Participants: @Rowdy35
Story: When i was tripping around of San Andreas,i noticed a man which his car was out of fuel and wheels exploded.I decided to help him.I picked up the fuel from the nearest gas station and put into his car.For the wheels i went to garage in Los Santos.After i took them i replaced the wheels with the old one.Everything went succesfully.But during repair exhausts has been exploded.That was awkward weird but i managed to bring the new exhausts and nitros from my garage.Everything went fully accomplishment.
Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/a/pqhta2d


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Participants: @Reus
Story: 01/06/2019. Mr Reus was riding to home after work and all of a sudden, he lost control of his vehicle while trying to check his messages on his phone. Luckily, Reus was found with minor injury but his car was wrecked, his engine needed replacement and some new exhausts. He quickly helped himself out of the car and phoned the mechanic closest to him. The mechanic got there and told him that the car will need some fixing up and if it was fine with him to take the car to the garage. He then towed the car to his towtruck and took it to the garage for fixing. The mechanic called an cab for Reus to go to the hospital and get himself checked while the car was being repaired. And this is why kids, you never text and drive!
Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/a/LL5GpFb


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Type: Raceflag
Participants: Energizer, Bartman, harb, Faysal, Buster
Location: LS-LV
Winner: Me





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Type: Raceflag
Participants: Energizer, Faysal, Readal
Location: LV
Winner: Faysal





Type: Raceflag
Participants: me,dexter,teller,other racers
Location: BC
Winner: Teller


Type: Raceflag
Participants: me,dexter,teller,other racers
Location: BC
Winner: chasin
Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/12qs08dhc/


Type: Raceflag
Participants: me,dexter,teller,simplyblamerampage,other racers
Location: LV
Winner: simplyblamerampage
Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/dLtZn4yc


Type: Raceflag
Participants: me,dexter,teller,simplyblamerampage,other racers
Location: SF
Winner: Me
Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3c3gi67gg/


Type: Raceflag
Participants: me,elegant,teller,chasin,other racers
Location: RC
Winner: Chasin
Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/o0olyr7k/


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~[Type:]~(green) Raceflag
~[Participants:]~(green) TaJ, Chemist, Winston and Josesito.
~[Location:]~(green) San Fierro.
~[Winner:]~(green) Chemist, 2nd - TaJ, 3rd - Winston.
~[Screenshots:]~(green) Click here!!

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