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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 92.

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Jump into the Hole (New Type!).

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Zombie.

~[D]~(green)ate: 27/10/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $300k to each winner (maximum 10 winners - 1 time winners can win once more).

~[W]~(green)inner(s): Pazzo, Shaphar, Barry, Griffin, Honer, Scorpyo x2, Paradox x2.

~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here for screenshots sir!

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-TMH Technicians Working on [27/10/2018]-
TMH Technicians Involved: Tech*.|Final|TMH
Location: Between LS-LV
Estimated Duration of Working: 7-8 minutes
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 5.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zmkNZTg

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Roleplay Number: 228
Participants in the RP: TMH*| @hoodie , OC|> @Tape.Adjuster
RP Scenario:
It was early in the morning, I was all alone. I had just parked on the corner of a road in Las Venturas to eat something, but suddenly I got a called from a man named Tape. He said his car was damaged and wanted me to come and have a look at it. I meet him outside LVPD, his car was a limo (Badly smashed up). Tape explained to me his driver threw the dummy over some kind of issue, he ended up bashing up the limo and running off. I towed Tape's limo to the blueberry garage, but 4am it was closed. Luckily when I checked out the car, it was mainly cosmetic damage and didn't take long to repair. I ran into the shop and grabbed some new doors, new hood, new bumper and a new trunk. He then paid me and was on his way. The total cost was $500.

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RolePlay Number: 229

@scorpyo said in San Andreas Medics: Official Media Archive:

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Roleplay #
Personal Roleplay #2
Participants: @TaJ @chemist
Description: I've been patrolling arround Las Venturas, when i recieved a call from a TMH member, saying that one of them was injured in a car accident while street racing, so I responded to the call as fast as possible with the warning sirens on. When i arrived to the location, I helped him install the oxygen mask , bandaged his wounds and loaded him in my ambulance, then drove straight away to Red County's hospital, the doctors took care of him there.
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~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: None.

~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [SAM]NRG ( @NRG ).

~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Ambulance's engine unit's quick fixing; $1000.

~[D]~(green)etails: A lovely little sunny afternoon. TMH Founder TaJ was at his property, the TMH HQ, in Bone County hill. This same moment he receives a call from somebody who introduced himself as TaJ's old customer. This person called himself "NRG" and wanted TaJ to know that he was a SAM Doctor now. He had a duty to operate the ambulance and with his heavy duty medical knowledge he was able to fix any sort of injured patients, but whenever once in a while his ambulance used to cause troubles, he could do nothing than just call a mechanic. By understanding the situation clearly, TaJ called him at TMH HQ with his daily driver, the Ambulance.



As expected, the clock just ticked 20 more minutes when the Doctor arrived with his lovely vehicle. The same vehicle which was now a part of his family. He then parked it where TaJ directed him and came out of it, walking towards TaJ. Upon a closer look TaJ remembered that it was his old customer who used to come for his services back when TMH wasn't such big-a-family but a small one. TaJ then greeted him and assured him to try to fix his problems for ever, but if that was not so possible, He would at-least teach the Doctor himself on some quick inspection techniques. They both then walked towards the car while talking about it. It was then known to TaJ that it was a 2005 model with maintainence hardly considered by the Medical Agency of SAM. They probably last were sent for maintainence in 2013.



TaJ then started working on the vehicle and assured the medic that it will be his best try to find out what the trouble is, and upon the check TaJ found out that it was the engine compartment showing troubles. It had started to rot now. TaJ then used some oil to grease some of it's important parts like the belt, some bolts, etc. TaJ then took a look at airfilter which, as NRG told, had just recently gotten changed. So upon TaJ's check too, it seemed work-able and hence wasn't changed or touched further. TaJ then cleaned out some dust from Engine compartment and also cleaned the Radiator with water.



During all this, the doctor had a close eye on TaJ and hence it seemed like he was grasping all the easily done-able techniques. TaJ then asked him to apply some oil on important joints himself which he did nicely enough. TaJ then assured him that if the problem's arise again or start worsening up, he should directly report to him. With this the Doctor was thankful to TaJ for his TMH Institute services and paid a discounted price of $700 along with $50 as a "friendly" tip. TaJ then greeted him and the doctor left the place for the BC Hospital.



Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

-Thanks SAM for participating.

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^[~[We're here to work. Good to work with you, DZs.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 230.

~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [DZTG]NRG ( @NRG ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ), TMH|Revonex|sHQ ( @Revonex ) & TMH|Brooks|TP ( @Brooks ).

~[R]~(green)P Scenario: A windy evening. TMH Leader TaJ was at TMH Los Santos Garage along with 2 other technicians, Revonex and the junior Brooks. Both of them had recently come from an vacation and so were fully freshened up. TaJ however controlled the services alone as explained earlier and hence today he decided to rest at the place. While TaJ was just going into garage's resting room, he heard a person coming their way blowing his car's horn continuously as in he was in some hurry or emergency. TaJ stayed there as an helping hand and greeted the person who had just parked the vehicle. Upon him starting to talk, TaJ got clear that this guy seemed some danger and hence TaJ controlled his tongue to not slip out unnecessary words and just keeping it professional and to the point. The person told that he was from a nearby "organization of social workers" DZTG and he had brought his lovely vehicle because it was recently met in some accident. It did not have some engine troubles but some damaged graphics, in-well paint and bodywork. TaJ then made the person assured that the vehicle will be fixed in quickest and most efficient way. The other technicians by now got on working on the vehicle and went inside out of the garage many times, finally they were both successful in fixing the vehicle to it's initial stage. The gangster seemed amused and with a little smile he praised TMH's technical services. After all the technicians thanked him, he asked for the amount to be charged and without any problem paid the amount along with a $5 bonus.


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RolePlay Number: 231

@scorpyo said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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Participants: @chemist
Description: It was almsot the end of the day for me, when a racer named Chemist came by. She wanted to make some modifications to increase his car's horsepower. I suggested to add a V8 and so i did. I got some parts of the old engine uninstalled and got installed the new engine. When i was done i tested the car and there was a significant horsepower increase. Afterwards the customer paid me and left happy from the garage.
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