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Section 1 - Non-RP Information

Nickname: Maksim

Username: cnegovik

Old nickname/Other used names ingame: for a long period I wore the nickname cnegovik and all the time Maksim :/

Age: 16 (10/09/2003)

Gender: Male

Current G/S: click on the spoiler to find out


  • ~[The Company]~(ABABAB)


Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):

  • ~[Organization Zero]~(82AB3C) - I left for my own reason, if I need to say it, I will say it, but not very soon

How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? In Z I promoted up 1 rank and as I said above I left. And also in ThC I am currently ranked 0 but I hope I will be soon 1)

Current groups:

  • ~[Cunning Stunts]~(ffb266)

  • ~[Global Express Trucking]~(DC3005)

Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): N/a

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: This month I did not receive any adminjail, but on July 3, I received one because I accidentally did a mistake, but I do not consider it serious

Tell us something about yourself: my name is Maxim I am 16 years old soon or rather September 10 I will be 17 years old I live in Moscow I play games I play only MTA and many other games but Im too lazy to talk about them and I also love my animals more precisely than my cat and I want go to work for a veterinarian because I love animals very much and I like to treat them somehow, that's all that if I remember something I will add! I also like the work of a firefighter and a trucker :D

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Of course, I agree for a couple of lessons on firefighting, I must understand them and remember them forever so that I can use them where necessary.

What is your goal within the Fire Department? My goal is to learn how to put out fires and the like more correctly, as well as find more friends and communicate with them, as I really like to communicate with everyone:3

Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? of course I am ready to be active and post about 2 assets per day to the media archive in one day and maybe even more

Section 3 - Detailed Profile

What are your strengths? I can answer fire calls very quickly. and I also manage all types of cars very well.This list also includes a fireman's car

What are your weaknesses?:For my view I don't see any weakness on me, but the others have a better view for sure

Why do you want to join the SAFD? I really like the fire department and many friends recommended me to get there, and after a while I decided to write an application here I hope everything will be fine everything will turn out so I hope so ^

What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? i would like to learn the RP as a Firefighter, i also want to join an another group idea and a good one

Applicant's signature: alt text
Date: 17/08/2020


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~[My activity #1!!!]~
Participants: @Bodo420 And @Maksim
District: Most of districts
Shift period:afternoon Shift (17/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 9


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~[My activity #2!!!]~
Participants: @Maksim
District: Most of districts
Shift period:Morning Shift (18/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 12


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~[My activity #3!!!]~
Participants: @Maksim
District: Most of districts
Shift period:Morning Shift (18/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 9


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~[My activity #4!!!]~
Participants: @Maksim and @Niklaus
District: Most of districts
Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 14


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~[My activity #5!!!]~
Participants: @Maksim and @Niklaus
District: Most of districts
Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 8


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~[My activity #6!!!]~
Participants: @Maksim
District: SF (Near hospital and turf long zone)
Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 5


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Dear @Maksim
Thank you for your application, we greatly appreciate your interest in being part of the San Andreas Fire Department. Please continue to post your activity and shifts with the current SAFD Firefighters and we will process your application when possible. Keep up the good work.


~[James Aran]~(#590d0d)
~[Fire Lieutenant]~(#590d0d)


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Date of Roleplay : 21.08.2020
Characters :
Firefighter: @Maksim
Member of the MIT: @Dalb
Storyline : I was patrolling the town of Los Santos, I noticed a car exploded on the road, probably because of the Los Santos gangs. After inspecting the car for explosives, I called the fire department. The firefighter extinguished the fire and helped remove the burnt out car from the road.


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Participants: @Maksim , @The-Best1 @Witti and @Rocker
District: All Districts.
Shift period: morning shift
Number of vehicles: 3 Vehicles.


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Date of Roleplay : 24.08.2020
Characters :
Firefighter: @Maksim (SAFD applicant)
Member of the MIT: @Dalb
Storyline : Once a month, each police squad is required to go through a base check with a fire inspector. As the month is coming to an end, I was given an assignment from the squad leader, I had to go to the fire department to talk to the inspector. I went to the fire department and found a fire inspector there. He got into his company car and we drove to the base. The inspector began to check the presence of a fire extinguisher, the distance between the cars, measured the base doors. He made some remarks that are easy to correct. After that we drove back to the fire department to give me permission to use the base.


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Dear Mr. @Maksim

Please join the SAFD Discord channel and request the Applicant role - this way you can keep informed about ride-along schedules and role-play scenarios hosted by the department.

Invite Code https://discord.gg/33vFJ77

James "Aurora" Aran
~[Fire Lieutenant]~(maroon)

  • 4 weeks later...

San Andreas Fire Department
Division of Human Resources
14th September, 2020

Dear applicant, @Maksim

We apologize for the long wait in providing a response to your application, multiple IRL issues have caused a slow in production.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a San Andreas Firefighter. After discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. You can also ask for a test in 3 days.

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We recommend you study the following;

Radio Codes and Operations that is in RED lettering.
SAFD Protocols
Roleplay knowledge/use, mainly with /me and /do commands
Firefighting/Medical Equipment and Gear
Most located here; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17508/san-andreas-fire-department/2

*We wish you best of luck!

Best regards;*

Supervisor Aurora

San Andreas Fire Department


San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team

4th September, 2020

Applicant, @maksim

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.

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Fire Commissioner,

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