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Application Form
Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera
Nickname: JudeObiasca
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Location: Philippines , Cebu city
Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs): Hello Im Jude i live in Philippines and i born in the Philippines , my mom is australian my dad is Pinoy , i can speak a little bit of Italian because my mom Teach me and i love my all Family and i like playing computer games such as , cs;go , minecraft , mta;sa , gtav , gtaiv , gtasa and more..... i like to Studying because when i grow up i like to be Scientist.
How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? since 2015-2016 but i stop playing then i came back just like 1month ago and i created new account because i forgot my account since
Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? Adminjailed - Deathmatching a car when i was new player
Please list your current group memberships on the server: Age of Judgment , Cluckin' Bell , AutoLand , The forgotten , Kool Time News
What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)? at my strengts im not saying im all good at it , Killing / Shooting / Driving / Teamworking / Roleplaying / Parachuting

What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)? My weaknesses are Cracking safes from BR
Do you have access to TS3 or Discord? Yes i do
How many hours do you play on average daily? kinda 7-12hours
How often do you visit the forums? Everyday and Everyminutes
Roleplay (out of 10): 8/10
English (out of 10): 8/10
Driving (out of 10): 8/10
Answer the following questions
Why do you want to join Lucksn Company? Because i like eating foods ! and also i like cooking , baking ! , actually im at group called " Cluckin' Bell "
Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who? No one
Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes i do
In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is actinging like in Real life or experiencing like in real life , like in Movies it's RolePlay
In your own words, define DM: DM is killing or attacking or damaging a player without a reasons
In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is doing like delivering with you team . Help him in any situations..


Application Form
Real Name:jihad
Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs):My name is jihad i live in algeria im 19 years old,I like playing Football with my friends also i lik playing Online games like CS:GP PUBG: and such of games.
How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for?Since 2011
Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?Banned,Some Problems but it's solved.
Please list your current group memberships on the server:Age_Of_Judjment,PoS.
What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)?Im good with Shooting,Sniping,Driving,Flying,Driving Boats,Planing
,Also Teamworking and Roleplaying.
What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)?Well,I gots some lags o n my PC but im trying to fix the problem soon,Some problems on the Internet.
Do you have access to TS3 or Discord?I have Discord.
How many hours do you play on average daily?Maybe 4-5- Hours per day.
How often do you visit the forums?6-7 Times per day
Roleplay (out of 10):7/10
English (out of 10):7/10
Driving (out of 10):7.5/10
Answer the following questions
Why do you want to join Lucksn Company?Because i like to provide food production,Also i like acting like a pizza boy or something like someone whoelse selling foods ..etc
Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who?No.
Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?Ofcourse Yes.
In your own words, define roleplay:Acting like in reallife
In your own words, define DM:Killing someone without reason.
In your own words, define teamwork:Helping your team as possible u can and whatever he want.


@xJuDe and @McJoni I'm glad to announce that you both passed the application stage so basically ~[Accepted]~(lime) . Welcome to Lucks'n Company


Application Form
Real Name: Rand
Nickname: MonkaS
Gender: Male
Location: Sweden
Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs): I am a 17-year-old Swedish gamer. I like to spend my free time playing SAES: RPG and League of Legends. At the moment I am training parkour, I've trained parkour 2 months now.
How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? I started playing 3 years ago, but I took a break and I'm back now.
Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No
Please list your current group memberships on the server: None atm.
What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)? I feel that I have many strengths, such as driving, roleplaying, shooting and drifting.
What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)? Well, In my opinion, the only weakness I have is that I am not very good at driving boats.
Do you have access to TS3 or Discord? Discord
How many hours do you play on average daily? 5-9 hours daily.
How often do you visit the forums? Everyday 5-7 hours.
Roleplay (out of 10):8.2
English (out of 10):7-8
Driving (out of 10):8
Answer the following questions
Why do you want to join Lucks's Company? Well, I love the group role and I personally think that it would be very fun being in this group with all the other members that are in this group. I think that I will be very helpful to the team with my skills such as my communication and teamworking.
Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who? No
Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes.
In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is when you are acting as it is real life.
In your own words, define DM: DM is damaging, attacking or killing players for no reason and/or at random and that is not allowed.
In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is when you are in a team that you're in a team and that you work as a team instead of working alone.


@MonkaS Overall application could've been better but we can improve together ~[accepted!]~(green) Don't forget to join our discord https://discordapp.com/invite/mjuYhZN

  • 2 weeks later...

Application Form
Real Name: Igor
Nickname: Star or SuperStar
Age: 18
Gender: male
Location: Russia
Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs): Hi ! I'm Igor from Russia. I work in a company which manufactures furniture. We do non-standard sized furniture. My mission is to assemble and disassemble the furniture.
On my spare time I have a lot of activities to do, such as workouts and all sort of sport activities. Also, I like spending some time playing saes.
How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? Since Jan, 2013
Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? I was accused of money bug abuse back in 2014, but was acknowledged innocent after further investigation.
Please list your current group memberships on the server: LWS, SAPA
What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)? As for game, I'm really communicative and always ready to give support as well as in real life. Also, I have got good driving skills, though, it comes harder to me to drive in game than in real life. Moreover, I like everything about roleplaying.
What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)? These are shooting for sure. As for my weaknesses from the side of person, I think I am a little bit soft in some situations.
Do you have access to TS3 or Discord? Yes, Discord.
How many hours do you play on average daily? 1-2 hours
How often do you visit the forums? Daily
Roleplay (out of 10): 7
English (out of 10): 6
Driving (out of 10): 8
Answer the following questions
Why do you want to join Lucksn Company? I want to join, because I would love to contribute at food manufacturing and consequently the supply of food market/shops all over San Andreas. The food is source of life, after all.
Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who? No, I have encountered at this topic, read it and figured it was fabulous idea to come up with such an enterprise, because citizens all over SA needs more organic food.
Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes, I am aware of all the server rules.
In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is acting like in real life. Literally, let's suppose I'm the deliveryman in the Lucks'n Company. I drive a small box truck all over SA to supply shops or some of the citizens in a personal order. In that case I have to adhere to the rules, such as not to exceed speed, look at traffic lights and the pedestrians who might cross the road. Also, I have to use anims such as gtalk while having a conversation with customers.
In your own words, define DM: Killing another players with no reason.
In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is working in a team. For example, giving your co-workers some kind of support if required. Moreover, from the side of roleplaying, it might be going/arranging different roleplays.


Thanks creating application for the Lucks'n Company @Star
Decent application you made, therefore your application is ~[accepted]~(lime).

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