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  • Section A: Personal Information:

Nickname: Lou

Account name: ArdaToy1

Age: 14

Country of residence Turkey

Primary Language: Turkish

Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: 5-6 Years

Current S/G/C and rank: MIT Captain

Other RP groups you're in: ALT TMH WFS

Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): N/A

Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: N/A

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  • Section B: General Questionnaire:

Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words)

SAM is a healthcare group. Its main purpose is to keep people alive. Taking place in every field you can think of, SAM is quite comprehensive in terms of RP. SAM works in areas such as air, land and sea and tries to save people.

What is the SAM motto?

Always there when you need us most

Who founded SAM?


Who is the current leader and vice leader?

L= JohnnyEnglish VL= Griffin

For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?:
8 Months

Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn:

It is forbidden to enter the jail as a paramedic

Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic:

Entering Store Robbery is prohibited. It is forbidden to heal criminals or police within the SR.

Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?:


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  • Section C : Aptitudes:

1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior?

I don't say anything. I take into account what you say and try to improve myself.

2. Why exactly are you applying today?

I thought today is appropriate to apply.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths, patience, active, I am very active in the Forum, I participate in Roleplay and various activities.

My weaknesses are: speaking

4. Why should we accept you to our team?

I think I am active in the game. I am very involved in the activities. and I'm not a very quarrelsome person. I won't embarrass you for being at SAM

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Roleplay # 1
Participants: @NRG-aka-Caligula @nCovv @ahmet1907
Description: Rescuing and treating a drowning person in the sea.

Story: In San Fiero the seas have become very dangerous lately. It was known that the sea was very choppy and its current was too much. A citizen who illegally entered a beach, which is normally forbidden for people to enter in the morning hours, started to drown by being caught in the current. Hearing the screams, a biker slowly approached the shore. He shouted and said he would call for help. He immediately called 911 and said that a person had begun to drown in an area far from the beach but was unable to rescue due to the high current. Thereupon, we quickly went to the rescue by ship. When we arrived at the scene, the patient could not move at all. We took the Serice patient out of the sea and started to go to the shore. We lost a lot of time because of the waves. When we finally reached the shore, we immediately lay it on a stretcher and took it to the ambulance. Then we went to the hospital serice. We entered the operating room in the hospital. The patient had lost his consciousness. With a few applications, we brought the patient back to life. The patient was in a coma for about 3 days. He was prepared to be discharged in a week.


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Greetings, Mr. @Lou-2

The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that you have been ~[accepted]~(green) to join our team. Your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements required in order to be one of us. Without further ado, I welcome you in!
We hope to see much more of you as a member of the group, don't let us down! Find any HQ ingame for next step.
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San Andreas Medics Head of Sea Divison NRG

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