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Role Play Number: 197

Participants in The RP: @Filex @KARIM
RP Scenario:Today was a busy day for the mechanics. It was the date where cars had to do technical check ups for their cars. Even The Motor Heads Blueberry garage had all kinds of customers for a technical check up. So the mechanics recieved a call by a anonymous caller to push every other customer to come later as soon as they finish with them. After a conversation on the phone the mechanics got convinced and made the place free for them to come. After a short introduction they were the Wild Angels , a gang somewhere around Bone County which came to check up their car. So one of our mechanics checked the engine and the oil filter.He saw the engine's work rate and the state of the breaks. Then he checked the wheels and their discs if they had any problem. Also to finish he checked the car in the computer to see if there was any other problem but it was fine. So they took the car and gave our mechanics 1000 dollars cash for what they have done.


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Role Play Number: 198.

Participants in The RP: TaJ and Riley from TMH, while Wolf1 as TMH Helper and Hope from WA ; Also to mention, Chemist joined in the middle as a BBMC.

RP Scenario: Riley, supervisor at TMH LV Race Station (the Ex Base) was looking over some work when there came Wolf1 who asked to help him around as he wanted to join the group soon, so he was making up his mind. Riley agreed upon this and they both started doing some work.



This moment I came to the place, to look over the working and check if everything's fine.. A leaders duty you know.



WA, which just settled in front of our Race Station with a new base, sent one of it's members for a talk. He was here to talk about buying our LV Race Station. According to him we were nothing in the world of Racing and we were just occupying a useful space for something useless. They actually wanted to grow size of their new base and that is why they tried to talk. This words of his indeed made me angry and I challenged him onto a Race. If WA would win the race, they can get the property for just $1,000,000.



And so we lined up against one another. Riley accompanied me while a friend of the Wild Angel, from BBMC, accompanied him. Wolf1 was the flag dropping guy.



Wolf1 soon dropped the Flag and both of us accelerated our respective vehicles to make em scream hard. At first, the WA's Infernus made a great margin but then soon I covered up. After a LV Wide Lap, the one crossing Wolf1 first, was TMH|TaJ|L. What we all TMH Members did next was Laugh hard at him.



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-Thanks everyone for participating.

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-TMH Technicians Working on 15/09/18-
TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|TaJ|L.
Location: New TMH LV Garage built by Denox @ LV X.
Estimated Duration of Working: 15 Minutes.
Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pIXQBu5

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@riley said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

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Roleplay With The Motor Heads (TMH)

Practicants: From TMH: @TaJ , From IAC: @Riley

Story: One day, RIley was in the IAC Office when the supervisor called him. It was a task, about testing a "new" weapon on Bone County's Shooting range. Riley was surprised, and excited about this job.. so he accepted it immediately. He grabbed the rifle from the laboratory, and began his route in the desert. After a time, he detected something.. something unusual. When he stopped, suddenly the tire popped out, and the car was undriveable. Riley called the most famous mechanical service, the TMH's Technical Service. In no time, they were on scene and Mechanic TaJ asked about the trouble. After a short discussion, the mechanic changed the tire. When Riley paid the service's price, he went on the Shooting Field.. and afterall he began his REAL task.

Screens :**https://imgur.com/a/JwBFPdq

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Role Play Number: 200

Participants in The RP: @FastYounq
RP Scenario: Today I got a call from a limo driver. He asked for urgent help since he should start his route to his customers in two hours. So i paid a visit to the driver
and he showed me the limousine. Everything looked fine outside but engine wasn't starting. I opened the hood and checked for any missing/malfunctioning side gears, however
each one of them was in good shape. Most probably problem was because of a signal error between key and immobilizer. I told the driver to try starting engine with another
key so he brought the second key. Just as we expected, connection got established and the limo was alive again. Driver was so happy that he offered me a free tour with
my friends anytime I want. It's nice to have people like these around!

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/YFUnQK6

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^[~['We respect you law, stay polite.']~(green,black)]

Role Play Number: 201.

Participants in The RP: TaJ from TMH, Tapi as a freelance mechanic and the challenger while Scorpyo and Leito as Police Officers.

RP Scenario: A sunny mid-week morning. TaJ, the group Leader, was at Race station looking over some paper-works. This moment came "Tapi", a new mechanic in the town. He looked at TaJ's prestigious ride and mocked it at first. As per him "I could modify a vehicle to beat this shit when I was even in college". Who came in search of a job at TMH, then ended up challenging the leader to show him down.



Surely TaJ accepted it and they lined up near LV Cross road, which at time, was supposed to be a lot clear and free. The race began, sometimes Tapi and other times TaJ were claiming the lead side by side.



That moment they heard Police Dodge siren. When they both saw in their rear-view mirrors, they could see a Sherrif along with a SAPA Cadet heading their way. The cops, as the racers predicted, started pulling them over and they both pulled over respecting the law.



The head Sherrif got in a talk with TaJ while the junior cadet got in a investigation with the competitor. The Officer checked TaJ's car and himself thoroughly, upon finding no evidences of them being indulged in anything illegal, the officers let them go on a little fine amount of $350. TaJ paid the amount himself because he did not want the jobless-yet-egoistic mechanic to get in a financial trouble.



After payment, the police officers let both the racers leave the area. TaJ did not even look at the competitor for once and just began.



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-Thanks everyone for participating.

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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 61

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Destruction Derby (Lamborghini Style).

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Brondy.

~[D]~(green)ate: 19/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): Wolf1.


