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Fire Departament Application - BOB - 20/10/2020


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Section 1 - Non-RP Information
Nickname: BOB
Username: rabyewiw
Old nickname/Other used names ingame: rabyewiw
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Current G/S: The company
Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): Clandestine Mob, the gang closed
How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? I have been in The Company for almost a month and I am an associate
Current groups: WFS , Roof Koreans
Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):N/A
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: Yes , From Months ago about Breaking rule 4
Tell us something about yourself: My name is Wassim. I am 16 years old and I am from Tunisia. In my free time, I like to play video games.

Section 2 - Questions
Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? : Yes, I am ready to learn
What is your goal within the Fire Department?: i want to show all my medic skills
Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly?: Of course I do, i will be active all the Night

Section 3 - Detailed Profile
What are your strengths?: I want to do good and creative roleplays in the future, and I am active ingame
What are your weaknesses?: i think i don't really have .
Why do you want to join the SAFD?: I am interested to work with such an experienced Fire Department
What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? : Medic Divison

Applicant's signature: rabyewiw
Date: 20/10/2020

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Dear Mr. @rabyewiw

Thank you for your application to the SAFD. We highly appreciate your interest in such a risky and dangerous job.

Please join the SAFD Discord channel and request the Applicant role - this way you can keep informed about ride-along schedules and role-play scenarios hosted by the department.

Invite Code: https://discord.gg/33vFJ77

With Regards,

~[SAFD Supervisor]~(red,red)

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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
22nd October, 2020

Dear applicant, @rabyewiw

Thanks for applying for the San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of the HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step.
Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. You can also ask for a test in 3 days.

We wish you the best of luck!

^[alt text]

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