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^[~['TMH AND RTECH... WE'RE FRIENDS; RIGHT MATE?']~(green,black)]

Role Play Number: 202.

Participants in The RP: TaJ from TMH ; @Glayd from rTech.

RP Scenario: A cloudy evening. Winds were blowing, TaJ was at Race Station as usual from past few days, looking over the group's governmental paper works before the Presidential Elections for the year. This same moment came Glayd, TaJ's old friend who was now working under rTech. rTech, which is widely known for doing stuff just like TMH, had no bitter place for TaJ. We do not consider our competitors as competitors, we consider them as our friends.



And So Glayd told that altough he had a new Boss and team to work with now, but he still wished to have his old true friend TaJ's advice over his bike choice. He had this much trust becuase TaJ did not even say anything negative when Glayd showed a wish to become a rTech Engineer. So TaJ looked at his bike which was parked just asides to TaJ's own bike, the Modified NRG-500, 2017 Edition.



TaJ told Glayd that now a days the built quality isn't that superb, and also as TaJ's bike is modified by TMH Expert Technicians, it was superior without a doubt. Glayd felt that TaJ was lying and was just showing off, and hence he challenged his old friend to a 1 on 1 race around Las Ventures.



TaJ, for whom it was like a hobby now, agreed to this and they lined up. When they began racing, some times Glayd took the lead while other times TaJ did. It was a crunch competition. A neck to neck competition would be a better word to explain it. But at last TaJ's claims did come true and hence TaJ won it just about the Checkered flag place.



Glayd then came to TaJ after race and thanked him for his time and being so truthful. Glayd asked TaJ about all the modifications as he would get them installed by rTech Mechanics. TaJ did not hesitate and named them all. Glayd then wished TaJ luck with his group and went back to rTech HQ with a smile and positive news that his bike would finally be a killer machine, very soon.



Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

-Thanks Glayd for participating.

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^[~['WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL, MR. FEDERAL .']~(green,black)]

Role Play Number: 202.

Participants in The RP: TaJ from TMH, @Tapi as the friendly competitor ; @Bean as SAFP Officer.

RP Scenario: A Morning to remember. TaJ, TMH Leader, received a call from a old friend "Tapi" when he woke up in the morning. Tapi was happy to announce that he had been working as a Mechanic in Cuba since many days now. He had just come back home and bought a Banshee that he himself modified to be a killer. TaJ was very happy to listen this and hence TaJ asked him to meet up at TMH HQ. When they met there, Tapi saw TaJ's car and got a bit jealous. He challenged him for a drag race. TaJ surely accepted it and they headed to Bone Country Abandoned Airport's Run-way.



Altough neither of the talented racers noticed, but that Airport wasn't actually "Abandoned" and hence it was still serving to flights on it's route. Therefore, when the air control noticed a unusual activity on the runway, they sent a SAFP Officer for investigation. The Officer first stood quite far from the situation and used his Camera to spy on what is actually been happening at the runway. During all this time, both of drivers were just having few practice laps.



When they began setting up for a full fledged race, the officer already determined that and was ready for the situation to arise. When they both began throttling their babys, The officer stopped them half way down. Tapi was quite scared, also because of his Cuban identity, but TaJ did not get scared and got out of his car to have a chat with the young officer Bean.



Officer Bean started with a rough tone, stating that how they were doing something "Illegal". TaJ told that they were really not aware that the runway was still in operation on the day, and the flights don't "usually" take off from there as far as he knew. The talk went for a bit long. TaJ had to get some ID and TMH's approval proofs from his vehicle which he showed Bean without a further ado.



After being fully satisfied, Bean let them go with a shake hand with a final warning, because he also realized that there was not much activity on the air field and hence normal racers of any sort would just want to take an advantage of the long runway. TaJ and Tapi waved at him and Tapi thanked god that Bean did not investigate about him a lot due to TaJ's confidence, otherwise his Cuban identity 'might' have caused some problem. Anyways, it's all good if it ends good.



Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

-Thanks Everyone for participating.

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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 64.

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Knock Me and Zombie from NRG-500 (3 Rounds).

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Zombie.

~[D]~(green)ate: 21/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): 3 Rounds for $500,000 each.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): 1st > RataDaTaTay52 ; 2nd > Destor ; 3rd > Diablo.


Special thanks to @Zombie for helping in hosting and Sponsoring almost whole event, massive thanks!

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Role Play Number: 203

Participants in The RP: @TaJ @chemist

RP Scenario: I was waiting in my little mech cabin. Police officer Mark Calaway called me and i got hes car to my cabin. Hes car wasn't working properly. First of all i checked its tires. They was all good. When he open cars hood a big smoke came out of the car. I examine the engine. Engine was all nice. I put my hand deeper and grab the engine pipe. There were 3 holes on the pipe. I went to the back of the scrap car and took 3 metal plates. I patched the holes and said him to be careful.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/TAXaujA

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Role Play Number: 204

Participants in The RP: @DarkSideR

RP Scenario: An MC member called me, the club house said they bought several old model harley davidson engines in front of said that these biker engines should be maintained I asked him what kind of care he was talking about and he wanted to explain. He said engines need lubrication, freeway lights need maintenance I've uploaded the supplies to my car and went to the club house he is described to me. I wanted them to show freeways to be affected I immediately took care of all the freeways shown as the materials needed. After I finished all the maintenance and repair work, I talked a little bit about the necessary information, after all the work I got my fee and returned to the repair station.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/JYLdAtE

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